Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Avery, 28 in the 103rd Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR581 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee |
LR524 | Sen Avery | Extend sympathy to the family of Russell Inbody | |
LR462 | Sen Avery | Congratulate Wesley Dawkins for winning the 2014 Class A state wrestling championship in the 106-pound division | |
LR425 | Sen Avery | Congratulate Southview Christian Church and Boy Scout Troop 16 of Lincoln on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Troop 16 | |
LR405 | Sen Avery | Congratulate Matthew Michael Sievert for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR391 | Sen Avery | Recognize September 2014 as Pediatric Cancer Awareness in Nebraska | |
LR206 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine the school breakfast program |
LR205 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine the mission and financing options as authorized by current law of the Game and Parks Commission |
LR202 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine the issue of election day registration |
LR194 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee |
LR193 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine the role of political parties in the election process |
LR192 | Sen Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine conducting elections by mail |
LR110 | Sen Avery | Congratulate Meredith Wekesser on her exceptional personal achievements | |
LR72 | Sen Avery | Congratulate D.J. Castillo on his exceptional personal achievements | |
LR38 | Sen Avery | Referral | Endorse Taiwan's participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization as an observer and support efforts to grant Taiwan official observer status at the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change |
LR23 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Memorialize Congress to support a constitutional amendment responding to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission |
LB1005 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Surface Water and Ground Water Review Board and provide powers and duties |
LB1004 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize additional sources of funding for the Commission on Indian Affairs Cash Fund |
LB932 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Restrict public employer requests for criminal history information from an applicant |
LB835 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Extend a pilot project relating to college entrance exams |
LB834 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to funding for school breakfast programs |
LB814A | Sen Avery | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB814 | Sen Avery | Passed | Redefine all-terrain vehicle, utility-type vehicle, and sales price, change sales and use tax provisions relating to ATV's and UTV's, and change duties of sellers in the distribution of sales tax revenue to provide funding to the Game and Parks Commission |
LB806 | Sen Avery | Passed | Change provisions of the MiIitary Code relating to Military Department personnel |
LB805 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change application requirements to Nebraska veterans homes |
LB804 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate procedures for filling vacancies and removal of certain gubernatorial appointees |
LB748 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault |
LB747 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide electioneering communication reporting requirements and restrictions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB746 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change election provisions to authorize provisional ballots and require identification for certain voters |
LB745 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change various provisions relating to administrative governmental functions |
LB744A | Sen Avery | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB744 | Sen Avery | Passed | Establish the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission |
LB704 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Fund |
LB703 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Nebraska Optometry Education Assistance Contract Program |
LB534 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Legislative Performance Audit Section |
LB533 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Require oil and gas pipeline eminent domain condemnors to provide notice to property owners |
LB467 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for interstate reciprocity agreements under the Postsecondary Institution Act |
LB466 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine a term under the Postsecondary Institution Act |
LB450 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change political party convention and caucus provisions |
LB449 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine high elective office for restrictions on multiple office holding |
LB448 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit contributions by lobbyists to candidates or members of the Legislature during legislative session |
LB447 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for sales tax on soft drinks, change the distribution of sales tax proceeds, and provide funding for projects to help children |
LB446 | Sen Avery | Passed | Define salvage to include flood damage under the Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title Act |
LB365 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Require instruction in certain emergency procedures as a prerequisite to high school graduation |
LB364 | Sen Avery | Passed | Permit cities of the metropolitan, primary, and first class to set limits on contracts which affect public officials or employees |
LB363A | Sen Avery | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB363 | Sen Avery | Passed | Change provisions relating to access to public records |
LB362A | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB362 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change state park entry permit provisions and provide for a motor vehicle registration fee |
LB220 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change children's eligibility provisions relating to the Medical Assistance Act |
LB219 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change petition requirements for general election ballot |
LB218 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Require insurance coverage for certain food formulas as prescribed |
LB217 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change constitutional officers' salaries |
LB182 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault |
LB181 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit motorcycle passengers less than eight years old |
LB137 | Sen Avery | Passed | Establish state fleet card programs |
LB136 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for the distribution of administrative fines and costs and forfeited property |
LB135 | Sen Avery | Passed | Prohibit employment of a member of a community college boards of governors by the community college area he or she serves |
LB134 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for inheritance by issue conceived after death |
LB79A | Sen Avery | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB79 | Sen Avery | Passed | Change political accountability and disclosure provisions and repeal campaign finance laws |
LB78 | Sen Avery | Passed | Eliminate an authority, a board, and certain committees and commissions |
LB77 | Sen Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Iran Divestment Act |