Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Legislation Referred To Executive Board Committee in the 109th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB190 | Cavanaugh, M. | Referral | Provide duties for the Legislative Performance Audit Committee |
LB220 | Cavanaugh, M. | Referral | Provide for developmental and intellectual disability impact notes for legislation |
LB221 | Cavanaugh, M. | Referral | Provide a procedure to fill unfilled gubernatorial appointments |
LB228 | Dorn | General File | Change provisions of the Legislative Performance Audit Act |
LB298 | Arch | Referral | Provide for the Division of Legislative Oversight, the Director of Legislative Oversight, and the Legislative Oversight Committee and change provisions relating to the Public Counsel, the office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System |
LB356 | General Affairs Committee | Referral | Eliminate legislative confirmation of the appointment of members of the Nebraska Arts Council |
LB364 | Quick | General File | Change provisions relating to legislative approval of an indication of intent to incorporate land into the state park system |
LB366 | Riepe | Referral | Create the Legislative Economic Analysis Unit and the Chief Economist |
LB579 | Cavanaugh, M. | Referral | Prohibit charging a fee for public records requests by members of the Legislature |
LB634 | Hansen | Referral | Adopt the Legislative Sunset Review Act and eliminate the Legislature's Planning Committee |
LR7CA | Dorn | Referral | Constitutional amendment to change legislative salaries to thirty thousand dollars annually |
LR19CA | Dover | Referral | Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms |
LR25CA | Hansen | General File | Constitutional amendment to change the compensation of members of the Legislature and provide for health insurance |
LR27CA | Hunt | Referral | Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms |
LR40 | Brandt | Call on the City of Lincoln and the Nebraska State Capitol Environs Commission to place stop signs on the corners of Fourteenth Street and Lincoln Mall |