2020 Boards and Commissions

Veterans' Advisory Commission

General Information

Formal Name:Veterans' Advisory Commission
Contact Person:John Hilgert
Purpose:Shall be empowered to investigate the handling of veterans affairs under the jurisdiction of the Director of Veterans Affairs and to make recommendations and report to the Governor or the director on such matters. The Commission also acts as an appeal board for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund and approves hiring of state officers.
How Many Affectable:132,581: 2018 NE Veteran population per USDVA
How Many Served:132,581: 2018 NE Veteran population per USDVA
Year Created:1947
Year Active:1947
Sunset Date:None


Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statutes 80-401.06.
Parent Agency:Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:5
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:No, not specific to the Board; however, the Legislature does approve the appointment of the Director of Veterans Affairs (80-401.02)
Qualifications Of Members:1) Has been a resident of the State of Nebraska for at least 5 years immediately prior to his or her appointment2) Has served in the armed forces of the United States during the dates set forth in Section 80-401.01 and was discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable from such service.3) Is a member of a recognized veterans organization
Per Diem:None
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:5 years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 17-18:2
Held FY 17-18:2
Required FY 18-19:2
Held FY 18-19:2
Required FY 19-20:2
Held FY 19-20:2


Support Staff:NDVA functional (Legal, Finance) and administrative (HR, IT) support as needed (per 55-605)
Shared or Separate:Parent agency
FY 17-18 Budget:No budget, but expenses absorbed by Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs administration
FY 18-19 Budget:No budget, but expenses absorbed by Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs administration
FY 19-20 Budget:$1,242.80 expenses absorbed by Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs administration
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:No


Since July 1, 2016:Review NDVA programsApprove State Service OfficersReview Nebraska Veterans Aid Operations