Bill/Resolution Search Results
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB191A | Nordquist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB276A | Nordquist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB371A | Mello | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB383A | Janssen | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB438A | Adams | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB464A | Ashford | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB485A | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB494A | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB559A | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB560A | Mello | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB656 | Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson | Passed | Revisor bill to repeal parimutuel wagering provisions held unconstitutional |
LB657 | Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson | Passed | Revisor bill to repeal obsolete handicapped or disabled parking permit provisions |
LB658 | Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson | Passed | Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete section relating to public power suppliers |
LB659 | Executive Board: Wightman, Chairperson | Passed | Revisor bill to repeal an obsolete section relating to the Radiation Control Act |
LB660 | Krist | Passed | Provide for extension of a pilot project and a contract relating to case management |
LB660A | Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB661 | Krist | Passed | Provide for voter registration on the Secretary of State's website and use of Department of Motor Vehicle records |
LB661A | Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB662 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide and change requirements for voter identification |
LB663 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for elections conducted by mail |
LB664 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide immunity under the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act during an emergency |
LB665 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act |
LB666 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to funding for the Civil Air Patrol |
LB667 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception for motorcycles to certain vehicle light requirements |
LB668 | Hadley | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for extinguishment of a lien or security interest as prescribed |
LB669 | McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Transfer cash reserve funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB670 | McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change property tax valuations of agricultural land and horticultural land |
LB671 | Chambers | Governor Veto | Eliminate provisions relating to hunting and killing of mountain lions |
LB672 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a duty for attorneys and counselors |
LB673 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management Act |
LB674 | Chambers | Passed | Change provisions relating to abandonment or cruel neglect of an animal |
LB675 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the property tax exemption for religious organizations |
LB676 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Change filing and enforcement provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB677 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Patent Abuse Prevention Act |
LB678 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Change the funding allocation percentage for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund |
LB679 | Mello | Passed | Change notice requirements relating to zoning, redevelopment projects, and neighborhood associations |
LB680 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Amend the State Electrical Act and update the reference to the National Electrical Code |
LB681 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to land banks and tax sales for delinquent property taxes |
LB682 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for formation of allied school systems as prescribed |
LB683 | Scheer | Passed | Change a reference to federal rules and regulations relating to storm water management |
LB684 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act |
LB685 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act |
LB686 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change a certification date relating to nonirrigated acres |
LB687 | Christensen | Passed | Change application procedures for real estate licenses |
LB687A | Christensen | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB688 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to cease and desist orders of the Director of Insurance |
LB689 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB690 | Bolz | Veto Overridden | Create the Aging Nebraskans Task Force and require a grant application |
LB690A | Bolz | Veto Overridden | Appropriation Bill |
LB691 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Increase a child and dependent care tax credit |
LB692 | Sullivan | Passed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Act |
LB693 | Seiler | Passed | Change succession of real property for small estates |
LB694 | Seiler | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school |
LB695 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Require an affidavit relating to radon levels at a child care location |
LB696 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit the use of and require labeling of food containers containing Bisphenol A |
LB697 | Larson | Passed | Require publication of a statewide list of tax-delinquent properties |
LB698 | Larson | Passed | Change provisions relating to mowing and harvesting hay on the right-of-way of highways |
LB699 | Larson | Passed | Change hunting permit and hunter education provisions, provide reports to a firearm database, and eliminate certain firearm provisions |
LB700 | Schumacher | Passed | Adopt the Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act, provide requirements for certain health care sharing ministries, and change provisions relating to insurance rules and regulations, definitions, cease and desist orders, and risk-based capital |
LB701 | Dubas | Passed | Change provisions relating to salvage titles and acquisition of salvage titles by insurance companies |
LB702 | Johnson | Passed | Change provisions for organization of cities of the second class and villages |
LB703 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Nebraska Optometry Education Assistance Contract Program |
LB704 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Fund |
LB705 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Change personal needs allowance under medicaid |
LB705A | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB706 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to sexual assault, child abuse, sexually explicit conduct, and child pornography and to provide for forfeiture of property as prescribed |
LB707 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions and procedures relating to sexual assault, stalking, domestic assault, and use of an electronic communication device and to create the offense of harassment |
LB708 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt social security benefits from state income taxation |
LB709 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt military retirement benefits from state income taxation |
LB710 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for entering into certain ground water augmentation projects |
LB711 | Watermeier | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to contamination of property by clandestine drug labs |
LB712 | Gloor | Passed | Revise powers of state-chartered banks, building and loan associations, and credit unions |
LB713 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Change state investment officer provisions relating to time deposit open accounts and limits on total deposits |
LB714 | Gloor | Passed | Eliminate provisions relating to forged, altered, or raised checks under the Nebraska Banking Act |
LB715 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Add definitions relating to insurance |
LB716 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Provide procedures relating to electronic delivery of insurance notices and documents and Internet posting of certain insurance policies |
LB717 | Gloor | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act and professional qualifications |
LB718 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures for adoption of rules and regulations and require publication of certain information |
LB718A | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB719 | Crawford | Passed | Require a report and change complaint procedures regarding rules and regulations |
LB720 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Provide and change complaint procedures for rules and regulations |
LB721 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Change tax provisions |
LB722 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Civil Judgments Act |
LB723 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change property tax provisions relating to the valuation of irrigated cropland and comparable sales |
LB724 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school |
LB725 | Sullivan | Passed | Change student growth adjustment correction and local effort rate yield under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB725A | Sullivan | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB726 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for changing the number of school board members in Class II and Class III school districts |
LB727 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to anatomical gift donation designations on drivers' licenses and state identification cards |
LB728 | Harms | Passed | Change provisions relating to criminal history record information checks for certain employees of the Division of Developmental Disabilities of the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB729 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Task Force on Expanded Learning Opportunities for School-Age Youth |
LB730 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change reporting provisions under the Child Protection Act |
LB731 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to workers' compensation first injury reports |
LB732 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change asset limitation for certain programs of public assistance |
LB733 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Mass Assessment Act for valuation of real property for ad valorem tax purposes |
LB734 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for deposit of public funds with credit unions |
LB735 | Bolz | Passed | Require refund of certain insurance premiums upon death of insured |
LB736 | Dubas | Passed | Change the service of notice provision in the One-Call Notification System Act |
LB737 | Dubas | Passed | Change qualifications for county veterans service officers |
LB738 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Create a fund and appropriate funds to the Department of Motor Vehicles |
LB739 | Hadley | Passed | Update references to the Internal Revenue Code |
LB740 | Crawford | Passed | Provide residency requirements for postsecondary education purposes for veterans and their family members |
LB741 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Require schools to have a policy relating to tornado drills as prescribed |
LB742 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Require instant run-off voting in primary elections |
LB743 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Provide definition of one-half of an elected term of office |
LB744 | Avery | Passed | Establish the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission |
LB744A | Avery | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB745 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change various provisions relating to administrative governmental functions |
LB746 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change election provisions to authorize provisional ballots and require identification for certain voters |
LB747 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide electioneering communication reporting requirements and restrictions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB748 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault |
LB749 | Harr | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act |
LB750 | Harr | Passed | Change provisions relating to lien perfection and termination |
LB751 | Conrad | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act |
LB751A | Conrad | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB752 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain assault provisions |
LB753 | Gloor | Passed | Change a provision for notice of a change of address for an agent for service of process for a limited liability company and provide a filing fee |
LB754 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Provide funds for career education programs |
LB755 | Gloor | Passed | Adopt the Standard Valuation Act for valuation of insurance reserves |
LB756 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine bicycle and motor vehicle |
LB757 | Smith | Passed | Create a mailbox location exception and repeal an obsolete road numbering system requirement |
LB758 | Smith | Passed | Change duties relating to registration certificates for trailers |
LB759 | Mello | Passed | Require reports, define terms, change investment provisions, and provide powers and duties relating to retirement systems |
LB760 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Combined Sewer Overflow Infrastructure Assistance Act and the Unfunded Federal Mandate Infrastructure Assistance Act |
LB761 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a tax amnesty program and change provisions on contracts for finding nonpayers of taxes |
LB762 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to integrated management plans |
LB763 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Require reports from state agencies on inefficient programs |
LB764 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds for pediatric cancer research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center |
LB765 | Conrad | Passed | Change the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act |
LB766 | Bloomfield | Passed | Change tuition assistance program provisions for National Guard members |
LB767 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to operator training for underground storage tanks and provide funding |
LB768 | Schilz | Passed | Change provisions of the Livestock Brand Act and estray provisions |
LB769 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to military parents under the Parenting Act |
LB770 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to explosives and destructive devices |
LB771 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Change length of certification period under the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Act |
LB772 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Increase expenditure amount for Adjutant General for aerial fire suppression or hazardous material response |
LB773 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for partisan ballots for unaffiliated voters at primary elections |
LB774 | Pirsch | Passed | Change provisions relating to filing corrected or amended annual and biennial reports with the Secretary of State |
LB775 | Seiler | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for disclosure of a decedent's financial information as prescribed |
LB776 | Hadley | Passed | Adopt and update references to certain federal provisions related to motor vehicles |
LB777 | Hadley | Passed | Change license renewal and issuance provisions under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act |
LB778 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Require certain entities to comply with provisions on open meetings, public records, and conflicts of interest |
LB779 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Change duties of the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education relating to transfer-of-credit policies |
LB780 | Wightman | Passed | Change provisions relating to transfer on death deeds |
LB781 | Harms | Passed | Change a date relating to a community college area comprehensive audit |
LB782 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Establish a return-to-learn protocol for students who have sustained a concussion |
LB783 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change distributions under the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act |
LB784 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision relating to juror disqualification |
LB785 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Provide when acknowledgment is not required for contract for sale of homestead property |
LB786 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Emergency Contact Registry Act and provide powers and duties for the Department of Motor Vehicles |
LB787 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax deduction for loan principal payments for graduate degrees |
LB788 | Schumacher | Passed | Change provisions relating to real estate loans, fiduciary accounts, decedents' estates, hearsay exceptions, mortgages, trust deeds, and safe deposit boxes |
LB789 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a survey relating to paraeducators |
LB790 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Require training for case managers as prescribed |
LB790A | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB791 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize cities of the first and second class and villages to borrow from state-chartered or federally chartered financial institutions |
LB792 | Sullivan | Passed | Eliminate a report requirement by the county treasurers to the State Treasurer |
LB793 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Change workers' compensation death benefit provisions |
LB794 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the collection of sales and use taxes on credit and debit card transactions and change sales and use tax collection fees |
LB795 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to operator's license reinstatement |
LB796 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for disposition of a tenant's personal property upon death |
LB797 | Nelson | Indefinitely postponed | Provide funding for fountains at the State Capitol |
LB798 | Christensen | Passed | Authorize power districts to use a fiscal year rather than a calendar year |
LB799 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change a filing requirement for insurance companies |
LB800 | Mello | Passed | Provide for designation of enterprise zones and preferences in certain business incentive programs |
LB801 | Urban Affairs Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures relating to declarations of nuisances in certain cities |
LB802 | Urban Affairs Committee | Passed | Eliminate provisions for adopting future amendments of certain standard codes |
LB803 | Urban Affairs Committee | Passed | Change veto power provisions for mayors of first and second class cities |
LB804 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate procedures for filling vacancies and removal of certain gubernatorial appointees |
LB805 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change application requirements to Nebraska veterans homes |
LB806 | Avery | Passed | Change provisions of the MiIitary Code relating to Military Department personnel |
LB807 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to provisional operator's permits, interactive wireless communication devices, and occupant protection systems and update references to certain federal provisions |
LB808 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Legal Education for Public Service Loan Repayment Act and transfer funds from the State Settlement Cash Fund |
LB809 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt purchases by historic automobile museums from sales and use taxes |
LB810 | Watermeier | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the enforcement and servicing of real estate loans |
LB811 | Schilz | Passed | Change provisions relating to controlled substances, prescriptions, and certain assault provisions |
LB812 | Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Terminate the inheritance tax |
LB813 | Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land for property tax purposes |
LB814 | Avery | Passed | Redefine all-terrain vehicle, utility-type vehicle, and sales price, change sales and use tax provisions relating to ATV's and UTV's, and change duties of sellers in the distribution of sales tax revenue to provide funding to the Game and Parks Commission |
LB814A | Avery | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB815 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to fiduciary accounts controlled by a trust department |
LB816 | Murante | Passed | Authorize use of electronic forms of evidence of insurance for purposes of motor vehicle registration |
LB817 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Change membership provisions relating to public power district boards |
LB818 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to net metering |
LB819 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to future advances on mortgages or trust deeds |
LB820 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize the Governor to execute a compact for prevention and control of forest fires and provide employment status for certain volunteer firefighters |
LB821 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a public benefits exemption for burial or cremation of an unclaimed body |
LB822 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to sexual assault of a child in the second and third degree |
LB823 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Terminate metropolitan utilities districts on January 1, 2015 |
LB824 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change workers' compensation temporary disability provisions |
LB825 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Require Open Meeting Act compliance by boards and subcommittees subject to the Nebraska Workforce Investment Act |
LB826 | McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a study relating to education incentives for high-need occupations |
LB827 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB828 | Seiler | Passed | Authorize court acceptance of certain criminal waivers and pleas |
LB829 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt separately stated postage charges from sales and use taxes |
LB830 | Christensen | Withdrawn | Authorize special permits to certain vehicle dealers in adjacent states |
LB831 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a requirement relating to coverage of medical equipment and prohibit unreasonable delays relating to preapproval of coverage |
LB832 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to reductions in sentence, change good-time provisions, and provide for earned time |
LB833 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Change selection provisions for county surveyors |
LB834 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to funding for school breakfast programs |
LB835 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Extend a pilot project relating to college entrance exams |
LB836 | Legislative Performance Audit Committee | Passed | Provide and change provisions relating to legislative findings for tax incentive programs |
LB837 | Legislative Performance Audit Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision relating to preaudits by state agencies |
LB838 | Sullivan | Passed | Change dates relating to certifications and distribution of state aid to schools |
LB839 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Extend the effective period for a continuing lien for a garnishment in aid of execution |
LB840 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Require rules and regulations for mandatory water well permits in management areas |
LB841 | Hadley | Indefinitely postponed | Change sales and use tax provisions relating to all-terrain vehicles, utility-type vehicles, and distribution of revenue |
LB842 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to allocations to the Excellence in Teaching Cash Fund |
LB843 | Johnson | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to membership on the Board of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery |
LB844 | Schilz | Passed | Extend the termination date of the Nebraska Litter Reduction and Recycling Act |
LB845 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for regulation of meteorological evaluation towers |
LB846 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | To create the brand inspection service area for brand inspection fees and estray disposition |
LB847 | Hadley | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for fees for copies of motor vehicle accident reports |
LB848 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Provide financial assistance under the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act for the development and acquisition of low-income housing |
LB849 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine automobile liability policy relating to the Motor Vehicle Registration Act |
LB850 | Watermeier | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a homestead exemption for individuals with developmental disabilities |
LB851 | Hadley | Passed | Change land bank, tax sales, liens and security interests, nonresident vehicle registration, ethanol facilities, Department of Revenue powers and duties, and taxation provisions |
LB852 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to asbestos regulation |
LB853 | McGill | Passed | Change and rename acts, a register, and an advisory committee relating to children and young adults and require case manager training as prescribed |
LB853A | McGill | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB854 | Krist | Passed | Prohibit issuance of a long-term care request for proposals before September 1, 2015 |
LB855 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for formation and operation of cemetery associations |
LB856 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Require water well metering relating to hydraulic fracturing |
LB857 | Bloomfield | Indefinitely postponed | Change application provisions under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act regarding members of the armed forces to include spouses of such members |
LB858 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements relating to pharmacists and health care services in health insurance |
LB859 | Krist | Passed | Change provisions for onsite vaccinations at certain health care facilities |
LB860 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt health insurance requirements relating to dollar limits, rescissions, preexisting conditions, and dependents |
LB861 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit use and distribution of vapor products and other products derived from tobacco as prescribed and provide an exception and provide penalties |
LB862 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change the amount recoverable under the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act |
LB863 | Karpisek | Passed | Change provisions relating to cemeteries and alcohol sales, prohibit sales to and use of vapor products and alternative nicotine products by minors, prohibit certain sales of tobacco products, and adopt by reference provisions of the National Electrical Code |
LB864 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Allocate funds to the Early Childhood Education Grant Program |
LB865 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate certain taxing authority of learning communities and change state aid calculations |
LB866 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for appointment of two additional members to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission |
LB867 | Hadley | Passed | Change provisions relating to distribution of, exemptions from, and review of taxes and tax information |
LB867A | Hadley | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB868 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit peace officers from using government-issued equipment for private employment |
LB869 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Change and transfer provisions on prescriptions and controlled substances |
LB870 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Public Debt Recovery Program Act |
LB871 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Require creation of fiscal notes as prescribed |
LB872 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Create the position of state school security director and provide duties |
LB872A | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB873 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Create a fund and appropriate and transfer funds for the Game and Parks Commission |
LB874 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Game and Parks Commission |
LB875 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to long-term insurance |
LB876 | Howard | Passed | Require a bodily injury exception from a pollutant exclusion in certain insurance policies |
LB877 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony |
LB878 | Seiler | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to wrongful death actions |
LB879 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a permit to carry a concealed handgun in a school |
LB880 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Require notice of debit and preauthorization hold amounts as prescribed and provide for a violation to be a deceptive trade practice |
LB881 | Watermeier | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to death, injury, or property damage to innocent third parties as a result of a police vehicular pursuit |
LB882 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Change duties of the Climate Assessment Response Committee |
LB883 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate a termination date on coverage requirements for anticancer medication |
LB884 | Hansen | Passed | Name and change the Exotic Animal Auction or Exchange Venue Act and change the Livestock Auction Market Act |
LB885 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Require the use of the income approach to value certain real property for tax purposes |
LB886 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Condominium Act |
LB887 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Wellness in Nebraska Act |
LB887A | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB888 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for changing the hours for sale of alcohol |
LB889 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for emergency medical services training and licensure |
LB890 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to procedures for acquiring private property for public use |
LB891 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Legislative Council to pay dues under the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact |
LB892 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Change enforcement provisions of the One-Call Notification System Act |
LB893 | Seiler | Indefinitely postponed | Change the amount recoverable under the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act |
LB894 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to applying for property tax exemptions |
LB895 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Change compensation rate for certain volunteers under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB896 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Erosion and Sediment Control Act |
LB897 | Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit to employers of public assistance recipients |
LB898 | Legislative Performance Audit Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Require reports for public benefit programs delivery system |
LB899 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Define hard cider under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB900 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Change a Nebraska Uniform Trust Code provision governing charitable trusts |
LB901 | McGill | Passed | Provide for psychology internships and change duties of the Behavioral Health Education Center and adopt the Nebraska Mental Health First Aid Training Act |
LB901A | McGill | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB902 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt military retirement income from state income taxation |
LB903 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Require a wage statement for employees under the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act |
LB904 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Create an endowment fund to provide grants for a black history museum and center |
LB905 | Speaker Adams | Veto Overridden | Provide for deficit appropriations |
LB906 | Speaker Adams | Veto Overridden | Transfer funds and create and eliminate funds |
LB907 | Ashford | Passed | Add, change, and eliminate provisions relating to criminal justice, incarceration, probation, parole, and legal education financial assistance |
LB907A | Ashford | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB908 | Coash | Passed | Change child guardianship, ward, and adoption for child out of wedlock provisions |
LB909 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Require state agencies to submit to the Legislative Performance Audit Committee a list of certain rules and regulations and legislation requiring the rules and regulations |
LB910 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Require notice from state or local law enforcement to lienholders or mortgagees of abandoned motor vehicles |
LB911 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska 911 Act and create the Next-Generation 911 Advisory Council |
LB912 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Property Tax Relief Act |
LB913 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for property taxes paid |
LB914 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a limited bottling endorsement under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB915 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a person to accept city or village ordinance violation notices during mortgage foreclosure or trust deed default |
LB916 | Crawford | Governor Veto | Eliminate integrated practice agreements and provide for transition-to-practice agreements for nurse practitioners |
LB917 | McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Provide procedures for donation of real property to the Northeast Community College Area |
LB918 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to investments for certain defined contribution plans |
LB919 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Open Data Advisory Board |
LB920 | Coash | Passed | Adopt the Public Guardianship Act |
LB920A | Coash | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB921 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit possession, sale, offer for sale, trade, or distribution of shark fins |
LB922 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change qualification provisions under the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act |
LB923 | McGill | Passed | Provide for the position of state school security director and require training on school security, suicide awareness and prevention, and tornado preparedness for school personnel and provide for a concussion protocol |
LB923A | McGill | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB924 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine terms under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act |
LB925 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for transfer of motor vehicle registration duties to county treasurers |
LB926 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to rules and regulations of the Department of Insurance |
LB927 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide that judges retirement fees cannot be waived |
LB928 | State-Tribal Relations Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Act |
LB929 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Define a term with respect to cities of the first class police officers' and firefighters' retirement |
LB930 | Watermeier | Passed | Require an operator's presence at an excavation under the One-Call Notification System Act |
LB931 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Mental Health First Aid Training Act |
LB932 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Restrict public employer requests for criminal history information from an applicant |
LB933 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions and define and redefine terms relating to labor trafficking and sex trafficking |
LB934 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Establish the position of Coordinator of Human Trafficking Prevention and provide duties |
LB935 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Require legislative approval to move state services |
LB936 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Create and provide duties for the State Ward Permanency Pilot Project |
LB937 | Karpisek | Passed | Change quorum requirements for county boards of supervisors |
LB938 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit to individuals who pay a federal health insurance penalty |
LB939 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of false presentation of proof of financial responsibility under the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act |
LB940 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Water Sustainability Fund and transfer cash reserve funds |
LB941 | Schilz | Passed | Provide for a dairy growth study |
LB941A | Schilz | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB942 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to packers under the Competitive Livestock Markets Act |
LB943 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the minimum wage rate |
LB944 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to funding for early childhood services |
LB945 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide procedures for aid to political subdivisions from the Governor's Emergency Program |
LB946 | Murante | Passed | Change provisions relating to bond elections, county surveyor elections, school board elections, administration and conduct of elections, vacancies, presidential electors, and threshold amounts under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB947 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities |
LB948 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change catering license fees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB949 | Business and Labor Committee | Passed | Approve claims against the state |
LB950 | Business and Labor Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Deny claims against the state |
LB951 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change lump-sum settlement provisions under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB952 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Working to Improve Nebraska Schools Act |
LB953 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Health Information Initiative Act and provide funding |
LB954 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Change rotating or flashing light provisions for certain vehicles |
LB955 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Paid Family Medical Leave Act |
LB956 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Increase the earned income tax credit |
LB957 | Christensen | Withdrawn | Require certain oil and gas exploration findings to be a public record |
LB958 | Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for appointment of a student achievement coordinator |
LB959 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a permit application exemption for certain water storage reservoirs |
LB960 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change inheritance tax rates |
LB961 | Cook | Passed | Provide for a fire fighting compact, change workers' compensation provisions and require coverage for volunteer firefighters, change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act, the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act, and the Employment Security Law |
LB962 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of attachment, execution, or sale |
LB963 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale on execution |
LB964 | Brasch | Passed | Extend a homestead exemption for claimants under sixty-five years of age and not married |
LB965 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Change public policy provisions and findings required by the Nebraska Power Review Board relating to the provision of electric service |
LB965A | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB966 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the averaging adjustment in the state aid to schools formula |
LB967 | Education Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to accountant licensing examination accreditation, education funding, compensation of members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, education regulation, teaching, early childhood education programs, distance education programs, and postsecondary institutions |
LB967A | Sullivan | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB968 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional powers for certain sanitary and improvement districts |
LB969 | Sullivan | Indefinitely postponed | Change a limitation on appropriations for special education programs and support services |
LB970 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Provide that certain votes of public officials are public record |
LB971 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverage |
LB972 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Independent Public Schools Act |
LB973 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to classification of school districts |
LB974 | Mello | Passed | Change state government provisions relating to special education funding, preaudits, planning duties, reporting requirements, contracts, warrants, and vehicles |
LB974A | Mello | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB975 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for filling vacancies in the Legislature and Board of Regents |
LB976 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Redistricting Act |
LB977 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to standard of care for corporate trustees regarding governmental retirement and pension funds |
LB978 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize funding for on-bill payment programs under the Low-Income Home Energy Conservation Act |
LB979 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to tax sales for delinquent property taxes |
LB980 | Johnson | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to termination of a township board |
LB981 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Change commercial motor vehicle provisions relating to falsified information, medical examinations, texting, and use of handheld mobile telephones |
LB982 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine the terms all-terrain vehicle and utility-type vehicle |
LB983 | Dubas | Passed | Change licensing provisions and operating restrictions for commercial motor vehicles, farm vehicles, and other vehicles as prescribed |
LB983A | Dubas | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB984 | Sullivan | Indefinitely postponed | Change allocations from the Education Innovation Fund |
LB985 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide standing to natural resources districts and provide requirements for water appropriations |
LB986 | Revenue Committee | Passed | Change homestead exemption income limitations and provide a homestead exemption for individuals with developmental disabilities |
LB986A | Hadley | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB987 | Revenue Committee | Passed | Adjust individual income tax brackets for inflation and exempt social security and military retirement benefits from income taxation |
LB987A | Hadley | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB988 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for certain access to decedent's safe deposit box |
LB989 | Schumacher | Passed | Require a report relating to sales taxes and change tax expenditure reporting requirements under the Tax Expenditure Reporting Act |
LB990 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Add a penalty and change a record requirement for 911 service suppliers |
LB991 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit collection of interchange fees by payment card networks on certain taxes and fees |
LB992 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Early Childhood Data Governing Body |
LB993 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide that health care sharing ministries are not insurance |
LB994 | Health and Human Services Committee | Passed | Change fees as prescribed for vital statistics |
LB994A | Campbell | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB995 | Hadley | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for state and local taxes paid |
LB996 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Require state agencies to respond to legislative requests for information |
LB997 | McGill | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Training and Support Trust Fund and provide duties for the Nebraska Worker Training Board |
LB998 | Karpisek | Passed | Change provisions relating to disposition of human remains, offenses related to the person, sexual exploitation, labor and sex trafficking, the Sex Offender Registration Act, and driving under the influence |
LB999 | Ashford | Passed | Provide duties relating to the establishment of a Hastings Correctional Behavioral Health Treatment Center |
LB999A | Ashford | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1000 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to parenting plans |
LB1001 | Wallman | Passed | Allow growth and cultivation of industrial hemp by the Department of Agriculture or a postsecondary institution |
LB1001A | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1002 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Add enforcement powers under the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act |
LB1003 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for natural resources districts to issue general obligation bonds |
LB1004 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize additional sources of funding for the Commission on Indian Affairs Cash Fund |
LB1005 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Surface Water and Ground Water Review Board and provide powers and duties |
LB1006 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision of the Private Prison Contracting Act and prohibit state agencies from entering into contracts that include certain provisions |
LB1007 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Security, Privacy, and Dissemination of Criminal History Information Act |
LB1008 | Haar | Passed | Change duties of the Climate Assessment Response Committee |
LB1009 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Establish a pilot program relating to problem-based learning |
LB1010 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Enterprise Act and authorize the Governor to award economic development grants |
LB1011 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Change the time limit on amending or repealing a municipal initiative |
LB1012 | Schilz | Passed | Change provisions relating to blighted areas under the Community Development Law |
LB1013 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Permit counties to regulate peddlers, hawkers, and solicitors by ordinance |
LB1014 | Murante | Passed | Change provisions for election of metropolitan utilities district board of directors |
LB1015 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Include certain fire and rescue departments under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act |
LB1016 | Krist | Passed | Provide for acquisition and sale of state aircraft and a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB1016A | Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1017 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change and transfer pharmacy, prescription, and drug provisions |
LB1018 | Hadley | Indefinitely postponed | Change public record provisions for withholding job application materials from the public |
LB1019 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Development and Venture Enterprise Act |
LB1020 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to liquor licensee violations |
LB1021 | Seiler | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the sealing of records of a juvenile |
LB1022 | Seiler | Indefinitely postponed | Change legal procedure provisions of hearsay, disposition of untried charges, and speedy trial |
LB1023 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain budgetary reports |
LB1024 | Mello | Withdrawn | Permit the Nebraska Tourism Commission to adopt an official state symbol or slogan |
LB1025 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue |
LB1026 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Create and provide for a Nebraska Educational Trust Fund |
LB1027 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to restoration of seized firearms as prescribed |
LB1028 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Change the number of judges of the separate juvenile court as prescribed |
LB1028A | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1029 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to size, weight, and load with respect to vehicles transporting fertilizer |
LB1030 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the State Firearms Rights Act |
LB1031 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide for decreased income tax rates |
LB1032 | Kintner | Indefinitely postponed | Require posting of signs regarding abortion |
LB1033 | Watermeier | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Game and Parks Commission and state intent relating to operation and maintenance of Arbor Lodge State Historical Park |
LB1034 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions and penalties relating to unlawful intrusion |
LB1035 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Require reports regarding records of persons unable to purchase or possess handguns because of disqualification or disability |
LB1036 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for biennial contracts for cities of the primary class under the Industrial Relations Act |
LB1037 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize Auditor of Public Accounts to examine certain entities formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act |
LB1038 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for certain property taxes paid on agricultural land and horticultural land |
LB1039 | Dubas | Passed | Change provisions relating to size, weight, and load for farm equipment |
LB1040 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Create an energy conservation grant program |
LB1041 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change retirement provisions relating to school employees |
LB1042 | Nordquist | Passed | Change school retirement provisions and duties of the Public Employees Retirement Board |
LB1042A | Nordquist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1043 | Nelson | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt certain deeds from the documentary stamp tax |
LB1044 | Schilz | Passed | Provide procedures for abandoned mobile homes |
LB1045 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine the term underground facility for purposes of the One-Call Notification System Act |
LB1046 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Water Sustainability Fund and transfer General Funds |
LB1047 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Natural Resources |
LB1048 | Murante | Passed | Require delivery of the official election calendar and change and eliminate political party provisions |
LB1049 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for actions for recovery of title or possession of real estate or foreclosure of mortgages or deeds of trust as mortgages |
LB1050 | Campbell | Passed | Change provisions relating to inspections of certain child care facilities |
LB1051 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Public Health Leadership and Development Act and appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska |
LB1052 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change restrictions on retailers under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB1053 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Provide state aid to municipalities, counties, and natural resources districts |
LB1054 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine treatment under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act |
LB1055 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for tuition-free credits for veterans and military personnel as prescribed |
LB1056 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change individual income tax brackets and rates |
LB1057 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide duties for the Department of Revenue |
LB1058 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote |
LB1059 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change membership of learning community coordinating councils |
LB1060 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change from elected to appointed boards for educational service units |
LB1061 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change from elected to appointed boards for community college areas |
LB1062 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Require presentment of operator's license and proof of financial responsibility or evidence of insurance to a peace officer by a driver involved in an accident or impoundment of vehicle and authorize civil actions for certain expenses |
LB1063 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Require juvenile court approval to obtain a juvenile court proceeding transcript |
LB1064 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Teach for Nebraska Program Act |
LB1065 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate secret ballot provisions under the Open Meetings Act |
LB1066 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Require a recorded roll call vote by certain county boards |
LB1067 | Hadley | Passed | Change sales and use tax refund provisions, extend sunset dates under certain tax incentive laws, and change provisions of the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act |
LB1068 | Sullivan | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to learning communities |
LB1069 | Sullivan | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to education |
LB1070 | Sullivan | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to state aid to schools |
LB1071 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional rules of the road for bicycles and bikeways |
LB1072 | Lathrop | Passed | Change provisions relating to prescription drug monitoring and create a fund |
LB1073 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Require employers to e-verify immigration status of new employees |
LB1074 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the regulation of ground water |
LB1075 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit employment of certain persons leaving public positions |
LB1076 | Campbell | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Telehealth Act |
LB1077 | Sullivan | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Shared Responsibility for Access and Success Act |
LB1078 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Nebraska Telehealth Act, provide for the establishment of a patient relationship through video conferencing, and require insurance coverage for telehealth services |
LB1079 | Davis | Withdrawn | Authorize grants to certain county agricultural societies under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act |
LB1080 | Bloomfield | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for nonprofit nursery stock distributors under the Plant Protection and Plant Pest Act |
LB1081 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to school-sponsored activities |
LB1082 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Allow all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles to be operated as authorized emergency vehicles |
LB1083 | Garrett | Indefinitely postponed | Change job training grant provisions relating to veterans |
LB1084 | Garrett | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions governing the filling of certain vacancies |
LB1085 | Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Require listing of employee salaries and job titles of certain private employers |
LB1086 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Transfer cash reserve funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB1087 | Pirsch | Passed | Create a homestead exemption for disabled veterans, widows, and widowers |
LB1087A | Pirsch | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1088 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change income eligibility provisions relating to federal child care assistance |
LB1089 | Conrad | Passed | Provide for disposition of residual funds in class action litigation and charitable trusts |
LB1090 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act |
LB1091 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Transfer funds from the Cash Reserve Fund to the Job Training Cash Fund and change job training grant provisions |
LB1092 | Dubas | Final Reading | Authorize issuance of highway construction bonds |
LB1093 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to juvenile facilitated conferencing and funding |
LB1093A | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1094 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change a fund transfer to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB1095 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Tax-increment Financing Division of the Department of Economic Development and change the Community Development Law |
LB1096 | Ashford | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for expansion of a business improvement district |
LB1097 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Change individual income tax brackets and rates and corporate income tax rates |
LB1098 | Carlson | Passed | Adopt and change provisions relating to water, irrigation, and natural resources |
LB1098A | Carlson | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1099 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a study relating to state aid to schools |
LB1100 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Public Power Task Force |
LB1101 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to state aid and learning communities |
LB1102 | Crawford | Withdrawn | Redefine marijuana and authorize the medical use of hemp extract as prescribed |
LB1103 | Education Committee | Passed | Provide for a strategic planning process for education |
LB1104 | Watermeier | Indefinitely postponed | Change farm winery licensing provisions |
LB1105 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Create veterans and servicemembers court programs |
LB1106 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to career academies |
LB1107 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change medicaid payment provisions for federally qualified health centers as prescribed |
LB1108 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change a standard used by a court in finding a pregnant woman sufficiently mature to decide to have an abortion |
LB1109 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to consent and parental notification and eliminate certain penalties with respect to abortion |
LB1110 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change concealed handgun permit renewal provisions for members of the armed forces and their spouses |
LB1111 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties relating to integrated management plans |
LB1112 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to an occupation tax on irrigated land |
LB1113 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide powers and duties relating to surface water appropriations |
LB1114 | Mello | Passed | Change and state intent relating to funding for economic development programs and change a termination date |
LB1114A | Mello | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1115 | Davis | Passed | Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Power Review Board for a study and state public policy |
LB1115A | Davis | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LR390 | Mello | Extend sympathy to the family of Steve Cavlovic | |
LR391 | Avery | Recognize September 2014 as Pediatric Cancer Awareness in Nebraska | |
LR392 | Wightman | Congratulate the Cozad High School football team for winning the 2013 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR393CA | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change signature requirements for initiative petitions |
LR394 | Schumacher | Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator Jennie Robak | |
LR395 | Brasch | Referral | Recognize February 10, 2014, as the 60th anniversary of the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance |
LR396 | Johnson | Congratulate the Wahoo High School softball team for winning the 2013 Class C state championship | |
LR397CA | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to require public recording and preservation of votes of public officials |
LR398 | Johnson | Congratulate Kristi Bundy for being named the 2014 Nebraska Teacher of the Year | |
LR399 | Wightman | Referral | Recommend the enactment of comprehensive immigration reform |
LR400 | Dubas | Referral | Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint a special committee to be known as the ACCESSNebraska Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature |
LR401 | McGill | Congratulate Scott Michael Wenzl on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR402 | Larson | Congratulate the O'Neill Mean Green girls' softball team for winning the 2013 Nebraska Amateur Softball Association Fast Pitch 16-Under Class C State championship | |
LR403 | Larson | Congratulate the Crofton High School boys' and girls' cross country teams for winning their 2013 Class D Boys State and Girls State cross country championships | |
LR404 | Larson | Congratulate the St. Mary's High School volleyball team for winning the Class D-1 state championship | |
LR405 | Avery | Congratulate Matthew Michael Sievert for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR406 | Kolowski | Congratulate the Skutt Catholic High School football team for winning the 2013 Class B state championship | |
LR407 | Howard | Extend sympathy to the family of Donna McGrath | |
LR408 | Schilz | Congratulate Melvin Meierhenry on his 83rd birthday | |
LR409 | Carlson | Recognize August 26, 2014, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska | |
LR410 | Carlson | Extend sympathy to the family of Ron Bishop | |
LR411CA | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize municipalities and counties to exercise powers in matters of local concern and to eliminate home rule charters |
LR412 | Hansen | Recognize November 2014 as Nebraska Caregivers Month | |
LR413 | Davis | Referral | Request the United States Department of Agriculture immediately withdraw its proposed rule entitled "Importation of Beef from a Region in Brazil" |
LR414 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Request the federal government to reject changes to the current law governing country of origin meat labeling |
LR415 | Dubas | Congratulate Judge Michael J. Owens on his retirement | |
LR416CA | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to authorize casino gaming, provide for a local vote, and provide for distribution of tax proceeds |
LR417 | Mello | Designate September 15 through October 15, 2014 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the State of Nebraska | |
LR418 | Seiler | Congratulate Morgan Nikkila on being named a 2013 Tribland Player of the Year for girls' volleyball | |
LR419 | Seiler | Congratulate Seyler Monroe on being named a 2013 Tribland Player of the Year for six-man football | |
LR420 | Seiler | Congratulate Jordan Slough on being named a 2013 Tribland Player of the Year for 11-man football | |
LR421CA | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to eliminate references to the State Board of Education, State Department of Education, and the Commissioner of Education |
LR422 | Campbell | General File | Provide the Health and Human Services Committee, in cooperation with the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee, be designated to develop policy recommendations towards transformation of Nebraska's health care system |
LR423CA | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to provide that residential real property may be classified separately for property taxation |
LR424 | Lathrop | Referral | Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint a special committee of the Legislature to be known as the Department of Correctional Services Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature |
LR425 | Avery | Congratulate Southview Christian Church and Boy Scout Troop 16 of Lincoln on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Troop 16 | |
LR426 | Sullivan | Congratulate the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension on its 100 years of service to Nebraska | |
LR427 | Carlson | Referral | Urge the United States government to support a sustainable Renewable Fuel Standard |
LR428 | Kolowski | Congratulate Joseph Zach for being chosen as a Nebraska delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program | |
LR429 | Mello | Designate January 2014 as National Mentoring Month in Nebraska | |
LR430 | Kintner | Congratulate Brock Milius for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR431 | Kintner | Congratulate the Louisville-Weeping Water baseball team for winning the 2013 Class C Junior Legion State Tournament | |
LR432 | Dubas | Congratulate Cody Myers on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR433 | Crawford | Referral | Interim study to examine issues relating to production, possession, and use of hemp oil for the purposes of treating epileptic seizures |
LR434 | Christensen | Congratulate Alexander Thuernagle on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR435 | Christensen | Congratulate Korey Krutsinger on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR436 | Karpisek | Congratulate the Exeter-Milligan High School football team for winning the 2013 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR437 | Seiler | Congratulate the Hastings St. Cecilia High School girls' volleyball team for winning the 2013 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR438 | Seiler | Congratulate the Silver Lake High School football team for winning the 2013 Six-Man state championship | |
LR439 | Seiler | Congratulate the Doniphan-Trumbull High School football team for winning the 2013 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR440 | Karpisek | Referral | Urge Congress to reauthorize federally provided terrorism reinsurance for insurers |
LR441 | Harr | Recognize Tam Allan for his outstanding service on the Nebraska State Fair Board | |
LR442 | Coash | Extend sympathy to the family of Donald R. Everett | |
LR443 | Hadley | Congratulate Kevin Witte on receiving the 2013-14 Milken Educator Award | |
LR444 | Legislative Performance Audit Committee | Referral | Create the Tax Incentive Evaluation Committee as a special legislative committee |
LR445 | Adams | Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska | |
LR446 | Wallman | Congratulate the Lincoln Southwest High School girls' cross country team for winning the 2013 Class A state championship | |
LR447 | Wallman | Congratulate the Lincoln Southwest High School boys' tennis team for winning the Class A state championship | |
LR448 | Kolowski | Congratulate Morgan Coil for receiving a 2014 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR449 | Karpisek | Congratulate Brandon Reinsch on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR450 | Hadley | Congratulate Jessie Harris for her selection as a finalist in the 2014 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards | |
LR451 | Johnson | Congratulate the David City High School wrestling team for winning the 2014 Class C state championship | |
LR452 | Janssen | Honor Donald K. Schwab as a posthumous recipient of the Medal of Honor | |
LR453 | Carlson | Congratulate Audrey Worthing a recipient of a 2014 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR454 | Wallman | Congratulate Chance Helmick on his state wrestling championship and his achievements | |
LR455 | Johnson | Congratulate Martin Phillips on winning the 2014 Class C state wrestling championship in the 145-pound division | |
LR456 | Kolowski | Recognize Nadia Maudhoo for her musical talents and her contributions to her community | |
LR457 | Kolowski | Recognize Michal P. Lisowyj for his achievements and dedicated service to the Millard West High School Band | |
LR458 | Hadley | Congratulate Matthew Alexander Case on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR459 | Janssen | Congratulate the Fremont-Logan View boys' bowling team for winning the 2014 Class A state championship | |
LR460 | Janssen | Congratulate the North Bend boys' and girls' bowling teams for winning the 2014 Class C state championships | |
LR461 | Gloor | Congratulate the staff of the Veterans and Military Resource Centers at Central Community College on being recognized as number one among community colleges for veteran and military services in the United States | |
LR462 | Avery | Congratulate Wesley Dawkins for winning the 2014 Class A state wrestling championship in the 106-pound division | |
LR463 | Chambers | Withdrawn | Urge the United States Department of Agriculture to adopt its proposed rule entitled "Importation of Beef from a Region in Brazil" |
LR464 | Coash | Congratulate Terence "Bud" Crawford on becoming the World Boxing Organization lightweight champion | |
LR465 | Krist | Recognize the Benson High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps for being selected to represent Nebraska at events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Europe | |
LR466 | Larson | Congratulate Blake Walters for winning the 2014 Class C state wrestling championship in the 152-pound division | |
LR467 | Larson | Congratulate David Fox for winning the 2014 Class C state wrestling championship in the 170-pound division | |
LR468 | Larson | Congratulate Joseph Gillham for winning the 2014 Class C state wrestling championship in the 132-pound division | |
LR469 | Seiler | Congratulate the Hastings Middle School on its selection as a 2014 MetLife Foundation-NASSP Breakthrough School honoree | |
LR470 | Coash | Congratulate Alexander Payne for the remarkable success of his recent film, "Nebraska" | |
LR471 | Bolz | Recognize March 2014 as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska | |
LR472 | Kolowski | Congratulate the George Russell Middle School MathCounts team and Owen Gong on their achievements | |
LR473 | Hadley | Congratulate Brennan M. Young on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR474 | Kolowski | Congratulate Harrison Phillips for his accomplishments | |
LR475 | Coash | Extend sympathy to the family of James Stuart, Jr. | |
LR476 | Crawford | Congratulate Alysia Augustus for being a recipient of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching | |
LR477 | Hadley | Congratulate Adam Keating on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR478 | Harr | Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School swimming team for winning the 2014 boys' state championship | |
LR479 | Harr | Congratulate Jacob Molacek on his victories and record-breaking performances at the 2014 boys' state swimming championship | |
LR480 | Davis | Congratulate Dr. Margaret Cavanaugh-Boyer and Dr. Steve Boyer for receiving the 2012 Alumnus of the Year Award from the Family Practice Residency Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center | |
LR481 | Brasch | Congratulate Jordan Nielsen on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR482 | Carlson | Referral | Urge the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in developing guidelines for regulating carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants, to respect the primacy of Nebraska and other states and to rely on state regulators to develop performance standards |
LR483 | Karpisek | Congratulate Jackson Bates on winning the 2014 Class C state wrestling championship in the 106-pound division | |
LR484 | Karpisek | Congratulate Cody Krula on winning the 2014 Class D state wrestling championship in the 152-pound division | |
LR485 | Karpisek | Congratulate Zemua Baptista on winning the 2014 Class D state wrestling championship in the 145-pound division | |
LR485 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding patent assertion entities, commonly referred to as "patent trolls" |
LR486 | Karpisek | Congratulate the Friend High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2014 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR487 | McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Urge Congress to enact comprehensive health care reform |
LR488 | Davis | Congratulate Louis Knoflicek on his 100th birthday on May 16, 2014 | |
LR489 | Larson | Congratulate Seth Shanks on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR490 | Crawford | Congratulate Brent Myers on being selected as a National History Day Behring Teacher Ambassador | |
LR491 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the need to clarify and expand application of LB985 (2014), which provided standing to natural resources districts and requirements for water appropriations |
LR492 | Crawford | Congratulate Marissa Janning on being named the 2014 Big East Conference Women's Basketball Player of the Year | |
LR493 | Crawford | Congratulate Dr. Subhash Bhatia on receiving the 2014 Irma Bland Award for Excellence in Teaching Residents from the American Psychiatric Association | |
LR494 | Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie boys' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class D-2 state championship | |
LR495 | Janssen | Congratulate Sheila Monke on her selection as the 2014 Nebraska Mother of the Year | |
LR496 | Johnson | Congratulate Bishop Neumann High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR497 | Gloor | Referral | Interim study to examine whether Nebraska should amend its insurance statutes to authorize property and casualty to provide electronic delivery of insurance notices and documents and Internet posting of certain insurance policies |
LR498 | Gloor | Referral | Interim study to further examine the updating of Nebraska's business entity statutes |
LR499 | Gloor | Referral | Interim study to examine whether Nebraska's Real Property Appraiser Act should be updated |
LR500 | Krist | Recognize Wayne E. Boyd for his many years of public service | |
LR501 | Gloor | Referral | Interim study to examine whether the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act should be updated |
LR502 | Crawford | Congratulate Connie Yori on being named the 2014 Big Ten Conference Women's Basketball Coach of the Year | |
LR503 | Gloor | Congratulate Wasmer Elementary School on being named a Title I Distinguished School for 2013 | |
LR504 | Garrett | Congratulate the Bellevue West High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class A state championship | |
LR505 | Garrett | Congratulate the Bellevue West High School and Bellevue East High School girls' basketball teams for advancing to the 2014 Class A state tournament | |
LR506 | Christensen | Referral | Interim study to examine whether changes in the electronic payments market have rendered section 8-157.01 unworkable and inapplicable to financial institutions |
LR507 | Janssen | Congratulate the Fremont Bergan High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR508 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Nebraska P-16 Initiative organized and managed by the University of Nebraska |
LR509 | Harr | Congratulate the Omaha Benson High School Magnet girls' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class A state championship | |
LR510 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding offshore tax shelters |
LR511 | Sullivan | Congratulate the Pierce High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR512 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Encourage Nebraska high schools to offer hands-only CPR training |
LR513 | Kolowski | Extend sympathy to the family of James A. Johnston | |
LR514 | Larson | Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR515 | Larson | Congratulate the Wynot High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class D-2 state championship | |
LR516 | Larson | Congratulate the Randolph High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR517 | Haar | Referral | Interim study to examine ways to improve the quality and availability of interpreter services for Nebraskans who are deaf or hard of hearing |
LR518 | Haar | Referral | Interim study to examine the need to craft a policy to ensure that women who choose to give birth at home are adequately supported by trained health care professionals |
LR519 | Scheer | Referral | Interim study to evaluate current course offering for high school students in Nebraska |
LR520 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the problems that law enforcement is encountering since the State of Colorado legalized the sale and recreational use of marijuana |
LR521 | Nordquist | Referral | Interim study to examine the public employees retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board |
LR522 | Watermeier | Referral | Interim study to examine the U.S Dept. of Transportation's Maritime Administration's designation of the Missouri River from South Sioux City, Nebraska, south to Kansas City, Missouri, as the M-29 Marine Highway Connector |
LR523 | Dubas | Referral | Interim study to examine alternative transportation options and recommend potential changes to Nebraska's statutes |
LR524 | Avery | Extend sympathy to the family of Russell Inbody | |
LR525 | Bolz | Referral | Interim study to examine the skills gap in Nebraska's workforce and to identify options for workforce education |
LR526 | Haar | Referral | Interim study to examine options to provide incentives for professional growth and development of teachers as the means to increased student achievement and success in Nebraska public schools |
LR527 | Bloomfield | Referral | Interim study to examine the reasons why emergency disaster payments made by or through the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency are not made in a timely manner once awarded |
LR528 | Dubas | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding financing the maintenance and replacement of county bridges |
LR529 | Nordquist | Referral | Interim study to examine the adequacy of provider rates to meet the needs of Nebraskans with disabilities and the providers of services |
LR530 | Nordquist | Referral | Interim study to examine existing and proposed programs, policies, administrative rules, and statutes that impact the financial stability of working families in Nebraska |
LR531 | Bloomfield | Referral | Interim study to examine Department of Agriculture regulation of nonprofit nursery stock distributors under the Plant Protection and Plant Pest Act |
LR532 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine utilization of federal school breakfast and lunch programs and the impact of new federal options on Nebraska |
LR533 | Crawford | Referral | Interim study to assess the enrollment of former foster youth in the new medicaid category for youth formerly in foster care up to age 26 in Nebraska under the new federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act |
LR535 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to conduct a comprehensive review of the structure of health and human services functions currently administered by the Department of Health and Human Services |
LR536 | Adams | Referral | Interim study to examine the process of creating legislative task forces, committees, and commissions |
LR537 | Dubas | Referral | Interim study to examine implementation, management, operation, and ongoing development of Next Generation 911 service in Nebraska |
LR538 | Harr | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the implementation of an electronic notary system in Nebraska |
LR539 | Campbell | Referral | Interim study to examine whether the maximum payment rate in the Aid to Dependent Children program, is adequate to meet the goals of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, including keeping children in their own home |
LR540 | Campbell | Referral | Interim study to examine the treatment and services for people dually diagnosed with I/DD and MI or I/DD and behavioral health problems |
LR541 | Campbell | Referral | Interim study to examine the implementation of educational stability plans for children in foster care under the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 |
LR542 | Campbell | Referral | Interim study to examine issues regarding the current guardian ad litem system |
LR543 | Ashford | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee |
LR544 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to examine the fiscal impacts of unfunded mandates |
LR545 | Kolowski | Referral | Interim study to examine state-wide efforts that can be taken to improve Nebraska's access to local food supply and distribution networks |
LR546 | Kolowski | Referral | Interim study to review existing state and local programs and policies on expanded learning opportunities |
LR547 | Smith | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding labor shortage areas in the state and opportunities available to Nebraska's future workforce |
LR548 | Coash | Referral | Interim study to assess how the State of Nebraska can improve the coordination and provision of child welfare services for Native American children and families |
LR549 | Bloomfield | Referral | Interim study to examine issues relating to Game and Parks Commission funding |
LR550 | Davis | Congratulate the University of Nebraska women's basketball team on winning the 2014 Big Ten Conference Women's basketball tournament and congratulate Jordan Hooper on being named Big Ten Conference Women's Basketball Player of the Year | |
LR551 | Lathrop | Referral | Interim study to examine enforcement under the Employee Classification Act and the effect misclassification has on facets of business and labor in Nebraska |
LR552 | Ashford | Referral | Interim study to examine Nebraska's juvenile courts, especially juvenile courts within Douglas County |
LR553 | Ashford | Referral | Interim study to examine the issue of drivers' licenses for young Nebraskans who have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals by the Department of Homeland Security |
LR554 | Howard | Referral | Interim study to gather information and study the possible existence and extent of labor trafficking in the State of Nebraska |
LR555 | Crawford | Referral | Interim study to examine how cities and villages provide services to residents located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction or sanitary improvement districts of such cities and villages |
LR556 | Harr | Referral | Interim study to examine local use of property taxes to study the fiscal relationship between state and local governments and the impact on our schools and justice system |
LR557 | Harr | Referral | Interim study to examine the need to appropriate funds to Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska, for improvements to the park and to examine ways to honor our veterans |
LR558 | Harr | Referral | Interim study to examine ways the state and municipalities can encourage the development of community gardens, including providing spaces for gardening on public lands |
LR559 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Medicaid Reform Council |
LR560 | Schilz | Referral | Interim study to provide a forum for receiving the dairy industry report authorized pursuant to LB941, which was enacted during the 2014 legislative session |
LR561 | Schilz | Referral | Interim study to examine the role and value of private veterinarians in assisting law enforcement in carrying out duties under the Livestock Animal Welfare Act |
LR562 | Schilz | Referral | Interim study to examine the adequacy of revenue supporting the licensure and enforcement of the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act |
LR563 | Schilz | Referral | Interim study to examine vertical coordination in the pork industry |
LR564 | Schilz | Referral | Interim study to examine regulatory and statutory provisions governing packer procurement of swine through marketing or production contracting under the federal Packers and Stockyards Act |
LR565 | Gloor | Referral | Interim study to examine whether adding antidepressant, antipsychotic, and anticonvulsant drugs to the medicaid preferred drug list would be of benefit to Nebraska medicaid or Nebraska medicaid clients |
LR566 | Hadley | Referral | Interim study to examine methods used by other states to determine the taxable value of agricultural land |
LR567 | Kolowski | Referral | Interim study to examine potential funding sources for the Great Plains Black History Museum, Science and Technology Center in Omaha, Nebraska |
LR568 | Kolowski | Referral | Interim study to examine options for the creation of a Nebraska educational trust fund for the purpose of stabilizing the availability of state aid to education when there is a significant decline in state sales and income tax revenue |
LR569 | Kolowski | Referral | Interim study to examine the professional development of forensic science in Nebraska |
LR570 | Hadley | Referral | Interim study to examine the compliance and enforcement issues relative to Nebraska's tax incentive programs |
LR571 | Hadley | Referral | Interim study to examine Nebraska's individual and corporate income tax systems |
LR572 | Hadley | Referral | Interim study to examine Nebraska's sales and use tax base |
LR573 | Hadley | Referral | Interim study to examine Nebraska's state aid programs to cities, counties, and other political subdivisions |
LR574 | Coash | Referral | Interim study to explore the need for fully integrated residential services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing |
LR575 | Mello | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding in-home personal services |
LR576 | Campbell | Referral | Interim study to examine the current status of the sharing of electronic health records and health information exchanges in Nebraska |
LR577 | Karpisek | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR578 | Karpisek | Referral | Interim study to examine the various Nebraska agricultural products used in the production of craft beer and distilled spirits |
LR579 | Nordquist | Referral | Interim study to examine the need-based financial aid program, the Nebraska Opportunity Grant Act, to determine whether the program is sufficient to meet the needs of students |
LR580 | Campbell | Referral | Interim study to examine the reform effort of Nebraska's behavioral health system |
LR581 | Avery | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee |
LR582 | Crawford | Referral | Interim study to review the work of the Task Force on Unfunded Mandates created in 1996 and to study the impacts of unfunded and underfunded mandates on counties and county governments |
LR583 | Crawford | Referral | Interim study to assess the behavioral health and mental health needs of Nebraska's K-12 students and available resources to meet those needs |
LR584 | Schilz | Referral | Interim study to examine issues relating to changing recreational liability provisions |
LR585 | Crawford | Referral | Interim study to examine the Nebraska statutes relating to cities of the first class |
LR586 | Howard | Referral | Interim study to gather information and make recommendations to craft policy to support and continue electronic health records exchanges and health information initiatives |
LR587 | Howard | Referral | Interim study to gather information and make recommendations to craft policy to support the creation of a sustainable community health workforce in Nebraska |
LR588 | Howard | Referral | Interim study to examine the establishment of an early childhood data governance entity |
LR589 | Haar | Referral | Interim study to evaluate the local and statewide health impacts of burning coal |
LR590 | Haar | Referral | Interim study to examine the organizational structure of public power |
LR591 | Karpisek | Referral | Interim study to review issues surrounding child custody proceedings and parenting time determinations as they pertain to families of divorce |
LR592 | McGill | Referral | Interim study to examine various methods of behavioral health workforce development |
LR593 | McGill | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Urban Affairs Committee |
LR594 | Schumacher | Referral | Interim study to examine Nebraska constitutional provisions which enable or limit the Legislature's power to provide for property tax policies and relief programs |
LR595 | McGill | Referral | Interim study to examine the impact of Nebraska changing to a home rule state in matters of local concern |
LR596 | Watermeier | Referral | Interim study to evaluate the potential uses of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment and out-of-hospital Do Not Resuscitate protocols |
LR597 | Christensen | Referral | Interim study to examine methods by which to find balance between water resources and water uses in areas under interstate compacts, cooperative agreements, or decrees |
LR598 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the potential impact of federal legislation that would require remote retailers with no physical presence in Nebraska to collect and remit sales and use tax |
LR599 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the use of tax increment financing under the Community Development Law in Nebraska |
LR600 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the use of a foundation formula per student in the calculation of need for a school district and use of an income factor in the calculation of resources for state aid purposes |
LR601 | Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the impact of implementing, and the impact of failing to implement, medicaid expansion in Nebraska |
LR602 | Johnson | Congratulate the David City High School speech team on winning the 2014 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR603 | Davis | Congratulate the Ainsworth High School boys' basketball team on advancing to the 2014 Class C-2 state tournament | |
LR604 | Davis | Congratulate the Chadron High School girls' basketball team on advancing to the 2014 Class C-1 state tournament | |
LR605 | Davis | Congratulate the Crawford High School girls' basketball team on advancing to the 2014 Class D-2 state tournament | |
LR606 | Davis | Congratulate the Hyannis High School speech team on advancing to the 2014 Class D-2 state contest | |
LR607 | Hadley | Congratulate Steve Barth and Brian Botsford on receiving the 2014 Governor's Arts Award | |
LR608 | Schilz | Extend sympathy to the family of Robin Coulter Lapaseotes | |
LR609 | Christensen | Congratulate Landon Jutten on his "Student Spotlight" recognition by Nebraskans for the Arts | |
LR610 | Christensen | Congratulate Christian Hughes on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR611 | Christensen | Congratulate Danial Best, Alex Broadfoot, William Burkert, and Jonathon Spilinek on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR612 | Christensen | Congratulate Jordan Crosley, Chandler Hambidge, Derek Monie, Garret Monie, Calvin Wineland, Bryce Wessels, and Griffin York on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR613 | Christensen | Congratulate Luke Davis on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR614 | Adams | Posthumously honor and recognize Alvin Saunders Johnson for his induction into the Nebraska Hall of Fame | |
LR615 | Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie High School speech team on their second place finish in the 2014 Class D-1 state tournament | |
LR616 | Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School speech team on winning the 2014 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR617 | Davis | Congratulate Michael Barth on winning first place in Poetry Interpretation at the 2014 Class C-1 state speech championsip | |
LR618 | Education Committee | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee |
LR619 | Mello | Designate April 22, 2014, as Earth Day in the State of Nebraska | |
LR620 | Nordquist | Congratulate Doug McDermott for an outstanding 2013-14 basketball season and an exceptional college basketball career | |
LR621 | Kolowski | Congratulate Thomas D'Aquila on his selection as an alternate winner in this year's Letters About Literature program competition | |
LR622 | Kintner | Congratulate Eythan Ingle Strope on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR623 | Crawford | Congratulate Jabaree Culliver for being named the 2014 Nebraska Youth of the Year, Loriana Harkey for being named the 2014 Nebraska Military Youth of the Year, and Jason Towery for being named the 2014 Lincoln-Lancaster County Youth of the Year | |
LR624 | Health and Human Services Committee | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Committee |
LR625 | Larson | Congratulate the Wausa High School speech team on winning the 2014 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR626 | Larson | Congratulate the Stuart High School speech team on winning the 2014 Class D-2 state championship | |
LR627 | Davis | Congratulate John Cover on being awarded the Alliance Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Service Award | |
LR628 | Natural Resources Committee | Referral | Interim study to examine the role of Nebraska state government in establishing and implementing standards of performance for existing carbon dioxide emissions from public power plants within the state |