
Considered Amendment Details - LB63
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
ST9049 Enrollment and Review adopted 0
AM1392 Council Amendments to E & R amendments lost 1433
AM1360 Howard Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1395
AM1308 Ashford Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1304
AM758 Pirsch Withdraw withdrawn 1295
AM1337 Ashford Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1370
AM1128 Ashford Withdraw and substitute AM1337 withdrawn 1280
AM1124 Ashford Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1180
AM1088 Christensen Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1074
AM995 Coash Amendments to E & R amendments withdrawn 969
AM775 Coash Withdraw withdrawn 794
ER8031 Enrollment and Review adopted 732
AM212 Judiciary adopted 629
AM675 Lathrop Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 698
AM638 Pirsch Amendments to Committee amendments lost 684
AM637 Pirsch Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 684