Introduced Legislation for April 30th, 2015

104th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 72

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LR222 Crawford Interim study to examine issues relating to family and medical leave
LR223 Crawford Interim study to examine strategies and ideas to ensure more adults have the education and skills needed to fill positions for in demand industries in Nebraska
LR224 Crawford Congratulate the Bellevue Mission Middle School's science olympiad team on winning the 2015 middle school division at the state tournament
LR221 Crawford Congratulate Laurie Konrad on being named national president of Kappa Kappa Iota, Inc.
LR225 Crawford Congratulate the Logan Fontenelle Middle School's science olympiad team on placing second in the middle school division at the 2015 state tournament
LR219 Davis Congratulate Fred Hlava on his retirement and recognize his many years of service as the Gordon city manager
LR220 Kuehn Congratulate Dylan Jake Buschow on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout