2024 Boards and Commissions

Critical Incident Stress Management Council, Interagency Management Committee

General Information

Formal Name:Critical Incident Stress Management Council, Interagency Management Committee
Contact Person:Nicole Barrett
Purpose:See authorizing statute.
How Many Affectable:blank
How Many Served:blank
Year Created:blank
Year Active:blank
Sunset Date:blank


Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 71-7106
Parent Agency:Department of Health and Human Services

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:5
Who Appoints:DHHS designates two members one from Public Health and one from Behavioral Health, the State Fire Marshal designates one member, the Nebraska State Patrol designates one member, and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency designates one member.
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:NA
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:No
Term Length:NA
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 21-22:0
Held FY 21-22:1
Required FY 22-23:0
Held FY 22-23:2
Required FY 23-24:0
Held FY 23-24:2


Support Staff:2
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 21-22 Budget:0
FY 22-23 Budget:0
FY 23-24 Budget:0
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:There is no specific spending authority within the statute. General spending authority is derived from the mainline budget bill.


Since July 1, 2020:blank