LB103 - Change provisions of the County Employees Retirement Act, the Judges Retirement Act, the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act, the School Employees Retirement Act, and the State Employees Retirement Act

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  • Please refer to the detailed view for current progress.

  • Please refer to the detailed view for current progress.
Legislation Status Legend
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  • Bill passed

History   View Details


History   View Details

Date Description Journal Vote
Jun 01, 2023 Provisions/portions of LB160 amended into LB103 by AM1238 0
Jun 01, 2023 Provisions/portions of LB105 amended into LB103 by AM417 0
Jun 01, 2023 Provisions/portions of LB104 amended into LB103 by AM417 0
May 02, 2023 Approved by Governor on May 1, 2023 1315
Apr 25, 2023 Presented to Governor on April 25, 2023 1228
Apr 25, 2023 President/Speaker signed 1228
Apr 25, 2023 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 41-0-8 1228 Vote
Apr 25, 2023 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1227
Apr 25, 2023 Hunt MO306 withdrawn 1227
Apr 20, 2023 Blood name added 1117
Apr 13, 2023 Enrollment and Review ST6 recorded 1117
Apr 13, 2023 Enrollment and Review ST6 filed 1117
Apr 13, 2023 Placed on Final Reading with ST6 1117
Apr 06, 2023 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1239 withdrawn 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1239 filed 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1243 withdrawn 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1243 filed 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1210 withdrawn 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1210 filed 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1211 withdrawn 1056
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. AM1211 filed 1055
Apr 06, 2023 Hunt MO305 withdrawn 1055
Apr 06, 2023 Hunt MO304 withdrawn 1055
Apr 06, 2023 Hunt MO303 withdrawn 1055
Apr 06, 2023 Hunt MO300 withdrawn 1055
Apr 06, 2023 McDonnell AM969 adopted 1055 Vote
Apr 06, 2023 McDonnell AM1238 adopted 1055 Vote
Apr 06, 2023 McDonnell AM1238 filed 1054
Apr 06, 2023 Hunt MO301 lost 1054 Vote
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. MO917 failed 1052 Vote
Apr 06, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. MO917 Reconsider the vote taken on MO302 filed 1051
Apr 06, 2023 Hunt MO302 failed 1051 Vote
Apr 06, 2023 Enrollment and Review ER15 adopted 1050
Apr 04, 2023 McDonnell AM969 filed 1011
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO305 Bracket until June 2, 2023 filed 936
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO302 Bracket until June 1, 2023 filed 936
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO306 Recommit to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee filed 936
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO304 Recommit to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee filed 936
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO301 Recommit to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee filed 936
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO303 Indefinitely postpone filed 935
Mar 30, 2023 Hunt MO300 Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3(f) filed 935
Mar 21, 2023 Enrollment and Review ER15 filed 803
Mar 21, 2023 Placed on Select File with ER15 803
Mar 16, 2023 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 798 Vote
Mar 16, 2023 Nebraska Retirement Systems AM417 adopted 798 Vote
Mar 14, 2023 Nebraska Retirement Systems priority bill 755
Mar 09, 2023 Nebraska Retirement Systems AM417 filed 718
Mar 09, 2023 Placed on General File with AM417 718
Feb 07, 2023 Notice of hearing for February 14, 2023 466
Jan 10, 2023 Referred to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee 182
Jan 06, 2023 Date of introduction 109












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