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Search for Legislation Referred To Revenue Committee in the 108th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB35 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adjust the nameplate capacity tax for inflation
LB1354 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Advertising Services Tax Act
LB1310 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Advertising Services Tax Act and eliminate certain sales and use tax exemptions
LB820 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Agricultural Valuation Fairness Act
LB68 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Aid to Municipalities Act and change provisions relating to taxes imposed on the average wholesale price of gasoline
LB1022 Sanders Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Cast and Crew Nebraska Act and provide for tax credits and grants
LB754 Linehan Passed Adopt the Child Care Tax Credit Act and change provisions relating to the School Readiness Tax Credit Act and income tax rates
LB318 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Child Care Tax Credit Act and reauthorize tax credits under the School Readiness Tax Credit Act
LB294 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Child Tax Credit Act
LB1324 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Child Tax Credit Act
LB76 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Employee Contributions Tax Incentive Act
LB1114 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Endow Nebraska Act and provide tax credits
LB1317 Linehan Passed Adopt the Financial Institution Data Match Act, the Gambling Winnings Setoff for Outstanding Debt Act, and the Good Life District Economic Development Act, change provisions relating to the Community Development Law, the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act, the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act, the Good Life Transformational Projects Act, the Motor Vehicle Registration Act, the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, and the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act, and provide for and change provisions relating to health insurance for first responders and dependents, underutilized tax-exempt property, rent-restricted housing projects, sales-restricted houses, inheritance taxes, property taxes, sales and use tax exemptions and incentives, electric and hybrid motor vehicles and charging stations, and appropriations for nitrate sensors
LB1295 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Financial Institution Data Match Act
LB1374 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Good Life District Economic Development Act
LB692 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Good Life Transformational Projects Act and change the sales tax rate
LB1025 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Support Act and provide tax credits
LB968 DeKay Withdrawn Adopt the Live Adult Entertainment Establishment Fee Act
LB75 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Long-Term Owner Homestead Exemption Act
LB77 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Long-Term Resident Homestead Exemption Act
LB1361 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Long-Term Resident Homestead Exemption Act
LB1158 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Medical Debt Relief Act and provide certain income tax consequences
LB381 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Mental Health Wellness Act and authorize county sales and use taxes
LB180 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Biodiesel Tax Credit Act
LB79 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Option Consumption Tax Act
LB16 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Option Consumption Tax Act and terminate tax provisions
LB825 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Farmers of Color Opportunity Act and provide tax credits
LB606 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Pregnancy Help Act and provide tax credits
LB1084 Ibach Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Shortline Rail Modernization Act and provide tax credits
LB753 Linehan Passed Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide tax credits
LB350 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Pioneer Economic Tax Credit Act
LB27 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB211 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB1367 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB80 Raybould Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, change revenue and taxation provisions, and terminate the Property Tax Request Act
LB388 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, the Advertising Services Tax Act, and the Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to revenue and taxation
LB1 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, the School District Property Tax Relief Act, and the Advertising Services Tax Act and change revenue and taxation provisions
LB1414 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act and change provisions relating to budget limitations
LB34 Brewer Delivered to Governor Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act and the School District Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to revenue and taxation
LB1415 Dover Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Relief Act and change the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB70 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Reimbursable Performance-Based Grants Act
LB1023 von Gillern Passed Adopt the Relocation Incentive Act and change provisions relating to certain business deductions, nonresident income, incentives under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, and occupation taxes
LB1400 Ballard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Relocation Incentive Act and provide tax incentives
LB1184 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Reverse Osmosis System Tax Credit Act, provide for income tax credits, and state intent relating to appropriations
LB243 Briese Passed Adopt the School District Property Tax Limitation Act, change levying authority and provide aid to community college areas, and change provisions relating to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission and property and income taxes
LB589 Briese Indefinitely postponed Adopt the School District Property Tax Limitation Act
LB12 Day Indefinitely postponed Adopt the School District Property Tax Relief Act and change the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB492 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Allow income tax deductions for the cost of certain property and for certain research or experimental expenditures
LB1251 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Authorize state assistance for certain small sports facilities under the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB706 Moser Indefinitely postponed Authorize the issuance of highway bonds under the Nebraska Highway Bond Act
LB9 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change, add, and eliminate certain calculations and provisions under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act, state intent regarding transfers to the Education Future Fund, and change provisions relating to property tax levies for school districts
LB863 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change an income tax adjustment for federal retirement annuities
LB309 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change an interest rate relating to property tax refunds
LB1326 Dungan Passed Change a tax and assessment provision under the Nebraska Housing Agency Act
LB28 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change calculation of the base limitation for political subdivision budgets
LB1216 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change calculation of the base limitation for political subdivision budgets
LB804 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change corporate income tax rates
LB4 Sanders Indefinitely postponed Change homestead exemption provisions relating to qualifications, application requirements, and penalties
LB36 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets and rates
LB239 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets and rates
LB806 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax rates
LB809 Murman Indefinitely postponed Change limitations on applications under the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act
LB1047 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change motor fuel tax provisions
LB10 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle and property tax exemptions for disabled veterans
LB154 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change notice provisions relating to treasurer's tax deeds
LB147 Kauth Passed Change procedures for property tax refunds
LB369 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change property tax provisions relating to net book value
LB732 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB797 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB893 Ibach Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act relating to the types of property receiving a property tax exemption
LB118 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act
LB1002 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Biodiesel Tax Credit Act
LB242 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB1403 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Opportunity Scholarships Act and the use of credits under the act
LB529 Hansen, B. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Property Tax Request Act
LB803 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB213 Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding tax credits under the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act and grants under the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act
LB1177 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a documentary stamp tax exemption
LB580 Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
LB877 Holdcroft Passed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
LB303 Linehan Passed Change provisions relating to an annual estimate for necessary funding under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB689 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an income tax credit for community college taxes paid
LB146 Kauth Passed Change provisions relating to assessment of improvements on leased lands and methods for giving notice by the Tax Commissioner
LB1088 Linehan Passed Change provisions relating to certain employment and investment requirements under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB440 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certain school taxes and special funds
LB491 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to claiming tax credits under the Nebraska Advantage Research and Development Act
LB577 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to collection of delinquent real property taxes by sale of real property
LB1183 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to county assessors and require counties to offer to purchase certain property at the assessed value
LB28 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to decisions on appeals under the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act
LB39 Kauth Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions
LB73 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions
LB853 Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions
LB1041 Fredrickson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions
LB126 Day Passed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions and property assessment and tax rolls
LB30 Day Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses
LB1040 Fredrickson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to income tax credits for food donations
LB1059 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to income taxes imposed on partnerships and small business corporations and notices of deficiency
LB387 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to income tax rates
LB10 Raybould Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to individual and corporate income tax rates
LB1372 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to individual and corporate income tax rates and property tax credits
LB7 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to individual income tax rates
LB398 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to in lieu of tax payments by the Game and Parks Commission
LB317 von Gillern Passed Change provisions relating to inspection of real property by county assessors
LB949 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to inspection of real property by county assessors
LB497 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to itemized deductions
LB1241 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to property tax levy limits
LB37 Kauth Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to property that is exempt from property taxes
LB38 Kauth Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to property that is exempt from property taxes
LB100 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to qualified locations under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB97 Clements Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to required reports for inheritance tax
LB727 Linehan Passed Change provisions relating to revenue and taxation
LB300 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sales and use tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations
LB33 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax credits for school district taxes paid under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB1095 Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to tax credits under the Nebraska Biodiesel Tax Credit Act and change provisions of the E-15 Access Standard Act
LB50 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to taxes imposed on the average wholesale price of gasoline
LB1410 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax incentives under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB1356 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Community Development Assistance Act and provide tax credits
LB1134 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the accrual of interest on taxes due after an order by the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB1026 Hardin Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the achieving a better life experience program
LB29 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the assessment of real property that suffers significant property damage
LB499 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the availability of tax credits under the School Readiness Tax Credit Act
LB950 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the collection of occupation taxes
LB1019 Holdcroft Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the correction of assessment and tax rolls
LB40 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the determination, apportionment, adjustment, and reporting of taxable income for corporations and other unitary businesses
LB67 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the levy authority of natural resources districts
LB1363 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax, the Military Base Development and Support Fund, the Economic Recovery Contingency Fund, and the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund, and change inheritance tax rates
LB173 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of nonresident income
LB416 Kauth Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of nonresident income
LB206 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of partnerships
LB641 Kauth Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of social security benefits
LB1113 Meyer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the types of property receiving a property tax exemption under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB235 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the use of tax credits under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB750 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land
LB1362 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the valuation of residential property for property tax purposes
LB72 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to valuation of residential real property for property tax purposes
LB74 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax provisions relating to purchasing agents
LB24 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change tax provisions relating to cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB60 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change tax provisions relating to cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB251 Brewer Withdrawn Change tax provisions relating to cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB1228 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change the Good Life Transformational Projects Act
LB697 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act
LB756 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act
LB1318 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act and change provisions relating to certain transfers to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB622 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB1197 von Gillern Passed Change the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act and allowable uses of competitive grants awarded by the Nebraska Arts Council
LB1049 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change the amount authorized for the municipal occupation tax on telecommunications companies
LB79 Raybould Indefinitely postponed Change the amount of certain homestead exemptions
LB11 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Change the cigarette tax and provide for distribution of tax proceeds
LB192 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Change the definition of household income for homestead exemptions
LB384 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change the distribution of sales tax revenue on aircraft
LB44 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change the earned income tax credit
LB1379 Dover Indefinitely postponed Change the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax and provide for grants by the Department of Economic Development for its comprehensive housing affordability strategy
LB1315 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change the sales tax rate
LB41 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change the tax on sales of electronic nicotine delivery systems
LB1299 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change the tax on sales of electronic nicotine delivery systems
LB699 Murman Indefinitely postponed Change the valuation of certain real property for purposes of taxes levied by school districts
LR285CA McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide a different method of taxing residential property
LR24CA McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide a different method of taxing residential real property
LR10CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for changing tax policies that directly result in net increased tax revenue without voter approval at a general election
LR11CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for creating certain debts or other financial obligations without pledged cash reserves as prescribed and without voter approval at a general election
LR9CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for extending expiring taxes without voter approval at a general election
LR18CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for failing to maintain reserves
LR22CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
LR7CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for increasing tax rates without voter approval at a general election
LR8CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for levying new taxes without voter approval at a general election
LR20CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against the state for increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
LR2CA Brandt Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize the Legislature to provide a different method of taxing owner-occupied housing
LR6CA Kauth Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to impose a limit on ad valorem taxes for real property, provide a new method of valuing real property for tax purposes, provide certain exceptions, and eliminate conflicting constitutional provisions
LR5CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit governmental entities from imposing any taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes
LR6CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit governmental entities from imposing any taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes
LR21CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit political subdivisions from increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
LR23CA Riepe Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit the levying of an inheritance tax
LR19CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit the state from increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
LR30CA Murman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide for a different method of taxing commercial real property
LR15CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before changing tax policies that will directly result in net increased tax revenue
LR16CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before creating certain debts or other financial obligations without pledged cash reserves
LR14CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before extending any expiring tax
LR13CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before increasing any tax rate
LR12CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before levying a new tax
LR17CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to maintain reserves for emergencies
LR4CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the state to impose a consumption tax or an excise tax on all new goods and services and to provide a tax exemption for grocery items
LR7CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the state to impose a consumption tax or an excise tax on all new goods and services and to provide a tax exemption for grocery items
LB429 Walz Indefinitely postponed Create a fund under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and transfer unclaimed income tax credits to the fund
LB22 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Create a homestead exemption
LB1151 Dover Indefinitely postponed Define the term occupy for purposes of homestead exemptions
LB1319 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a sales and use tax exemption relating to data centers
LB1248 Kauth Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain sales and use tax exemptions
LB1308 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain sales and use tax exemptions and impose sales and use taxes on certain services
LB1311 Meyer Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain sales and use tax exemptions and impose sales and use taxes on certain services
LB1349 Murman Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain sales and use tax exemptions and impose sales and use taxes on certain services
LB1206 Arch Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to the Long-Term Care Savings Plan Act that terminated
LB1316 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to the base growth percentage for school districts under the School District Property Tax Limitation Act
LB1067 Clements Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the inheritance tax, adopt the State Prisoner Reimbursement Act, and change the authorized uses of certain county funds
LB783 Murman Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the levy authority of community college areas
LB344 Armendariz Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain delinquent taxes from qualifying for tax credit under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB1058 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain pension and annuity payments from income taxes
LB602 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain pensions and annuities from income taxes
LB1394 Brewer Passed Exempt Nebraska National Guard income from state income taxation
LB407 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Extend an application deadline under the Nebraska Transformational Projects Act
LB65 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Impose an excise tax on the sale of ammunition and provide grant programs relating to post-traumatic stress disorder and wildlife management
LB584 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Impose a tax on selling or dealing in electronic nicotine delivery systems
LB1345 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Impose sales and use taxes on certain services
LB165 von Gillern Indefinitely postponed Include elementary and secondary schools in the Nebraska educational savings plan trust and change tax benefits
LB745 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Increase the cigarette tax and provide for distribution of the proceeds
LB295 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Increase the earned income tax credit
LB1182 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Increase the earned income tax credit
LR435 Raybould Referral Interim study to assess the loss of funding to Nebraska counties as a result of an elimination of the Nebraska inheritance tax and to identify potential state funding sources to replace lost revenue
LR414 Meyer Referral Interim study to determine the feasibility of having the state run all property assessment in Nebraska, merging county assessors with another office, or having county assessors be an appointed position
LR324 Conrad Referral Interim study to determine whether Nebraska statutes should be modified to provide a tax credit or consideration towards the purchase of a new or replacement vehicle for a private seller who sells a vehicle
LR155 Day Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's disability classifications for the homestead exemption
LR314 Clements Referral Interim study to examine adjustments to county revenue sources and elimination of unnecessary county expenses to compensate for a phaseout of the Nebraska inheritance tax by 2029
LR186 Albrecht Referral Interim study to examine issues raised in LB820, 2023, relating to valuation of land in Nebraska
LR236 Linehan Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Revenue Committee
LR367 Day Referral Interim study to examine mechanisms to slow the rise of property tax valuations during periods of rapid property value increases
LR242 Jacobson Referral Interim study to examine methods to promote the development of a competitive electric vehicle charging market in Nebraska and the creation of electric infrastructure to support such market
LR384 Linehan Referral Interim study to examine nonprofit organizations, their nonprofit status, the way they use their nontaxable income, and the ways they use their nontaxable income for political purposes
LR424 Linehan Referral Interim study to examine occupation taxes
LR97 Lowe Referral Interim study to examine revenue and other funding options for the Nebraska Tourism Commission
LR243 Sanders Referral Interim study to examine tax incentives for the film industry in Nebraska
LR418 Dover Referral Interim study to examine the current property tax valuation process
LR235 Linehan Referral Interim study to examine the delinquent tax sale and tax deed process for delinquent real property taxes
LR349 Linehan Referral Interim study to examine the funding sources, including tax incentives and other methods, used for early childhood education programs in Nebraska
LR411 Dungan Referral Interim study to review LB1072, introduced in the One Hundred Eighth Legislature, relating to the topic of sustainable aviation fuel
LB322 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Prohibit creation of new joint public agencies with power or authority relating to tax
LB1305 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Prohibit tax liability on the purchase, sale, or exchange of gold or silver bullion, change sales tax exemption provisions relating to currency and bullion, and provide an income tax adjustment for net capital losses and gains on the sale or exchange of gold or silver
LB924 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Provide a homestead exemption for residents of qualified census tracts
LB244 Lippincott Indefinitely postponed Provide an additional tax credit under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB19 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Provide an excise tax on delivery sales
LB1149 Day Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from the motor vehicle tax for motor vehicles with Gold Star Family plates
LB51 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax adjustment for unrealized capital gains
LB1279 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax adjustment for unrealized capital gains
LB38 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax adjustment relating to federal retirement annuities
LB524 Fredrickson Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for food donations
LB14 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for renters
LB20 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for renters and change provisions relating to a property tax credit
LB747 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for renters and change provisions relating to a property tax credit
LB447 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax deduction for retired firefighters for health insurance premiums, rename and change provisions of the Law Enforcement Education Act to include tuition waivers for professional firefighters and dependents, and provide powers and duties for the Department of Revenue
LB1309 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax deduction for the costs of medical care
LB695 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a property tax exemption
LB1346 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Provide a property tax exemption for qualified affordable housing developments
LB36 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide a real estate transfer tax on mansions and an income tax credit for payment of the real estate transfer tax
LB496 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for business inputs
LB58 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for diapers
LB1342 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for electricity and natural gas
LB901 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for purchases by certain nonprofit organizations
LB96 Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for twine
LB498 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax credit for certain franchise fees paid
LB1072 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Provide a tax credit for sustainable aviation fuel
LB1217 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide certain property tax exemptions and change valuation provisions relating to rent-restricted housing projects and sales-restricted houses
LB48 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for a delivery fee for delivery sales
LB8 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for a luxury tax on certain purchases
LB55 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for a luxury tax on certain purchases
LB31 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Provide for an excise tax on individual incomes and create the Tax Equity Cash Fund
LB1389 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide for a personal property tax exemption for broadband equipment as prescribed
LB26 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for a retail delivery fee
LB694 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide for a sales and use tax exemption for certain machinery and equipment related to broadband communications services
LB616 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for awards under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act relating to the federal Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act
LB704 Murman Indefinitely postponed Provide for distribution of certain account balances upon death under the achieving a better life experience program
LB1093 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide for limited law enforcement officer certificates and change provisions relating to tuition waivers under the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act
LB1218 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide for motor vehicle registration of certain electric vehicles, impose an excise tax on electric energy used at commercial electric vehicle charging stations, provide for regulation of certain charging stations, and provide a sales tax exemption for certain electric energy
LB505 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide for motor vehicle registration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, impose an excise tax on electric energy used at commercial electric vehicle charging stations, provide for regulation of commercial electric vehicle charging stations, and provide a sales tax exemption for certain electric energy
LB1341 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for sales tax on consumable hemp products and state intent regarding funding for post-traumatic stress disorder
LB937 Bostar Passed Provide for tax credits, tax exemptions, and certain grant programs and change provisions relating to tax credits and fuel taxes
LB1032 Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Provide for tuition waivers for conservation officers of the Game and Parks Commission under the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act
LB209 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide tax exemptions relating to data centers
LB1397 Murman Indefinitely postponed Redefine agricultural land and horticultural land for property tax purposes
LB623 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Redefine eligible sports arena facility under the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB495 Briese Indefinitely postponed Redefine nonqualified withdrawal for purposes of the Nebraska educational savings plan
LB69 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Rename and change the Property Tax Credit Act and the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB370 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Require a notice relating to the availability of certain tax credits
LB185 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Revenue to distribute funds to individuals as prescribed
LB1043 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Require the development of certain real property and provide for the revocation of property tax exemptions
LB64 Wayne Indefinitely postponed State legislative intent relating to tax credits, local option sales taxes, and a property tax relief program
LB63 Wayne Indefinitely postponed State legislative intent relating to the sales tax, the income tax, and the property tax