Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Dorn, 30 in the 109th Legislature

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB54 Sen Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for providers of developmental disability services
LB55 Sen Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid rates for mental health providers
LB56 Sen Dorn Referral Require medical facilities and mortuaries to comply with requests for blood draws relating to certain deceased persons
LB57 Sen Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid assisted-living facilities
LB86 Sen Dorn Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Natural Resources
LB87 Sen Dorn Referral Provide for a statewide support service provider program for deaf-blind persons
LB88 Sen Dorn Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB228 Sen Dorn General File Change provisions of the Legislative Performance Audit Act
LB494 Sen Dorn Referral Change provisions relating to the School District Property Tax Relief Act and transfers of General Fund net receipts to the Cash Reserve Fund and the School District Property Tax Relief Credit Fund
LB576 Sen Dorn Referral Change provisions of the Enhanced Wireless 911 Services Act relating to surcharges and public hearings
LB577 Sen Dorn Withdrawn Change licensure requirements for remote dispensing pharmacies and verification requirements for pharmacists
LR7CA Sen Dorn Referral Constitutional amendment to change legislative salaries to thirty thousand dollars annually
LR24CA Sen Dorn General File Constitutional amendment to provide for selection of presidential electors
LR46 Sen Dorn Adopted Congratulate Dani Busboom Kelly on her position as the new head coach of the University of Nebraska women's volleyball team
LR72 Sen Dorn Adopted Recognize Mosaic for continuing the mission of its founding organizations to serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
LR85 Sen Dorn Congratulate Paul Hay and Randy Pryor on receiving the 2024 Nebraska Natural Resources Outstanding Water Conservation Award