Taxes in Nebraska > Users and Uses of Major State and Local Taxes > State Use > State Aid to Local Government > State Aid to Schools > DATA: State Aid to Schools as a Percent of Tax Resources

State Aid to Schools as a Percent of Tax Resources

Year  State Aid to Schools School Total Tax Resources State Aid as % total resources
1980 $188,151,354 $585,671,088 32.1%
1981 $192,864,983 $629,804,963 30.6%
1982 $191,743,158 $654,735,902 29.3%
1983 $192,034,058 $702,626,985 27.3%
1984 $197,072,588 $746,364,256 26.4%
1985 $198,890,199 $794,465,372 25.0%
1986 $199,498,292 $832,248,699 24.0%
1987 $200,983,843 $862,104,024 23.3%
1988 $218,016,950 $920,292,742 23.7%
1989 $315,016,982 $1,036,126,425 30.4%
1990 $425,367,856 $1,137,940,546 37.4%
1991 $511,573,296 $1,202,433,570 42.5%
1992 $507,055,682 $1,253,116,377 40.5%
1993 $511,004,637 $1,343,849,140 38.0%
1994 $539,695,387 $1,441,537,453 37.4%
1995 $559,808,123 $1,507,386,591 37.1%
1996 $577,786,969 $1,568,490,829 36.8%
1997 $601,185,237 $1,597,044,143 37.6%
1998 $729,573,344 $1,678,873,134 43.5%
1999 $736,727,577 $1,745,498,085 42.2%
2000 $713,135,366 $1,798,206,942 39.7%
Growth over the 20-year period 279% 207%  

*NOTE: Total growth in inflation and gross state product are offered here for comparison purposes with growth in the categories of state use of tax dollars. The growth rate in inflation over this period was 109% and the growth rate in the economy, as measured by gross state product, was 213%.