Formal Name: | State Board of Landscape Architects |
Contact Person: | Jean Lais, Administrative Assistant, PO Box 95165 Lincoln, NE 68509-5165, 402-471-2407 |
Purpose: | The Mission of the Board is to protect the life, health, and property of the citizens of Nebraska by ensuring the licensure of individuals who practice the profession of landscape architecture and present themselves as Landscape Architects within the State. The use of the title Landscape Architect and the practice of the profession of Landscape Architecture are regulated within the state of Nebraska by state Statutes 81-8,184 to 81-8,208, the Professional Landscape Architects Act and Title 231 of the Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapters 1-12, Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Landscape Architects. |
How Many Affectable: | Safeguards life, health, property, and promotes public welfare of those in the State of Nebraska |
How Many Served: | Approximately 112 Licensees, 4 examinees, and the public through public awareness of what landscape architects do and why licensure is important |
Year Created: | 1967 |
Year Active: | 1968 |
Sunset Date: | None |
Authorization Citation: | Nebraska Revised Statute Section 81-8,186 |
Parent Agency: | None |
Number Of Members: | Six |
Who Appoints: | Governor |
Legislative Approval: | No |
Qualifications Of Members: | Five professional landscape architects and one public member - Neb Ref Stat 81-8,186 |
Per Diem: | No |
Expense Reimbursement: | Yes |
Term Length: | Five Years |
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once: | Terms Rotate |
Required FY 13-14: | 1 |
Held FY 13-14: | 4 |
Required FY 14-15: | 1 |
Held FY 14-15: | 6 |
Required FY 15-16: | 1 |
Held FY 15-16: | 5 |
Support Staff: | Yes |
Shared or Separate: | Shared through a Service Contract with the Board of Engineers and Architects |
FY 13-14 Budget: | 19,977.00 |
FY 14-15 Budget: | 21,056.00 |
FY 15-16 Budget: | 20,062.00 |
Other Funding Sources: | None |
Spending Authority: | Yes - Neb Rev Stat 81-8,194 |
Since July 1, 2012: | The Board created a Task Force in 2013 to study possible revisions to the Professional Landscape Architects Act. The Task Force was charged with making revision recommendations to the Board related to the definition of landscape architecture, the addition of Emeritus Status for licensees, the creation of a Landscape Intern status, moving from an annual to biennial renewal period and changes to the professional development requirements. The Board reviewed these recommendations along with others during 2014 and 2015 including interested stakeholders. The resulting revisions were introduced as LB788 in 2016. Unfortunately the bill did not make it out of committee.As a regulatory board, the NSBLA has successfully protected the public health, safety, and welfare by insuring that individuals who are licensed in this State are qualified.The current chair of the Board served on the Council of Landscape Architecture Registration Board (CLARB) Board of Directors from 2012-2015. CLARB is the national organization of licensing jurisdictions who is responsible for developing and administrating the license exam used by jurisdictions. They also promote the unification of licensing requirements across jurisdictions to accommodate comity licensure.The administrative assistant to the Board has also served on the Member Board Executive Committee for the last two years. |