Since July 1, 2020: | Passage of LB 213 Water Bill (2024)Worked with Senator Raybould and others to have funds prioritized to the Santee Sioux tribe to address critical water quality issues in the community. Passage of LB 1288 Tribal Mental Health Commitment Orders (2024)Worked with Senator Raybould to pass a bill making it possible for tribal protective custody orders to be recognized and allow transport to off reservation facilities for treatment.Chief Standing Bear Prize and 2023 Indigenous Peoples Day (2023)In partnership with the non profit Chief Standing Prize for Courage celebrated the honoring of Nebraska State Senator Tom Brewer as prize recipient. This event also served as NCIAs 2023 Indigenous Peoples Day event.Omaha Chief Big Elk Sculpture (2023)Consulted with City of Omaha and artist Benjamin Victor on the creation of a sculpture honoring Omaha Chief Big Elk. Search for Gravesites at Genoa Indian School (2023)In partnership with History Nebraska State Archeologist and in consultation with tribal stakeholders, an initial dig was conducted in identified location of interest. Nothing was found, and additional consultations and planning continues. Passage of Appropriations Bill Establishing Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Liaison in Nebraska Attorney Generals Office (2023)This bill established a permanently funded position based in the Nebraska Attorney Generals office for a dedicated MMIP liaison tasked with outreach, education and liaison work addressing issues related to missing Native men, women and children.. Search for Gravesites at Genoa Indian School (2022)In partnership with History Nebraska State Archeologist and Midwest Archeological Center conducted ground penetrating survey of identified possible burial locations of Native students. Indigenous Peoples Day (2022)Acting as a supporting partner with The Chief Standing Bear Project assisted in the planning and implementation of a Standing Bear Courage Prize awarded to Native American Actor Wes Studi at an October event for 250 attendees. The prize event was the 2022 Indigenous Peoples Day event. Completion of and Public Airing of Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte Documentary (2022)Utilizing private donations and grants, produced a documentary about the legacy of Dr. Susan La Flesche with the premier airing in September. In partnership with the Lied Center for the Performing Arts this movie is also available as a curriculum tool available for use by teachers across the state of Nebraska. Passage of LR 271 Standing Bear Justice Administration Building (2022)Worked with State Senator Tom Brewer and director of state administrative services to introduce and pass a resolution to rename state administrative services building the Chief Standing Bear Justice Administration Building. Dedication ceremony held on July 21st, 2022 unveiling Standing Bear sculpture, mural and new building signage. Sovereign Native Youth Leadership Academy (2022)Partnership with UNLs Mid American Transportation Center to hold annual Youth Leadership Academy for 20 students in Lincoln, Nebraska. NCIA Executive Director Honored as Lincoln Rotary 14 Nebraskan of the Year (2022)Honored as a Nebraskans who has distinguished themselves through service to others in keeping with ideals of Rotary International. These Nebraskans have shown honesty, integrity and concern for others through leadership and significant contributions to their profession and their communities. Passage of LR 280 Boarding School Survivors (2022)Worked with State Senator Patty Pansing Brooks to introduce a resolution acknowledging the survivors of the Genoa Industrial School and other boarding schools in the state along with their families and communities.Executive Director selected to serve on AIANTA board (2021)NCIA Executive Director gaiashkibos has been selected as new member for American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association, representing the Central Plains Regions.2021 Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration (2021)NCIA played lead role in the development and presentation of Indigenous Peoples Day Celebrations including a tribal flag dedication in the Nebraska State Capitol (est. attendance 150) and Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte sculpture unveiling in Lincoln, Nebraska on Heritage Plaza-Centennial Mall South (est. attendance 400).Recipient of Nebraska Department of Education ESSR Grant (2021)NCIA received an initial grant of $49,500 with a commitment of two additional years of $50,000 each to address Native American student educational achievement challenges. Report was compiled and completed 2022.Passage of LB185 to appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for public health aid (2021)LB 185 provides equitable funding of $531,000 for the Fred LeRoy Health Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center in Omaha.Passage of LB 528 Community College Gap Assistance Program (2021)LB 528 was passed to make changes to the Community College Gap Assistance Program The program provides assistance to low-income students who are enrolled in non-credit programs of study in identified high-need occupational areas and for-credit programs of study in the same occupational areas that are too short term to be Pell-eligible. Passage of LR 128 (2021)Resolution which encourages the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University to respect the wishes of and requests from the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska and descendants of Chief Standing Bear for repatriation of Chief Standing Bear's tomahawk to the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska. Awarding of Five Chief Standing Bear Scholarships (2021)Distributed five Chief Standing Bear scholarships of $5,000 totaling $25,000 to Nebraska Native students. UNMC Public Health Endowed Chair Named After Susan and Susette La Flesche (2021)Worked with the University of Nebraska Medical Centers College of Public Health to name the Public Health Endowed Chair after Susan and Susette La FlescheUS Civil Rights Mascots Hearings (2020-21)Worked in partnership with U.S. Civil Rights Commission to conduct three public hearings to hear testimony and explore issues related to the use of Native mascots at Nebraska schools. A 22 page report was issued by the Nebraska Advisory Committee of the U.S Commission on Civil Rights. Development and Distribution of Tribal Crona Comics (2020-21)CRONA Pandemic Comics is a collection of short comics and essays developed to help Native youth understand the complexities of living through a viral pandemic. NCIA partnered with UNL and Native artist Henry Payer to develop culturally appropriate story educating youth about the Coronavirus. Comics are being distributed to tribal schools and students free of charge. Passage of LB 848 Addition of Indigenous Peoples Day and Tribal Flags Permanent Placement (2020)This bill recognizes the historic, cultural, and contemporary significance of the people indigenous to the lands that are now known as the Americas, including Nebraska, and the many contributions of such people. The flags of the four Nebraska headquartered tribes will be placed in the Warner Legislative Chamber flag. Additionally the flags historic to Nebraska will be placed in the Memorial Chamber on the fourteenth floor of the State Capitol.Standing Bear Documentary (2020)A documentary recounting the process of nominating Chief Standing Bear for inclusion in Statuary Hall in Washington, DC was created and subsequently premiered to the public at an event at the Lied Center in Lincoln, Nebraska in November, 2020. The Lied will be offering the documentary to Nebraska Schools in 2021. Full Funding of Standing Bear Scholarship Endowment (2019)As of end of 2019, the Standing Bear Scholarship Endowment hosted at Lincoln Community Foundation has reached and exceeded its scholarship endowment goal of $111,000. Current balance is 123,000. Chief Standing Bear Statuary Hall Dedication (2019)As part of the Statuary Hall Dedication Committee created by LB 807, NCIA obtained funds to cast a final Standing Bear sculpture for placement in Statuary Hall, in Washington, DC. NCIA also raised funds for a post event celebration and a documentary movie about the process. Lincoln Crossroads Music Festival (2019)NCIA worked with musician Erik Higgins to raise funds to host the first Lincoln Crossroads Music Festival which included performance of the Standing Bear Cantata and Native American rapper Tall Paul.Partnership with Nebraska State Patrol and UNO to Study Missing and Murdered Native Women (2019-20)Partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol and UNO to conduct study and issue a report about the status of Missing Native Women and Children in Nebraska.Recipient of $15,000 JAG Grant (2019)Applied for and received a $15,000 JAG grant awarded through the Nebraska Crime Commission to fund contracted services to research in depth the issue of Missing Native Women and Children. Nebraska Consortium of Tribal State and Federal Courts Public Engagement Project (2019-21)Worked to develop, publicize and participate in a series of Tribal, State and Federal Courts Public Engagement meetings. Passage of LB 154 Missing Native Women and Children Legislation (2019)Working with Nebraska State Legislature obtained passage of LB 154 to work with Nebraska State Patrol to study the issue of Missing Native Women and Children. Native Remains Repatriation (2019)In partnership with the State Historical Society and Plains areas tribes, facilitated reburial of unaffiliated Native remains. Sovereign Native Youth Leadership Academy (2019)Partnership with UNLs Mid American Transportation Center to hold annual Youth Leadership Academy for 20 students in Lincoln, Nebraska. Also helped secure a three year commitment of $20,000 per year from the Claire Hubbard foundation. Chief Standing Bear Scholarships (May 2019)Awarded two $2,500 scholarships to Nebraska Native students. Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte Project (2019)NCIA in partnership with the Dr. Susan La Flesche Executive Committee and Non Profit applied for and received a $50,000 award from the Shakopee Tribe for roof replacement of the Dr. Susan La Flesche Center. Passage of LB 807 Standing Bear Statuary Hall Legislation (2018)Working with members of the Nebraska State Legislature, NCIA initiated legislation tasking the State of Nebraska with designating Chief Standing Bear as an official representative of the state to be placed in Statuary Hall, in Washington, DC. Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte Project (2018)Membership on Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte Hospital project advisory board executive committee. Agency submitted and received a $100,000 USDA planning grant to conduct building assessment, needs assessment and strategic planning.Chief Standing Bear Scholarships (May 2018)Awarded two $2,500 scholarships for Native students. Initiated a partnership with Lincoln Community Foundation to establish a permanent, endowed scholarshipGenoa Digitizing Project (2018)Working with UNL professor Margaret Jacobs NCIA director serves as co-chair of the Genoa Indian School Digital Reconciliation Project. Chief Standing Bear Sculpture Dedication Lincolns Centennial Mall (2017)Identified donor for $200,000 Chief Standing Bear sculpture which in partnership with Lincoln Parks and Recreation, was dedication on Centennial Mall in October, 2017.Membership Whiteclay Task Force (2017)Lawmakers voted 42-0 in support of LB 407 forming a Whiteclay public health task force, which would seek solutions to the impacts of beer sales on vagrants in Whiteclay and on people living across the state line on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The measure creating the task force was cosponsored by Lincoln Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks and Sen. Tom Brewer .Native American Cultural Awareness and History Plate (2017)NCIA worked with State Senator Kate Bolz to introduce and pass legislation (LB 263) honoring Nebraskas first peoples. Proceeds go to youth programming and Native scholarships.Chief Standing Bear Breakfast (2017)Breakfast Commemoration focusing on story of Dr. Susan LaFleshe Picotte held at Embassy Suites in Lincoln, Nebraska with 600 in attendance. Three $2,500 scholarships awarded to Native students. NB3 FITDAY (2016)NCIA hosted a 5k walk, promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles targeted for native families and youth on November 13th on Lincoln Centennial Mall.Standing Bear Cantata (2016)Gave support and provided assistance to the Hildegarde Center for the arts in development of a cantata based on the story Chief Stand Bear.Partnership with Center for Great Plain Studies (2016)Hosted reception and book signing for authors Kaci Nash "The Long Struggle" and David J. Wishart "Great Plains Indians"Sovereign Native Youth Leadership Academy (2016)21 Native students participated in a five day leadership camp hosted at Doane College in Crete, NE. Students engaged in a digital story telling workshop telling stories about their lives and their commitment to developing as leaders in their communities.Joint publishing project with UNL Center for Great Plains Studies (2016)NCIA has partnered with UNL Center for Great Plains Studies on development and publishing of the book The Long Struggle. This book is an important addition to Nebraskas historical record concerning the Ponca Tribe of Nebraskas relocation to Oklahoma. Partnership with Hastings College (2016)NCIA has partnered with Hasting College to produce a Follow the Trail pamphlet for distribution to travelers and tourists across Nebraska. Anticipated for 2016 is a partnership with the college to conduct a service learning project focused on the Standing Bear historic trail. |