2024 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Children's Commission

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Children's Commission
Contact Person:Sage Leis
Purpose:The Nebraska Childrens Commission was created as a result of LR37, an investigation by the Health and Human Services Committee that identified a number of gaps in the service delivery model for children and families. One of the LRs many significant findings was that a lack of clear vision and overarching planning for the provision of services for children has created a fragmented system. To remedy this problem, the legislature created the Nebraska Childrens Commission.The Nebraska Childrens Commission was created in 2012 by the Nebraska State Legislature to provide a permanent leadership forum for the collaboration for child welfare and juvenile justice reform among the three branches of government and public and private stakeholders at the state, regional, and community levels.
How Many Affectable:blank
How Many Served:blank
Year Created:2012
Year Active:blank
Sunset Date:blank


Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 43-4202
Parent Agency:Foster Care Review Office

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:15 Voting Members
Who Appoints:Governor's Office
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:blank
Per Diem:NA
Expense Reimbursement:Members of the commission shall be reimbursed for expenses as members of such commission as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177
Term Length:Two Years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 21-22:4
Held FY 21-22:4
Required FY 22-23:4
Held FY 22-23:4
Required FY 23-24:4
Held FY 23-24:4


Support Staff:2
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 21-22 Budget:$190,000
FY 22-23 Budget:$190,000
FY 23-24 Budget:$208,894
Other Funding Sources:NA
Spending Authority:blank


Since July 1, 2020:blank