2020 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Corn Developement, Utilization and Marketing Board

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Corn Developement, Utilization and Marketing Board
Contact Person:Kelly Brunkhorst
Purpose:2-3602: It is declared to be the public policy of the State of Nebraska to protect and foster the health, prosperity, and general welfare of its people by protecting and stabilizing the corn industry and the economy of the areas producing corn. The Corn Development, Utilization, and Marketing Board shall be the agency of the State of Nebraska for such purpose. In connection with and in furtherance of such purpose, it is declared to be in the interest of the public welfare of the state that the producers of corn be permitted and encouraged to develop, carry out, and participate in programs of research, education, market development, and promotion.Mission Statement: Nebraska Corn Board works to promote the value of corn by creating opportunities.
How Many Affectable: 21,500 corn farmers
How Many Served: 21,500 corn farmers
Year Created:1978 - LB 639
Year Active:1978
Sunset Date:--


Authorization Citation:Sections 2-3601 - 2-3635
Parent Agency:--

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:9 board members
Who Appoints:Governor appoints 8; 1 at-large member elected by 8 other members
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:2-3611: ...(1) are citizens of Nebraska, (2) are at least twenty-one years of age, (3) have been actually engaged in growing corn in this state for a period of at least five years, and (4) derive a substantial portion of their income from growing corn.
Per Diem:Yes, 2-3619: ...shall receive compensation at the rate of twenty-five dollars per day while so serving, including travel time.
Expense Reimbursement:yes, actual expenses
Term Length:3 years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 17-18:4
Held FY 17-18:5
Required FY 18-19:4
Held FY 18-19:5
Required FY 19-20:4
Held FY 19-20:4


Support Staff:Executive Director + 5
Shared or Separate:Seperate
FY 17-18 Budget:$9.36 million
FY 18-19 Budget:$9.94 million
FY 19-20 Budget:$8.87 million
Other Funding Sources:potential royalties on UN-L research
Spending Authority:$9.9 million


Since July 1, 2016:- Successfully launched and significantly expanded the American Ethanol brand;- Supported over 100 new blender pumps across the state capable of dispensing higher ethanol blends;- Introduced ethanol into the Mexico market;- Advanced discussions with autos on value of higher ethanol blends;- Continued support of A-FAN that accomplished expansion of the livestock industries in Nebraska- In partnership with Field to Market furthered discussions along the value added and retail food chain on corn's sustainability;- Expanded conversations with consumers through CommonGround and connecting with "conscientious connectors";- Hosted numerous trade teams, including representatives from Mexico (our leading international export destination) that represented over 80 percent of corn imports into the country;- Expanded soil health and sustainability through the Soil Health Partnership;- Established a presidential chair at UN-L focused in on new uses of corn through various research initiatives;- Initiated nationwide campaign to expand awareness of ethanol ;- Created program to expand use and conversations around ethanol across the Front Range of Colorado;- Supported development of multiple educational curriculum for teachers and students across the state;- Provided forum through a Banquet on the Farm event to interact with family and consumer science teachers providing factual information on key issues;- Testified and supported a number of federal policy issues surrounding ethanol, farm and trade policy.