Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Carlson, 38 in the 101st Legislature
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR474 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine aquifer depletions in the State of Nebraska | |
LR473 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine the correlative rights doctrine relating to the use of ground water and clarify a definition for Nebraska statutes | |
LR448 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine funding alternatives to continue the Water Resources Cash Fund | |
LR447 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine issues relating to modern agricultural practices and food distribution systems | |
LR446 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine options for a long-term management framework for vegetation within streambeds and immediate riparian areas | |
LR445 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine the capabilities and resources available to the Dept. of Agriculture to meet the response protocols of state and federal livestock disease eradication programs | |
LR444 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine how the law of division fences and the law of trespass affect the ability of landowners to carry out necessary management of trees and other vegetation | |
LR368 | Sen Carlson | Congratulate the Sandy Creek High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2010 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR144 | Sen Carlson | Interim study to examine the Commission of Industrial Relations and the statutory requirements for comparable wages and conditions of employment for municipal employees | |
LR35 | Sen Carlson | Congratulate Brewster Field in Holdrege, Nebraska, for receiving the 2008 Nebraska Airport of the Year Award | |
LB1075 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Alcoholic Liquor Liability Act |
LB1057 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Create the Republican River Basin Water Sustainability Task Force |
LB1056 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for measurement of aquifer depletion and limitations on irrigation as prescribed |
LB1055 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change provisions relating to extended unemployment benefits |
LB1054 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the correlative rights doctrine relating to the use of ground water as prescribed |
LB993 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change permissible uses of the Water Resources Cash Fund |
LB963 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act provisions governing disability compensation after retirement |
LB910A | Sen Carlson | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB910 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act |
LB909 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to division fences |
LB785 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception to required approval for certain water transfers |
LB581 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change disposition of funds from Pesticide Act fees and weed book sales |
LB477 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change provisions relating to water transfer permits |
LB389 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change membership provisions for the Climate Assessment Response Committee |
LB224 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change Nebraska State Fair and Nebraska State Fair Board provisions |
LB108 | Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt certain all-terrain vehicles from identification inspection requirements |
LB101 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Eliminate the Farm Mediation Act termination date |
LB100 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change Pesticide Act provisions |
LB99 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Adopt the Anthrax Control Act |
LB98A | Sen Carlson | Passed | Appropriations Bill |
LB98 | Sen Carlson | Passed | Change noxious weed grant programs and the Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force |
LB7 (1st Special) |
Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change agricultural pesticide registration and renewal fees |
LB6 (1st Special) |
Sen Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change inspection provisions of the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act |