Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Hansen, 16 in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR28CA Sen Hansen Referral Constitutional amendment to eliminate provisions creating the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
LR25CA Sen Hansen General File Constitutional amendment to change the compensation of members of the Legislature and provide for health insurance
LB677 Sen Hansen Referral Change provisions of the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Regulation Act and provide for regulation of medical cannabis
LB676 Sen Hansen Referral Change and eliminate provisions relating to certified nurse midwives and provide for applicability of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB652 Sen Hansen Referral Terminate the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
LB635 Sen Hansen General File Authorize the regulation of professional bare-knuckle mixed martial arts, professional mixed martial arts on ice, amateur kickboxing, and slap fighting by the State Athletic Commissioner
LB634 Sen Hansen Referral Adopt the Legislative Sunset Review Act and eliminate the Legislature's Planning Committee
LB633 Sen Hansen Referral Change provisions relating to applications rejected under the enrollment option program and create the Nebraska Option Enrollment Tuition Account Program
LB632 Sen Hansen Referral Require a health care facility to dispose of the remains of aborted unborn children
LB631 Sen Hansen Referral State intent relating to funding for the School Emergency Response Mapping Fund
LB630 Sen Hansen Referral Provide and change scope of practice requirements under the Occupational Therapy Practice Act
LB495 Sen Hansen Referral Change provisions relating to community colleges under the Property Tax Request Act
LB374 Sen Hansen Referral Adopt the Licensed Midwives Practice Act
LB373 Sen Hansen E and R Engrossing Change provisions relating to section lines and vacation or abandonment of public roads
LB310 Sen Hansen Referral Provide an exemption from newborn screening for certain diseases or conditions
LB149 Sen Hansen Referral Eliminate the prohibition on suspending a student in prekindergarten through second grade
LB148A Sen Hansen General File Appropriation Bill
LB148 Sen Hansen Final Reading Adopt the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact and change requirements for licensure and reciprocity under the Dentistry Practice Act
LB147 Sen Hansen Referral Change provisions relating to approval and regulation of adding fluoride to the water supply of certain political subdivisions