Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Holdcroft, 36 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB117 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Provide a sales and use tax exemption for electricity, natural gas, propane, and sewer utilities
LB124 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Change penalties for motor vehicle homicide of an unborn child
LB126 109 Sen Holdcroft Final Reading Change provisions relating to redemption of bonds of political subdivisions
LB133 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Provide authority for animal control officers to enforce state or local animal control laws
LB134 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Change provisions relating to certain license plates issued to persons with military affiliation
LB135 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to elections for certain purposes related to bonds and tax levies
LB136 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Change provisions relating to service of garnishment summons, continuing liens, and notices upon corporate garnishees
LB213 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Require the State Board of Education to adopt academic content standards on human embryology under the science education standards
LB214 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Provide for the use of newborn safety devices and procedures relating to surrendered newborn infants
LB215 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Adopt the Clean Slate Act and provide for a program for second chance relief to obtain a commutation from the Board of Pardons
LB216 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Eliminate elected clerks of the district court, provide for consolidation of duties of court clerks and clerk magistrates, and change certain county employees to state employees
LB274 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Provide for persons with disabled veterans license plates to park in handicapped parking spaces
LB327 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Require the state to pay expenses for probation services
LB328 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Change provisions relating to the disbursement of the documentary stamp tax
LB457 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Require video surveillance of voting and provide requirements for paper ballots, vote scanning devices, and vote tabulating equipment
LB480 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change medical lien provisions
LB510 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Change provisions relating to the sales tax rate, the Good Life Transformational Projects Act, and the Good Life District Economic Development Act
LB511 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Create the offense of commercial sexual exploitation, require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act for certain solicitation and trafficking offenses, provide for a grant program for law enforcement, and require the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct education and awareness campaigns
LB512 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Adopt the Chemical Abortion Safety Protocol Act
LB540 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Change provisions of the Nebraska Apiary Act and create the Nebraska Apiary Advisory Board
LB541 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Eliminate online voter registration, restrict voter registration by mail, require grounds for early voting, require hand counts of ballots, and change provisions relating to voter registration and voting
LB580 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
LB590 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change the personal needs allowance for eligible aged, blind, and disabled persons
LB606 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Eliminate the Division of Parole Supervision and the position of Director of Supervision and Services, transfer powers and duties to the Department of Correctional Services, and change provisions relating to correctional system overcrowding emergencies
LB730 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fair Access to Financial Services Act
LB769 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Authorize use of the Critical Infrastructure Facilities Cash Fund to develop a sewer system
LB769A 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB876 108 Sen Holdcroft Passed Adopt the Newborn Safe Haven Act
LB876A 108 Sen Holdcroft Passed Appropriation Bill
LB877 108 Sen Holdcroft Passed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
LB878 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding certain bond and related elections
LB965 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certain license plates issued to persons with military affiliation as prescribed
LB974 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change penalties for motor vehicle homicide of an unborn child
LB981 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Nebraska Lottery and Raffle Act and the Nebraska Small Lottery and Raffle Act
LB1018 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Provide that positions of public employment shall not require a postsecondary degree and require equal consideration for non-degree-holders' wages and benefits
LB1019 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the correction of assessment and tax rolls
LB1080 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Appropriate Federal Funds to the Department of Natural Resources
LB1085 108 Sen Holdcroft Passed Change provisions relating to the number of separate juvenile court judges
LB1156 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act for certain solicitation and trafficking offenses
LB1175 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to redemption of bonds of political subdivisions
LR15 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate the Gretna High School football team on being the runner-up in the 2022 state championship game
LR29 109 Sen Holdcroft Referral Provide that the new prison facility be named as the Arbor Correctional Center
LR35 109 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate the Gretna High School softball team on winning the 2024 Class A state championship
LR64 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate Zane Flores on being named the 2022-23 Gatorade Nebraska Football Player of the Year
LR73 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate the Platteview High School boys basketball team on placing second in the 2023 Class B state championship
LR85 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Recognize Military Working Dog Paco P352 and his handler Staff Sergeant Brad Mrsny for their service to the United States and congratulate Paco on receiving the Animals in War & Peace Medal of Bravery and Distinguished Service Medal
LR94 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate Gavin Mielke on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR249 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Recognize the Reserve Organization of America as a respected advocate for national security and readiness
LR271 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate the Gretna High School girls soccer team on winning the 2023 Class A state championship and the Gretna High School boys soccer team on being runner-up in the 2023 Class A state championship
LR272 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate Gretna High School sophomore Braden Lofquest on winning the 800 meter dash at the 2023 Class A boys state track and field championship
LR279CA 108 Sen Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to enact laws providing for a minimum term of life imprisonment for certain offenses against first responders
LR291 108 Sen Holdcroft Adopted Congratulate Allison Marshall for earning the 2022-23 Gatorade Girls Soccer Player of the Year
LR357 108 Sen Holdcroft Referral Interim study to determine to what extent, if any, there is a necessity to bolster election security in the State of Nebraska
LR394 108 Sen Holdcroft Referral Interim study to identify and review all programs and services enacted by the Legislature which may result in an increase in expenditures of funds by counties and county governments assigned to provide such programs and services