Nebraska Revised Statute 13-3402

Chapter 13


Terms, defined.

For purposes of the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act:

(1) Approved bonds means bonds as defined in subdivision (1) of section 10-134 that are approved according to law, excluding any bonds issued to finance a project or projects if the issuance of bonds for such project or projects was the subject of a general obligation bond election held at the most recent regularly scheduled election and was not approved at such election;

(2) Auditor means the Auditor of Public Accounts;

(3) Emergency means an emergency, as defined in section 81-829.39, for which a state of emergency proclamation or local state of emergency proclamation has been issued under the Emergency Management Act;

(4) Growth percentage means the percentage obtained by dividing (a) the political subdivision's growth value by (b) the political subdivision's total property valuation from the prior year;

(5) Growth value means the increase in a political subdivision's total property valuation from the prior year to the current year due to (a) improvements to real property as a result of new construction and additions to existing buildings, (b) any other improvements to real property which increase the value of such property, (c) annexation of real property by the political subdivision, (d) a change in the use of real property, (e) any increase in personal property valuation over the prior year, and (f) the increase in excess valuation over the redevelopment project valuation described in section 18-2147 for redevelopment projects within the political subdivision, provided the accumulated excess valuation which exists as of July 1, 2025, shall be included in the calculation of the increase in excess valuation for the political subdivision's first fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2025;

(6) Inflation percentage means the annual percentage change in the State and Local Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment, as reported for December of the prior calendar year for the preceding twelve-month period;

(7) Political subdivision means any county, city, or village;

(8) Property tax request means the total amount of property taxes requested to be raised for a political subdivision through the levy imposed pursuant to section 77-1601;

(9) Property tax request authority means the amount that may be included in a political subdivision's property tax request as determined pursuant to the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act; and

(10) State aid means:

(a) For all political subdivisions, state aid paid pursuant to sections 60-3,202 and 77-3523 and reimbursement provided pursuant to section 77-1239;

(b) For cities and villages, state aid to cities and villages paid pursuant to sections 39-2501 to 39-2520, 60-3,190, and 77-27,139.04 and insurance premium tax paid to cities and villages; and

(c) For counties, state aid to counties paid pursuant to sections 60-3,184 to 60-3,190, insurance premium tax paid to counties, and reimbursements to counties from funds appropriated pursuant to section 29-3933.


Cross References

  • Emergency Management Act, see section 81-829.36.