2024 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Contact Person:Timothy McCoy, Director
Purpose:The legislature created the Commission and gave it sole charge of state parks, game, fish, recreation grounds and all things thereto. Agency responsibilities also nongame fish and wildlife, the Cowboy Trail, state threatened and endangered species, hunter and bowhunter education, boating education, and administering on behalf of the state the grant-in-aid programs for the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund and Recreational Trails Program.
How Many Affectable:All residents of the State of Nebraska and all non-residents who benefit directly or indirectly from the management of parks, recreational areas, wildlife, fish, and conservation efforts of Nebraskas natural resources.
How Many Served:According to a 2020 survey, nearly 64% of Nebraskans visited a Commission property for purposes of outdoor recreation. The Commission sold a total of 1,165,003 permits and stamps (resident and nonresident) in 2023.
Year Created:1929 (originated in 1879 when a Board of Fish Commissioners was created)
Year Active:1929, and every year since inception.
Sunset Date:There are no sunset provisions pertaining to the existence of the Commission


Authorization Citation:37-101
Parent Agency:Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:9
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:Yes
Qualifications Of Members:37-101(1):(a) The Game and Parks Commission shall consist of nine members, one from each of the eight districts provided for by section 37-102 and one at-large member, and shall be appointed by the Governor with the consent of a majority of all members of the Legislature. (b) Members of the commission shall be legal residents and citizens of Nebraska and shall be well informed and interested in matters under the jurisdiction of the commission.(c) At least three members of the commission shall be actually engaged in agricultural pursuits.(d) Not more than five of the members of the commission shall be affiliated with the same political party. The political party affiliation of each prospective member shall be determined as of the statewide general election prior to his or her appointment.(e) Members of the commission representing districts provided for by section 37-102 shall be bona fide residents of the district from which they are appointed.
Per Diem:$35 per day for days actually away from home on business of the Commission, not exceeding 45 calendar days in any one year.
Expense Reimbursement:Actual and necessary travel and other expenses incurred in discharge of official duties.
Term Length:4 years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 21-22:4
Held FY 21-22:6 regularly scheduled meetings (which include an Informational Meeting and a Business Meeting), and 3 special meetings
Required FY 22-23:4
Held FY 22-23:6 regularly scheduled meetings and 2 special meetings
Required FY 23-24:4
Held FY 23-24:6 regularly scheduled meetings and 1 special meeting


Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Seperate
FY 21-22 Budget:Total Operating $92,863,431 (Cash funds $72,571,106, General Fund $12,013,364, Federal funds $8,278,961)
FY 22-23 Budget:Total Operating $105,712,610 (Cash funds $85,129,134, General Funds $12,289,028, Federal funds 8,294,448)
FY 23-24 Budget:Total Operating $103,862,971 (Cash funds $82,641,638, General Funds $12,907,811, Federal Funds $8,313,522)
Other Funding Sources:grants and donations
Spending Authority:The Commissioners allocate spending authority through the biennial budget and approve agency expenditures.


Since July 1, 2020:Supporting over $2.9 billion in annual economic impacts in Nebraska, including over $1.95 billion in retail sales and supporting over 24,500 jobsIncreasing public access through the OFW program at record levels opening over 400,000 acres of private property and 39 ponds and 42 miles of streams for walk-in hunting and fishingDeveloped a new depredation response program with enhanced technical assistance for private landowners Celebrated 25 years of aquatic habitat program improving 137 water bodies for water quality, fishing and water based recreation Implemented the Lake McConaughy management plan which improved safety and experiences for visitorsRecognition of 50 years of hunter education and ensuring safe recreational opportunities for outdoor recreation participants Stocked over 68 million fish in 2023, a record number, in 299 public water bodies in 73 counties across the stateUpdated and broadened our Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3) Plan to broadly engage people in outdoor recreation including Hunting, Fishing, Boating, State Parks and Shooting Sports Celebrated 100 years of Nebraska State Parks and the values they bring to the stateState park system improvements providing additional amenities, improved accessibility, and infrastructure upgrades across the state Engaged the public through various surveys and public input meetings to gain their input and support for the agencies work and actions Implemented a new permit system for hunting and fishing that improves buying processes for customers, and provides more flexibility for permit system updates, customer support and reportingCreated a new website to connect people to information on opportunities and accessPlaned and took action to combat aquatic invasive speciesExpanded environmental and outdoor education programming and outreach to youth and adults