Introduced Legislation for April 10th, 2017

105th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 62

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LR98 Wayne Support the call to action of the My Brother's Keeper Initiative and Community Challenge to address opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color nationwide
LR97 Kuehn Designate April 10, 2017, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR93 Hilkemann Congratulate the show choir from Millard West High School for being named the grand champion at the 2017 Heart of America competition in Nashville
LB225A Crawford Appropriation Bill
LR95 Craighead Provide the Honor and Remember Flag is adopted as an official symbol of the State of Nebraska
LR94 Craighead Recognize Officer Kevin Andahl for his years of service and congratulate him on his retirement
LR96 Bostelman Congratulate the David City High School speech team for their championship awards