2024 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska State Fair Board

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska State Fair Board
Contact Person:Jaime Parr
Purpose:The Nebraska State Fair Board, created in 1879 as the State Board of Agriculture, conducts the annual State Fair. The board is governed by seven(7) members who are elected via County Ag Society districts + four (4) members appointed by the Governor + two (2) ex-officio members, one from 4-H and one from FFA. The State Fair's mission statement is: To recognize achievements of Nebraskans, celebrate youth and Fair traditions and showcase agriculture while providing educational and entertaining experiences for all.
How Many Affectable:13 Board + 18 FTE Staff + 450 Seasonal Staff
How Many Served:300,000 - 400,000 annual
Year Created:1879
Year Active:1879
Sunset Date:none noted


Authorization Citation:blank
Parent Agency:blank

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:13
Who Appoints:Governor appoints (4), County Ag Society (7), nature of career (2)
Legislative Approval:blank
Qualifications Of Members:blank
Per Diem:$50-100day
Expense Reimbursement:Mileage + Lodging when needed + meal for the meeting day
Term Length:3 year term, can serve up to three (3) terms 9 years max
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 21-22:12
Held FY 21-22:13
Required FY 22-23:13
Held FY 22-23:13
Required FY 23-24:12
Held FY 23-24:13


Support Staff:Jaime Parr, Executive Director
Shared or Separate:One ED + 16 FTE Staff
FY 21-22 Budget:$10M
FY 22-23 Budget:$11M
FY 23-24 Budget:$12M
Other Funding Sources:(NE LOTTERY) + Sponsorships + Gate Admission + Ticketed Events + Entry Fees
Spending Authority:Appropriations Committee for the Lottery Funding


Since July 1, 2020:We DID HOST a State Fari in August 2020. This is noteable as many other state fair's did not happen in 2020. NE State Fair worked with NE Dept of Ag to find a way TO host livestock shows when our communities needed them most. Annual Fair attendance has been increasing since 2020. We have multiple partnerships that allow us to provide experiences and education, show and celebration where most allo is focused on an aspect of Agriculture, Farming, and Ranching.