2020 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Craft Brewery Board

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Craft Brewery Board
Contact Person:Chairman Zach Triemert, 1116 Jackson St. Omaha, NE 68102, 402-933-2613
Purpose:The purpose of the board is to: (1) establish a public forum to provide any manufacturer of beer of producer of agricultural products used in the brewing process the opportunity, at least once annually, to discuss with the board its policies and procedures; (2) keep minutes of its meetings and other books and records which will clearly reflect all of the acts and transactions of the board and to make these records available for examination upon request by members of the public; (3) authorize and approve the expenditure of funds collected pursuant to section 4 of this act; (4) serve as an advisory panel to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission in all matters pertaining to the beer industry; and (5) adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out sections 1 to 5 of the act.
How Many Affectable:All adult Nebraska citizens and out-of-state tourists.
How Many Served:NA
Year Created:2016
Year Active:2016
Sunset Date:Not specified


Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statutes 53-501 53-505
Parent Agency:None

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:7
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:All board members shall be (a) citizens of Nebraska, (b) at least twenty-one years of age, and (c) either engaged in or previously engaged in the manufacture or the wholesale or retail sale of beer in this state or engaged or previously engaged in the production in this state of agricultural products that are utilized in the brewing process. The board shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Governor on a nonpartisan basis. At least two board members shall be selected by the Governor from a list of no fewer than ten candidates submitted by the Nebraska Craft Brewers Guild or its successor organization. In addition, at least two board members shall be selected by the Governor from a list of no fewer than ten candidates submitted by the Associated Beverage Distributors of Nebraska or its successor organization. The Director of Agriculture or his or her designee and the executive director of the Nebraska Tourism Commission or his or her designee shall be nonvoting, ex officio members of the board.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes. All voting board members shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred while engaged in the performance of official responsibilities as members of such board pursuant to 81-1174 to 81-1177
Term Length:Each member shall serve for a term of three years, except that at the expiration of the terms of the members in 2022, the Governor shall appoint two members for a term of one year, two members for a term of two years, and three members for a term of
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 17-18:2 (once every six months)
Held FY 17-18:3
Required FY 18-19:2 (once every six months)
Held FY 18-19:2
Required FY 19-20:2 (once every six months)
Held FY 19-20:3


Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Both. For administrative purposes, the Nebraska Beer Industry Promotional Fund is located in the Department of Agriculture. The department provides staff assistance to fulfill the clerical responsibilities associated with board activities.
FY 17-18 Budget:$137,845.39
FY 18-19 Budget:$153,678.59
FY 19-20 Budget:$174,389.09
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:The board authorizes and approves the Department of Agricultures expenditure of funds collected pursuant to 53-304.


Since July 1, 2016:Overview of Activities for FY 17-18The Board of Directors held three meetings during the fiscal year. The year began July 1, 2017, and ended June 30, 2018. Emphasis was placed on supporting marketing and promotional activities and conducting research to assist in the betterment and development of Nebraskas craft brewery industry. The revenue enabled the board to fund several meaningful projects aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Nebraskas craft brewery industry. The projects approved for funding totaled $174,800; $97,562.60 of this amount was submitted to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) for reimbursement.Overview of Activities for FY 18-19The Board of Directors held two meetings during the fiscal year. The year began July 1, 2018, and ended June 30, 2019. Emphasis was placed on supporting marketing and promotional activities and conducting research to assist in the betterment and development of Nebraskas craft brewery industry. The revenue enabled the board to fund several meaningful projects aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Nebraskas craft brewery industry. The projects approved for funding totaled $143,464; $139,901.27 of this amount was submitted to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) for reimbursement.Overview of Activities for FY 19-20The Board of Directors held three meetings during the fiscal year. The year began July 1, 2019, and ended June 30, 2020. Emphasis was placed on supporting marketing and promotional activities and conducting research to assist in the betterment and development of Nebraskas craft brewery industry. The revenue enabled the board to fund several meaningful projects aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Nebraskas craft brewery industry. The projects approved for funding totaled $222,617; $67,124.62 of this amount was submitted to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) for reimbursement.