LB126 - Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions and property assessment and tax rolls

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History   View Details


History   View Details

Date Description Journal Vote
Apr 25, 2024 Provisions/portions of LB1151 amended into LB126 by AM2941 0
Apr 25, 2024 Provisions/portions of LB1019 amended into LB126 by AM3133 0
Apr 25, 2024 Approved by Governor on April 23, 2024 1815
Apr 18, 2024 Presented to Governor on April 18, 2024 1812
Apr 18, 2024 President/Speaker signed 1804
Apr 18, 2024 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1796 Vote
Apr 18, 2024 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1796
Apr 10, 2024 Enrollment and Review ST80 recorded 1682
Apr 10, 2024 Enrollment and Review ST80 filed 1682
Apr 10, 2024 Placed on Final Reading with ST80 1682
Apr 10, 2024 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1632
Apr 10, 2024 Linehan AM3404 adopted 1632 Vote
Apr 10, 2024 Day MO1343 withdrawn 1632
Apr 10, 2024 Day MO1342 withdrawn 1632
Apr 10, 2024 Day MO1344 withdrawn 1632
Apr 10, 2024 Enrollment and Review ER108 adopted 1632
Apr 09, 2024 Linehan AM3404 to ER108 filed 1586
Apr 03, 2024 Day MO1344 Bracket until April 18, 2024 filed 1467
Apr 03, 2024 Day MO1343 Indefinitely postpone filed 1467
Apr 03, 2024 Day MO1342 Recommit to the Revenue Committee filed 1467
Mar 28, 2024 Enrollment and Review ER108 filed 1364
Mar 28, 2024 Placed on Select File with ER108 1364
Mar 21, 2024 Vargas name added 1207
Mar 20, 2024 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1179 Vote
Mar 20, 2024 Revenue AM2941 adopted 1179 Vote
Mar 20, 2024 Holdcroft AM3133 adopted 1179 Vote
Mar 20, 2024 Holdcroft AM3133 to AM2941 filed 1178
Mar 13, 2024 Revenue AM2941 filed 1026
Mar 13, 2024 Placed on General File with AM2941 1026
Feb 02, 2024 Jacobson name added 595
Jan 31, 2024 Blood name added 571
Jan 03, 2024 Brewer name added 216
Jan 03, 2024 Day priority bill 216
Jan 03, 2024 Title printed. Carryover bill 19
Feb 16, 2023 Holdcroft name added 541
Feb 15, 2023 Notice of hearing for February 22, 2023 520
Jan 17, 2023 Conrad name added 291
Jan 10, 2023 Aguilar name added 197
Jan 10, 2023 Referred to Revenue Committee 182
Jan 06, 2023 Date of introduction 115








Related Transcripts
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Floor Debate March 26, 2024
Floor Debate March 25, 2024
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Floor Debate March 13, 2024
Floor Debate February 02, 2024
Floor Debate January 31, 2024
Floor Debate January 03, 2024
Revenue Committee February 22, 2023
Floor Debate February 16, 2023
Floor Debate January 17, 2023
Floor Debate January 10, 2023
Floor Debate January 06, 2023