2024 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Jail Standards Board

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Jail Standards Board
Contact Person:Denny Macomber; denny.macomber@nebraska.gov; (402) 471-3990
Purpose:The Nebraska Jail Standards Board is responsible for the development of minimum standards for the construction, maintenance, and operation of adult and juvenile criminal detention facilities and staff secure juvenile facilities; for performing such other duties as may be necessary to carry out the policy of the state regarding criminal adult and juvenile detention facilities and juvenile staff secure facilities; and for developing standards for adult and juvenile detention facilities and juvenile staff secure facilities related to physical plant, care, programs, disciplinary procedures, operations and construction.
How Many Affectable:68 adult detention, 3 juvenile detention and 2 staff secure facilities.
How Many Served:All counties that house prisoners, 73 facilities and their staff and inmates.
Year Created:1976
Year Active:1980
Sunset Date:None


Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 83-4,124
Parent Agency:Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:12
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:The Director of Correctional Services, or designee and the State Fire Marshal, or designee shall be on the board. The Governor shall appoint 10 additional members, to include three from each of the three congressional districts. The representative members of the board shall be appointed from recommendation lists containing at least three names submitted by the represented entity. The representative members of the board shall consist of two county commissioners or supervisors chosen from the submittals from the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO); one county sheriff chosen from the submittals from the Nebraska Sheriffs Association (NSA); one municipal police chief from the submittals from the Police Officers Association of Nebraska (POAN); one member chosen from the submittals from the Nebraska State Bar Association. Additionally, the following appointments shall be made: two lay people; one person who currently is employed as an administrator for a juvenile detention facility; one person who is currently employed as an administrator for a juvenile staff secure facility; one person who at the time of appointment is employed as an administrator or jailer of a criminal detention facility having a daily average population greater than 50 persons.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes, for travel and meals only.
Term Length:Three years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 21-22:4
Held FY 21-22:4
Required FY 22-23:4
Held FY 22-23:4
Required FY 23-24:4
Held FY 23-24:4


Support Staff:No
Shared or Separate:Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
FY 21-22 Budget:$329,949
FY 22-23 Budget:$336,625
FY 23-24 Budget:$344,705
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:No


Since July 1, 2020:The primary responsibility of the Jail Standards Division is the implementation and administration of the Jail Standards program, to include emphasis on the following activities: Resource Development Staff continually develop and update resource documents, prepare reports, respond to information requests, and sponsor workshops related to relevant topics, such as: Inmate Behavior Management, Jail Administration, Jail Management Development, sharing of inmate medical information, and policy and procedure development (annually). Print resources are available to address the following topics: Model Policy and Procedures, Model Jail Records, Policy and Procedure Resource Manual and Inmate Handbook, The Jail Planning and Construction Manual, Jail Bulletin Training Modules, and a wide variety of National Institute of Corrections materials. Technical Assistance Jail Standards staff members provide technical assistance to assist jails meet the standards. Technical assistance generally addresses the following areas: Facility Construction and RenovationThe Division has the responsibility for review of plans and specifications associated with jail facility construction and renovation projects. The Jail Standards Board has final approval for all projects prior to construction. Staff members assist architects, consultants, and local officials through the duration of projects. Technical assistance addresses the following areas: input into needs assessment; preliminary planning; pre-architectural programming and design development and final construction review to assure compliance with the standards. In recent years the following entities have addressed facility projects: Adams County, Dixon County, Keith County, Boone County, Cheyenne County and Washington County. Douglas County has committed significant resources to the development of a juvenile detention facility which is currently not in use. The Division regularly provides problem solving and technical assistance to jails related to provision of medical services, policy and procedure development and legal issues. The Jail Standards Board The Jail Standards program was established in 1975 under Nebraska Revised Statutes, Chapter 83, Sections 4,124 - 4,134. This legislation created the twelve-member Jail Standards Board appointed by the Governor to address the promulgation and enforcement of minimum standards for adult and juvenile detention facilities and provide oversight on issues related to the maintenance, operation, and construction of all local criminal detention facilities. The Jail Standards Board meets quarterly to consider inspection reports, address local facility requests, and consider approval of facility construction or renovation plans. Staff support to the Jail Standards Board is provided by the Jail Standards Division of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Data Collection Since July 1, 2012, the Jail Standards Division has collected data on the characteristics and flow of inmate housing in county jail facilities. When local government entities begin planning the construction of new jail facilities this data is essential in determining appropriate size and design characteristics. In addition, the continued collection of this data provides decision makers a comprehensive database critical to address state master planning and planning requirements of local facilities. Annual Inspections Staff completed an annual inspection of all 68 adult jails, three juvenile detention centers, and two staff secure facilities in the state during this period. Inspection reports were prepared and submitted to the Jail Standards Board for review and official action on a quarterly basis. Periodically, detention facilities may be deemed by the Jail Standards Board to be out of compliance. The Jail Standards Division will assist these facilities with remediation efforts to gain compliance. Adult facilities are inspected for compliance with standards regulating personnel, records and statistics, admission and release of inmates, classification, security and control, library materials, rehabilitative services, mail, visiting and telephone service, health services, food services, inmates rights, inmate behavior, discipline and grievance processes and existing and new facility design and construction. Training Jail Standards staff provide a variety of training opportunities for detention facility staff across the State. Initial Jail Training for new employees who work in detention facilities is required. Training is typically provided on a regional basis with sessions routinely conducted at the following locations: the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center in Grand Island, Hall County, Scottsbluff County, Lancaster County, Platte County, Buffalo County, Thurston County, Dawson County and Lincoln County. In conjunction with the Nebraska Correctional Administrators and Managers Association (NCAMA), Jail Standards Division present the Annual Spring Conference for detention and corrections professionals. This conference and workshop are typically held in Kearney, Nebraska, to afford a central meeting venue intended to reduce travel time and costs for most counties. The conference includes vendor displays, two days of excellent and relevant presentations to enhance the professionalization of corrections and detention personnel, and one of the quarterly meetings of the Jail Standards Board. Participation and attendance at the conference continues to grow each year with approximately 250 to 300 attendees.Federal Program AdministrationJail Standards staff are responsible for assuring that Nebraska detention and staff secure facilities maintain compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). This includes JJDPA inspections of all sites in Nebraska where a juvenile might be securely held which includes every detention and staff secure facility, all local law enforcement offices, and a variety of private entities where certified law enforcement might be utilized. Staff are also responsible for assuring that all facilities that have contracts to hold State or Federal prisoners are following and meet the federal PREA standards. Ongoing training and continuing education related to this oversight is required for all staff.