Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Scheer, 19 in the 104th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB48 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Change unfair insurance trade practices relating to casualty losses |
LB49 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for allied school systems |
LB50 | Sen Scheer | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to medicaid covered services |
LB51 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Require disclosures prior to joining a risk management pool under the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act |
LB52 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Exempt sanitary drainage districts from sales and use taxes |
LB53 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Provide for issuance of one license plate for passenger cars as prescribed |
LB54 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to postsecondary education statewide transfer-of-credit policies |
LB55 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Provide authority to the Adjutant General to make expenditures for a disaster or emergency |
LB56 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Provide procedures for the disposition of the Norfolk Regional Center |
LB57 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services to demolish certain buildings |
LB58 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for calculation and distribution of funds to certain schools as prescribed |
LB59 | Sen Scheer | Withdrawn | Redefine state aid value for purposes of the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB115 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit certain actions related to social security numbers |
LB180 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Redefine terms relating to title insurance business |
LB197 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional powers to certain sanitary and improvement districts |
LB294 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Adopt the Human Trafficking Victims Civil Remedy Act, change provisions relating to service of process, evidence of sexual assault, search warrants, temporary custody of juveniles, and foster care reports, change penalties for human trafficking and crimes relating to morals, and provide for forfeiture of assets |
LB295 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Require notice and a comment period regarding zoning ordinances affecting certain extraterritorial zoning jurisdictions |
LB352 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change provisions relating to the issuance of a mortgage banker license and duties of licensees |
LB488 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Transportation Network Insurance Act |
LB631 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Change medicaid provisions relating to acceptance of and assent to federal law |
LB632 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit employers and associations from precluding certain contracts relating to health benefit plans |
LB758 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Prohibit limited liability companies from operating as insurers |
LB759 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change provisions relating to stop-payment orders |
LB760 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Update certain references to the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act |
LB761 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change and update certain federal references in the Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act |
LB774 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change revenue and taxation provisions |
LB774A | Sen Scheer | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB816 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to state institution patients' records |
LB837 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change provisions relating to premium taxes and quarterly statements under the Surplus Lines Insurance Act |
LB882 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to school budgeting |
LB883 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for foundation aid pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB884 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act and the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act and adopt the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act |
LB884A | Sen Scheer | Withdrawn | Appropriation Bill |
LB930 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Change provisions relating to statewide assessments and college admission testing as prescribed |
LB942 | Sen Scheer | Passed | Require disclosure of noncompete agreements by sellers of seller-assisted marketing plans and provide for reformation of a franchise agreement which unreasonably restrains competition |
LB955 | Sen Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Except the University of Nebraska and the Nebraska State College System from participation in certain state contracts regarding electronic payments |
LR108 | Sen Scheer | Congratulate John Ryan McDonald on being inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa | |
LR202 | Sen Scheer | Designate April 2015 as Alcohol Awareness Month in Nebraska | |
LR251 | Sen Scheer | Congratulate the Norfolk Veterans' Home on its fourth straight deficiency-free survey from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs | |
LR313 | Sen Scheer | Referral | Interim study to examine the process utilized by the Dept. of Roads in the design and construction of the Nebraska expressway system |
LR430 | Sen Scheer | Referral | Interim study to examine whether the Nebraska Banking Act should be updated |
LR431 | Sen Scheer | Referral | Interim study to examine whether the Securities Act of Nebraska should be updated |
LR457 | Sen Scheer | Congratulate the University of Nebraska Women's Volleyball Team for their outstanding season and for winning the 2015 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball championship | |
LR493 | Sen Scheer | Referral | Interim study to examine whether the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act should be updated |