Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Kauth, 31 in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB89 Sen Kauth Referral Adopt the Stand With Women Act
LB132 Sen Kauth Referral Change provisions relating to admissibility of evidence of use of an occupant protection system or a three-point safety belt system
LB201 Sen Kauth Referral Provide for a fee under Nebraska Money Transmitters Act
LB202 Sen Kauth Referral Exempt certain activities from disciplinary action under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act
LB203 Sen Kauth Referral Change powers and duties of health directors in certain local public health departments
LB204 Sen Kauth Referral Adopt the Biometric Autonomy Liberty Law
LB316 Sen Kauth Referral Prohibit conduct relating to hemp other than cannabidiol products and change provisions of the Nebraska Hemp Farming Act and the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB530 Sen Kauth Referral Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Rules of the Road, motor vehicle homicide, and motor vehicle homicide of an unborn child
LB531 Sen Kauth Referral Provide an exception to the requirement that buildings constructed with state funds comply with the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
LB532 Sen Kauth Referral Require employers to use E-Verify, prohibit knowingly hiring an unauthorized alien, and provide for discipline against employers' licenses
LB533 Sen Kauth Referral Provide requirements relating to clinician-administered drugs under the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Licensure and Regulation Act
LB534 Sen Kauth Referral Provide for payment of claims against the state
LB535 Sen Kauth Referral Prohibit assault on a frontline behavioral health provider or health care worker and clarify provisions relating to assault on officers, emergency responders, certain employees, and health care professionals
LB617 Sen Kauth Referral Change provisions of the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act
LB618 Sen Kauth Referral Deny claims against the state
LR12CA Sen Kauth Referral Constitutional amendment to impose a limit on ad valorem taxes for real property, provide a new method of valuing real property for tax purposes, provide certain exceptions, and eliminate conflicting constitutional provisions
LR48 Sen Kauth Extend sympathy to the family, friends, and fellow officers of Kyle McAcy
LR58 Sen Kauth Adopted Extend sympathy to the family, friends, and fellow officers of Kyle McAcy