Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Pahls, 31 in the 101st Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB13 (1st Special) |
Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Impose a sales tax on certain transactions in 2010 |
LB27 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change the Medical Assistance Act and the Autism Treatment Program Act |
LB27A | Sen Pahls | Passed | Appropriations Bill |
LB28 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Authorize the issuance of undercover license plates and driver's licenses to federal law enforcement agencies |
LB29 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change branch office management requirements under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB30 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB31 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change Public Accountancy Act provisions |
LB32 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to unauthorized use of the word bank |
LB87 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to the effects of errors and omissions in financing statements |
LB88 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to unauthorized use of the word bank |
LB152 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change a provision relating to uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages |
LB161 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Business Provided Sales Tax Holiday Act |
LB192 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change insurance provisions |
LB240 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Require a minimum level of expenditures for direct classroom instruction |
LB241 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act and adopt the Dog and Cat Purchase Protection Act |
LB327 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change regulatory provisions regarding financial institutions and entities |
LB328 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change banking, mortgage bankers, and installment loan provisions |
LB328A | Sen Pahls | Passed | Appropriations Bill |
LB358 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act |
LB383 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for limited immunity from prosecution under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act |
LB384 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize release to federal civil authorities of certain information under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act |
LB385 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Terminate sales tax provisions |
LB386 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change and suspend sales tax exemptions, change collection fees, change tax rates, state intent relating to property tax relief |
LB529 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Transfer ownership of certain computer equipment from the Secretary of State to county clerks |
LB571 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Adopt the Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver Act |
LB696 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to disposal fees under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act |
LB697 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit use of wireless devices by school bus drivers |
LB751 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to the effect of errors and omissions in financing statements |
LB752 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to securities pledged by trust companies |
LB762 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to the unauthorized use of the word bank |
LB826 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the County Consolidation Act |
LB890 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change banking and finance provisions |
LB891 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Provide for conditional bank charters |
LB892 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to federal deposit insurance requirements, residential mortgage licensing, installment loans, and reverse mortgages |
LB912 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit occupant recovery limits in uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage |
LB966 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Classroom Educational Expenditure Act |
LB1053 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt prepared food, computer software, and certain tangible personal property from sales tax |
LR13 | Sen Pahls | Congratulate Dr. Don Stroh on his birthday on January 29 | |
LR24 (1st Special) |
Sen Pahls | Congratulate the Department of Economic Development and its affiliates for their diligence in working with the Legislature to keep Nebraska competitive and vibrant | |
LR95 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine the needs, resources, and responsibilities of the Dept. of Revenue and its divisions | |
LR96 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine the responsiveness of state agencies when they are requested to provide information to the Legislature | |
LR97 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine the major sources of state and local tax revenue | |
LR129 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine updating statutes which restrict the unauthorized use of the word bank | |
LR131 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine school accountability | |
LR145 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to determine whether Nebraska should update its version of the Uniform Commercial Code, Article 9, relating to secured transactions | |
LR247 | Sen Pahls | Congratulate James Allen Roberts for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR264 | Sen Pahls | Recognize the efforts of Bill and Evonne Williams in spearheading the Heartland Honor Flights | |
LR268 | Sen Pahls | Congratulate Andy Sajevic for winning the Class A boys' golf state championship | |
LR424 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine whether Nebraska should update the Uniform Commercial Code, Article 9, relating to secured transactions | |
LR438 | Sen Pahls | Interim study of issues arising out of LB752 regarding the Nebraska Trust Company Act | |
LR439 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to review recent changes in federal law regarding health care insurance and to identify administrative and legislative responses which Nebraska will need to make | |
LR482 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine changes in Nebraska's demographics and the effect on governmental services | |
LR483 | Sen Pahls | Interim study to examine issues relating to solicitation of accident victims and motor vehicle insurance fraud | |
LR556 | Sen Pahls | Support public awareness efforts to inform people of the dangers posed by diabetes, and in particular diabetic peripheral neuropathy | |
LR567 | Sen Pahls | Commend Elizabeth Hruska for her outstanding work and for helping the State of Nebraska receive additional federal medicaid funding |