Since July 1, 2012: | FY 2013 Environmental Quality Council Actions: September 20, 2012: Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program Percentage Allocations Approved; Amendment of Title 132, Integrated Solid Waste Management Regulations Approved; Amendment of Title 129, Nebraska Air Quality Regulations Denied. April 4, 2013: Amendment of Title 133, Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program Approved.June 20, 2013: Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds Intended Use Plan Approved; Amendments to Title 129, Air Quality Regulations Approved; Litter Percentage and Recycling Grant Program, 2014 Funding Percent Allocations Approved; Amendment of Title 133, Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program Approved. FY 2014 Environmental Quality Council Actions: February 6, 2014: Amendments to Title 128, Nebraska Hazardous Waste Regulations Approved; Amendments to Title 132, Integrated Solid Waste Management Regulations Approved; Amendments to Title 199, Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Program Approved; Amendments to Title 197, Rules and Regulations for Certification of Wastewater Treatment Operators in Nebraska Approved; Amendments to Title 129, Nebraska Air Quality Regulations - Approved as Amended; Amendments to the 2014 State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan Approved. June 19, 2014: 2015 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Approved as Amended; Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program 2015 Funding Percentage Allocations Approved; Amendments to Title 133, Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program Approved.FY 2015 Environmental Quality Council Actions:October 16, 2014: Amendment of Title 128, Nebraska Hazardous Waste Regulations Approved; Amendment of Title 117 Nebraska Surface Water Quality Standards Approved.February 11, 2015: Amendment of Title 195, Chemigation Regulations Approved; Program Priority System for the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Fund Approved; Rulemaking Petition to Amend Title 128, Nebraska Hazardous Waste Regulations Approved.June 4, 2015: Amendment of Title 195, Chemigation Regulations Approved; 2016 Intended Use Plan for Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Approved; Amendment to Title 129, Nebraska Air Quality Regulations- Approved.FY 2016 Environmental Quality Council Actions: November 12, 2015: Amendment to Title 132, Integrated Solid Waste Management Regulations Approved; 2016 Funding Percentage Allocations for the Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program Approved; Program Priority System for the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Program Approved; Amendment to Title 131, Rules and Regulations for Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Drinking Water Construction Assistance Program Approved; Amendment to 2016 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Approved.March 22, 2016: Amendment to Title 128, Nebraska Hazardous Waste Regulations Approved.June 14, 2016: 2017 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Approved; Amendments to Title 131, Rules and Regulations for Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Drinking Water Construction Assistance Program - Approved as amended; Amendments to Title 129, Nebraska Qir Quality Regulations Approved. |