Since July 1, 2016: | 2016DataoHiring of a new Research Director for the FCROoExtensive updates to the FCTS databaseoImplemented data forms for probation cases and trial home visit casesoIssued statutory report regarding the state-wide data warehouse as required by LB265 and worked to create new legislation for the continuation of the pilot for the 2016-17 legislative session.oContinued to provide data to stakeholders as requested.oIssued statutory quarterly and annual reports.oContinued to track over 7,500 childrenyouth in out-of-home care.ReviewsoImplemented a case file review process for probation cases including new Findings and Recommendations Report, Data Form, and Findings required for each case. The review of probation cases was piloted in October 2015 and went state-wide in 2016.oImplemented a case file review process for trial home visit cases including new Findings and Recommendations Report, Data Form, and Findings required for each case. The review of trial home visit cases was piloted in December 2015 and went state-wide in 2016.oCompleted and implemented a thorough analysis of our report and data form which included changes to our documents and state-wide training to ensure consistency among our staff.oImplemented an electronic case assignment priority schedule for abuseneglect case based upon court date and utilization information available on FCTS.oRevision of Review Specialist Manual including training.oContinued to conduct reviews, facilitate time donated by local board members.B2ioImplemented forms and completed case file reviews including data form, recommendations report, brochure, and other tools and processes for the Bridge to Independence B2i program. oIssued a B2i report to all stakeholders in December 2016 regarding the relevant data from our case file review process.oParticipated in the state-wide efforts regarding the needs of these young adults and expansion of this program to juvenile justice youth.oParticipated in the state-wide efforts regarding the implementation of the Strengthening Families Act.Local BoardsoCreation and implementation of a new application process for local board members. oContinuous recruitment and training of new local board members across the State.oImplemented a system to track local board members years of service, terms and continuing educational obligations in order to ensure statutory requirements are met.oCreated further YouTube videos for local board trainingcontinuing education.oQuarterly meetings of the Emeritus group consisting of experienced board members to provide input on the FCRO board process. Information SharingCollaborationoCompleted a statistical analysis and report for the collaborative workgroup looking at the reasons youth are placed in out-of-state congregate care placements.oCompleted a statistical analysis and report for the collaborative workgroup looking at the increase in adoption and guardianship disruptions in the State.2017DataoHiring of a new Research Director for the FCROoExtensive updates to the FCTS databaseoContinued to provide data to relevant stakeholders including legislators, private providers, DHHS, and nationally as requested.oIssued statutory quarterly and annual reports.oContinued to track over 7,500 childrenyouth in out-of-home care.oCreation of the Executive Committee and two workgroups to assist in the creation of a state-wide database as required by statutes. ReviewsoUpdate the electronic case assignment priority schedule created in 2016 for abuseneglect case based upon court date and utilization information available on FCTS.oContinued to conduct reviews, facilitate time donated by local board members.B2ioCompleted reviews on all eligible young adults every six months of their involvement with the programoParticipated in the state-wide efforts regarding the needs of these young adults and possible expansion of this program to juvenile justice youth.Local BoardsoContinuous recruitment and training of new local board members across the State.oCreation of the ability to hold local board meetings via WebEx oImplementation of two probation boards including state-wide individuals that meet via WebEx with all documents available electronically through SharePoint.oCreated further YouTube videos for local board trainingcontinuing education.oQuarterly meetings of the Emeritus group consisting of experienced board members to provide input on the FCRO board process. Information SharingCollaborationoWorking on a statistical analysis and report with DHHSCFS looking at all children that are continuously out-of-home for two years or longer and the reasons.oSee further list of all collaborative groups that FCRO staff are involved in during the year. 2018-2020Review ProcessImplemented internal CQI process to make case file review process more efficientImplemented data collectionreview process tools and measures for out-of-home probation youth and B2i young adultsEntered into MOU with judicial branch for computer access to NPACS database to facilitate probation case file reviewsDeveloping review process for dually adjudicated youth and youth in informal living arrangementsDeveloping web-based dashboard system to make data available to the public on an ongoing basisDeployed technology to allow staff to work from home and local boards to meet virtually during COVID-19 pandemic Executive Director and Research Director presented at a national child welfare data conference in Washington, D.C.Conducted trainings for system partnersHired and on-boarded new Executive DirectorContinued to track over 7,000 children in out-of-home careContinued to conduct over 4,000 case file reviews and facilitate time donated by local volunteer board membersContinued recruitment and training of new local volunteer board members across the State of Nebraska |