Since July 1, 2016: | FY 16-17August 30, 2016 meeting: Approved amendments to Title 119 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Issuance of Permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.November 15, 2016 meeting: Approved amendments to Title 119 -- Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Issuance of Permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; Approved the Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program 2017 Funding Percentage Allocations.June 13, 2017 meeting: Approved amendments to Title 131 Rules and Regulations for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Drinking Water Construction Assistance Program; Approved the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan for State FY 2018; Approved amendments to Title 129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulations.FY 17-18November 15, 2017 meeting: Approved the 2018 Litter Percent Allocations.March 30, 2018 meeting: Approved amendments to Title 116 Code of Ethics; Approved amendments to Title 194 Rules and Regulations for the Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste.June 21, 2018 meeting: Approved the 2019 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority Lists for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.FY 18-19November 15, 2018 meeting: Approved the 2019 Litter Percent Allocations; Approved amendments to Title 197 Rules and Regulations for the Certification of Wastewater Treatment Operators in Nebraska; Approved amendments to Title 198 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Agricultural Chemical Containment; Approved amendments to Title 133 Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program; Approved amendments to Title 199 Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Program; Approved amendments to Title 120 Rules in 401(1)a Certification.April 3, 2019 meeting: Approved amendments to Title 129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulations; Approved amendments to Title 117 Nebraska Surface Water Quality Standards; Approved amendments to Title 131 Rules and Regulations for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Drinking Water Construction Assistance Programs; Approved amendments to Title 115 Rules of Practice and Procedure.June 19, 2019 meeting: Approved the 2020 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority Lists for Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund; Approved amendments to Title 123 Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Wastewater Works; Approved amendments to Title 196 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Ground Water Management Areas.FY 19-20November 7, 2019 meeting: Approved Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program 2020 Funding Percent Allocations; Approved amendments to Title 195 Chemigation Regulations; Approved amendments to Title 135 Rules and Regulations for Mineral Exploration Holes; Approved amendments to Title 200 Rules and Regulations for Petroleum Release Remedial Action Reimbursement Fund; Approved amendments to Title 197 Rules and Regulations for the Certification of Wastewater Treatment Operators in Nebraska; Approved amendments to Title 198 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Agricultural Chemical Containment; Approved amendments to Title 129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulations. June 25, 2020 meeting: Approved 2021 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority Lists for Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. |