Formal Name: | Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board |
Contact Person: | Denise Pearce, Senior Policy Aide, City of Lincoln, Mayor's Office, 555 South 10th Street, Suite 301, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508, 402.441.7511; Eric Gerrard, City of Lincoln's Lobbyist, Eric Gerrard, LLC, 1141 H Street, #B, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508, 402.499.6 |
Purpose: | The purpose of the Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board is to serve as a strategic leader and convener of local workforce development system stakeholders in compliance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The board provides strategic and operational oversight in collaboration with required and additional partners and workforce stakeholders to help develop a comprehensive and high-quality workforce development system in the local area of Lancaster and Saunders counties and the larger Governor-designated planning regions of Southeast Nebraska and Omaha Metro. |
How Many Affectable: | blank |
How Many Served: | According to the most recent Nebraska Department of Labor Annual Report (July 1, 2014 June 30, 2015), the Greater Lincoln Area served 6,116 participants. Per the NDOL Annual Report for the year prior, the Greater Lincoln Area served 6,921 participants. |
Year Created: | The Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board was created and became active in May 2015, replacing the Greater Lincoln Local Workforce Investment Board which had been created in 1999. |
Year Active: | The Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board was created and became active in May 2015, replacing the Greater Lincoln Local Workforce Investment Board which had been created in 1999. |
Sunset Date: | na |
Number Of Members: | 28 |
Who Appoints: | Mayor of Lincoln |
Legislative Approval: | No. The Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board is certified by the Governor; the current period of certification is July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. |
Qualifications Of Members: | Qualifications include a business majority with at least two members representing small business as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Each business representative must be an owner, chief executive or other individual with optimum policy making or hiring authority and provide employment opportunities in in-demand industry sectors or occupations. At least 20% of the membership must be workforce representatives including representatives of labor organizations, and must include joint labor-management or a union affiliated registered apprenticeship program and may include representatives of community based organizations with demonstrated expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of individuals with barriers to employment.Other mandatory representatives are from adult education and literacy, higher education, economic and community development, state employment service, and rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Members must be individuals with optimum policy making authority within entities they represent. |
Per Diem: | No |
Expense Reimbursement: | No |
Term Length: | Members terms are three years; terms rotate based on initial appointments being for terms of up to one to three years with terms concluding at the end of each calendar year |
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once: | Terms Rotate |