Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Adams, 24 in the 103rd Legislature

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB180 Sen Adams Passed Provide for the waiver of education-related fees for dependents of veterans
LR614 Sen Adams Posthumously honor and recognize Alvin Saunders Johnson for his induction into the Nebraska Hall of Fame
LR536 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine the process of creating legislative task forces, committees, and commissions
LR445 Sen Adams Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR60 Sen Adams Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
LB254 Sen Adams Passed Eliminate a termination date for insurance coverage for anticancer medication and provide insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder and funding for amino acid-based elemental formulas
LB253 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Correct references in school statutes
LB252 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Correct and change subdivision references and references to governmental entities related to postsecondary education
LR29CA Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change provisions relating to redevelopment projects
LB438 Sen Adams Passed Change the accountability system for schools and school districts under the Quality Education Accountability Act
LB211 Sen Adams Passed Change and eliminate provisions relating to statewide coordination of community college boards
LB438A Sen Adams Passed Appropriation Bill
LB211A Sen Adams Passed Appropriation Bill