2024 Boards and Commissions

Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee

General Information

Formal Name:Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee
Contact Person:Nicole Barrett
Purpose:See authorizing statute.
How Many Affectable:blank
How Many Served:blank
Year Created:blank
Year Active:blank
Sunset Date:blank


Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 71-8803
Parent Agency:Department of Health and Human Services

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:6
Who Appoints:2 designated by statute, 4 appointed by the Chief Medical Officer
Legislative Approval:Yes for the 4 scientists appointed by the Chief Medical Officer
Qualifications Of Members:Two members are the deans of Nebraskas medical schools, 4 are scientists from outside Nebraska conducting human stem cell research with funding from the National Institutes of Health.
Per Diem:Yes for the 4 scientists, no for the deans
Expense Reimbursement:Yes for all 6 members
Term Length:For the deans it is ongoing, for the scientists term length is 3 years and can be reappointed for additional 3 year terms.
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 21-22:2
Held FY 21-22:2
Required FY 22-23:2
Held FY 22-23:2
Required FY 23-24:2
Held FY 23-24:2


Support Staff:0.25
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 21-22 Budget:$13,500
FY 22-23 Budget:$13,500
FY 23-24 Budget:$13,500
Other Funding Sources:Health Care Cash Fund
Spending Authority:Cash fund spending authority is provided in the mainline budget bill, program No. 621.


Since July 1, 2020:These accomplishments are provided by the Department of Health and Human Services and reflects its sole views. Each year 4 to 5 grants are provided to the research departments at the Nebraska University System and Creighton University. The focus of the grants has included past research in cochlear stem cells for hearing restoration, determinants of stem cell formation in colorectal cancer, neuropathic pain relief, looking for markers for endometrial cancer and neurogenesis in encephalitis. Some current research includes scaffolds for bone regeneration and hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow failure. These grants are generally seed money that allow researchers to apply for grants from the National Institutes of Health and other funding sources.