Since July 1, 2012: | Activities report 2013-2014During the 2013-2014 calendar year, the Commission fulfilled its mandates by participating andor organizing 149 research, information, training and cultural events for a total of 4470 hours of staff time. In addition, Commission staff has translated 24 documents totaling 79 pages for other agencies including Secretary of State, Vocational rehabilitation, Ombudsman office, and others for an additional 198 hours of staff time. The activities are listed below according to the Commissions mandates. 75% of the Commissions staff time is spent in outreach activities. The activities were:1.Gather and disseminate information and conduct hearings, conferences, and special studies on problems and programs concerning Latino-Americans.Nine Focus Groups held for Vocational Rehabilitation, Minority Justice Committee, and Dept of Education. Five statistical analyses for the Racial Profiling Committee: Two information appearances at KZUM Radio: One research on Puerto Ricans in Nebraska:Two studies for the Hate Crime Advisory Committee:Six Information meetings with the Hate Crime Advisory Committee: University of Lincoln Study on Latino students: by Dr. Ted Hamann, in the 10 high schools that have the largest number of Latino students. UNL Film Panel: The Dream Is Now addressing immigration reform and how students could be involved. Hispanic Heritage Month Proclamation Signing: Six Information meetings with the Minority Justice Committee:Information on the Heartland Latino Leadership Conference Scholarship: Information luncheon at the Malone Center: Class at Wesleyan University 2.Serve the needs of Latino-Americans, especially in the fields of education, employment, health, housing, welfare, and recreation by offering such services as it may establish for the translation of documents and for the direct assistance of clients, exclusive of legal representation, in matters relating to any federal department or agency or any department or agency of the state or a political subdivision thereof;Twenty one events including The Minority Health Advisory Council; Latino Outreach Consortium; Minority Public Health Association, informational session about current legislation at state and federal levels. Hispanic Heritage Month State Commemoration Planning Committee, Meeting with Lancaster County authorities regarding the death of Mr. Carmona, Department of Justice, UNL Ethnic Studies Dept.Human Trafficking Awareness Proclamation, HUMAN trafficking information at UNL , and Metropolitan Community College, Dia de los Muertos educational display at the Capitol Building. 3.Develop, coordinate, and assist public and private organizations and coordinate and assist the efforts of state departments and agencies to serve the needs of Latino-Americans.Thirty one assistances to public and private organizations including Nebraska Arts Council, Heartland Latino Leadership Conference for further outreach to Western and Northern Nebraska, Lancaster County Human Services, the Hastings Museum of Natural and Cultural History, College of Saint Mary, Quinceanera Nebraska Magazine, MLK Ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda, City of Omaha Mayors Office, the Legislature Independent Agencies, United States Department of Agriculture, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska Community College Association, independent documentary filmmaker, Krissy Hamm, Minority Health Advisory Committee, UNMC Mental Health study, Lincoln Journal Star Editor, and Lincoln Public Schools Superintendent. 4. Propose new programs concerning Latino-Americans Six new programs proposed: conducting community meetings that will address immigration reform and education with Nebraska Appleseed and ACLU; Nebraska Community College Association to discuss GED programs and industrial vocation careers; Young Ambassador Program (YAP) Program Coordinator, Emily Key, with the Smithsonian Latino Center in Washington, D.C.; Dr. Marty Ramirez to discuss the establishment of a new scholarship for Hispanic students at UNL; PBS Consultant Neyda Martinez, who was promoting an educational series, Latino Americans,; Outreach program for Latino students with EducationQuest. 5.Evaluate existing programs and proposed legislation concerning Latino-Americans;Ten meetings and discussions with agencies that included the Human Trafficking task force, Department of Education, the Coordinating Commission of Postsecondary Education, Nebraska Appleseed, Nebraska Wesleyan University,LAC testified in eight bills, LB99, LB243, LB127, LB528, LB381, LB619, LB518, and LB577. of them, five have had a favorable outcome and two have been referred for further study. During the session, Director Spindola met with Senators Harms, Conrad, Wightman, Boltz, Mello, Howard, Nordquist, Chambers, Ashford, Gloor, Campbell, Scheer, Kolowski, Jansen, and Lautenbaugh. Numerous topics were discussed, as well as their position on several bills. 6.Stimulate public awareness of the problems of Latino-Americans by conducting a program of public education and encourage the Governor and the Legislature to develop programs to deal with these problems; Twenty three public awareness programs with: the Nebraska Cattlemen Association, El Centro de Las Americas, the Lincoln Immigration Coalition, Nuestra Nebraska, My Nebraska photography exhibit at the Sheldon Museum of Art in Lincoln, the Cesar Chavez Day proclamation, the Hastings Multicultural Coalition, press conference calling for positive immigration reform in front of the Capitol Building, Prairie Hearth Publishing, Governor Heineman and his staff regarding concerns on the denial of drivers licenses for DACA recipients, Voices for Children, the School Counselor Association, Columbus Rotary Club, NET Radio,Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration , Daily Nebraskan for their coverage. Articles on the event were published in the ColumbusTelegram, the Lincoln Journal Star, the Omaha World Herald and the Lexington Clipper. Latino Summit, Floodplain Management from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, and the Nebraska State College System and Peru State7. Conduct training programs for community leadership and service project staff.Increasing Student Engagement in Low-Performing Schools by the Department of Education. College of Public Health Melanie Tervalons presentation on health disparities.On January 10, the webinar Road Ahead for Immigration Reform from NCLR. Conference call with USCIS regarding status of DACA.Grants, Fundraising, and Program Sustainability: Part 2 by Farm Worker Justice. Six workshops with the Nebraska Rural Development Agency and Nebraska Appleseed in Schuyler and Columbus.Norfolk, Summer Workshop with the Foster Care Review Board at Northeast Community CollegeHaving Hard Conversations sponsored by the Nebraska State Government.NCLR Conference in New Orleans, LA.TIME FOR CHANGE in Columbus: workshop on successful college attendance.Activities report 2014-2015This report has been drafted in a format that complies with our legislative mandates.1.Gather and disseminate information and conduct hearings, conferences, and special studies on problems and programs concerning Latino-Americans.Interview with NBC Nebraska from Hastings. Anastasia Champ from NBC Nebraska interviewed Director Spindola on July 21 regarding Latino Farmers in Nebraska, challenges and opportunities. Panel with the United States Commission on Civil Rights: regarding violations of civil rights after the Fremont ordinance was passed. Community Policing a Nebraska Trademark: Conference held on September 22 at the Lincoln Community Foundation, sponsored by Nebraskans for Peace and by invitation of Paul Olson to Director Spindola. Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration on October 9th with the presence of Governor Pete Ricketts and Mayor Chris Beutler reading the proclamations; Chair Sanvchez gave the welcome; Maria Rodriguez from Gibbon sang the National Anthem; programs will be given to the Commissioners. Day of the Dead Art Exhibit from Oct. 26 to Nov. 6: With artwork from high school students at Hastings Catholic School and the Lincoln Public Schools Arts & Humanities Program; the Dia de los Muertos inspired artwork was on display at the Capitol Building; educational information on the holiday and statements from the educators were also included.Adobe House Public Forum on Oct. 30th: Partnering with the Nebraska State Historical Society and with the help of Commissioner Chabella Guzman, a public forum was held at the Guadalupe Center in Scottsbluff; members of the community were invited to share information on adobe houses in the area to be identified as historical buildings for Nebraska. See attached report.Labor Trafficking Panel in Omaha on Nov. 19: Hosted by Nebraska Appleseed, PIO Cantu spoke at a public panel on labor trafficking and human trafficking.Proclamation of Farm Workers Awareness Week. Proclamation of Human Trafficking Awareness Month on January 13th. Voter Meeting: On February 22nd, PIO Cantu and Chair Sanchez attended a community meeting to promote voting at the Malone Center.Cesar Chavez Proclamation. Minority Health Month Proclamation.Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission Meeting on March 21. Attended by Director Spindola with the presence of first lady Suzanne Shore and others.2.Serve the needs of Latino-Americans, especially in the fields of education, employment, health, housing, welfare, and recreation by offering such services as it may establish for the translation of documents and for the direct assistance of clients, exclusive of legal representation, in matters relating to any federal department or agency or any department or agency of the state or a political subdivision thereof;Immigration Coalition: Recognition given to Senators Nordquist, Mello, and McCollister at La Guacamaya Restaurant in Omaha. Met with Horacio Wheelock: On August 31. Mr.Wheelock is a lawyer who specializes in immigration and has applied for a position of district judge in Omaha, NE. He requested Director Spindolas advice and help on having governor Ricketts appoint him. Independent Agencies meeting on October 14th. Minority Health Council Meeting on November 10th. Took place in Lincoln Lancaster Health Department. There was a presentation on the new website of data, and a review of the strategic plan, as well as a new report on the health status of racial and ethnic minorities. Met with Marty Ramirez on November 13th. To discuss possible strategies regarding the 150th Anniversary celebration in Nebraska.Independent Agencies Meeting on November the 18th. A representative from the Attorney Generals Office who addressed the topics of open meetings, public records, the agency rule and regulation process and the role of the Assistant Attorney General assigned to our agency. Conference call with Jackie Guzman on her Mexican People on the Plains project and other ideas: On January 6th. Meeting with Harris Payne at the Nebraska Department of Education: regarding the Adobe House Project on January 7th.Independent Agencies meeting on January 13th. Policies and Procedures regarding the Legal Aid office of the State of Nebraska. Medicaid Expansion Press Conference: Took place on January 19th. At the Capitol Rotunda. Several Senators were present including Campbell, Cook, McCollister. Ethnic Studies Class Presentation: On February 8th, PIO Cantu spoke about the work of the Commission and her role to a UNL Ethnic Studies class. Met with Shirley Mora on February 19th.Testimony on English Only Drivers License eon February 23rd. LB688Meeting with UNL College of Business Recruiters: On February 24th PIO Cantu met with three recruiters at UNL to discuss ways to improve diversity recruitment at their college.Nebraska Minority Public Health Association meeting on March 30th. Education FSG Meeting at UNO on April 12th.Meeting with Nate Brock Health Resources Service Manager on April 14th. Meeting with Stephen OMara from the Human Trafficking task force on April 19th. Human Trafficking Meeting and Human Trafficking Advisory Task Force on May 11th. Minority Health Council Meeting on May 25th.Meeting with Carol Rempp from the department of Education on possible Collaboration for Multicultural events. Held on May 23rd.3.Develop, coordinate, and assist public and private organizations and coordinate and assist the efforts of state departments and agencies to serve the needs of Latino Americans.Met with Danny Reynaga a law student at UNL currently working at the Center for Legal Immigration Assistance (CLIA),with Max Graves who wanted information of the scope of activities of the commission and ways to collaborate. Minority Health Advisory Council: Meeting during August 11th to address the current health status of racial and ethnic minorities. Hispanic Heritage Month Commemoration Planning Committee: Met on several occasions. It was decided that we would try to recruit Nita Gonzalez, daughter of Corky Gonzalez as keynote speaker, we are also looking into the possibility of extending the contest to College students. Met with Commissioner of Education Mathew Blomstedt: On August 25th regarding the elimination of the Equity team within the Department. Director Spindola expressed his concerns regarding the fact that there seems to be alternate option for the equity team. Mexican Consulate on September 11th. In order to review proposals for IME Becas program. Migrant Education Symposium from Oct 21-Oct 24th. Took place in Clearwater Florida. Director Spindola was invited by the Department of Education. There is an annexed report on this activity. Latino Summit in Kearney on October 27th. The Summit took place at the Younes Conference Center with over 600 students attending. The Department of Education ran out of registrations, and several organizations keep showing interest in the Summit. Commissioner Blomstedt stayed for the whole summit as well as State Board members Maureen Nickels and John Witzel. Commissioners present were Ray Otero and Leticia Rodriguez.November 20th. Delivery of IME Becas Mexican Consulate. Meeting with Dept. of Education and Latino Summit on Dec. 15, 2015Met with Mitch Payne State NFIP Coordinator Floodplain Management Section, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources: On January 14th regarding assistance on a event that they wish to hold in Schuyler.Quarterly Meeting with the Nebraska State Historical Society on January 8th: Presentation on the work we are doing with the Society on the Adobe House Project and provided a copy of the report shared at the previous NLAC Quarterly Meeting.Met with Dean Donde Plowman from the College of Business at UNL on January 26th. The purpose of the meeting was on venues to increase Latino representation not only within the Colleges student body but also the faculty and advisory council. Met with Madhavi Bhadbhade from HHS regarding Medicaid long term program. Crime Commission Meeting on March 24th. Independent Agencies Meeting on March 9th.Rally for Professional Licenses on March 8th.Translation of LB 268Update list of Address Confidentiality Program sites for Secretary of States websiteNebraska State Historical Society on May 3rd.4.Propose new programs concerning Latino-Americans.Meeting with Nebraska State Historical Society. There have been three meetings to formalize a partnership between the society and the commission. A formal MOU has been entered and hopefully there will be a new initiative to promote Latino culture and history within the state of Nebraska. There were also conversations on possible sites in Nebraska for the federal Latino Heritage internship program.Call with Alberto Cervantes from the South Omaha Community Care Council regarding their wish to reach out to other Latinos in western Nebraska.Meeting with Nebraska 1st Lady Susanne Shore on October 13th. Director Spindola met with First Lady Susanne Shore and with Regan Anson, executive director of the Nebraska 150 Celebration. The purpose of the meeting was to explore ways and venues through which the Latino community could be incorporated into the state wide celebration. Several options considered were to incorporate the sesquicentennial theme into the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration, an itinerant display to reach western Nebraska, and two or three big events in either Omaha or Lincoln.Meeting with Governor Pete Ricketts on October 13th. Director Spindola, PIO Cantu, Chair Sanchez, Commissioner Valentin, and former commissioner Nuncio met with Governor Ricketts to express concerns regarding the elimination of the equity team within the Department of Education. Governor Ricketts asked several questions and finally requested data regarding the issue. Commissioner Valentin also brought up the issue of certain motor vehicle traffic distribution that affects the South Omaha community as a whole. Nebraska Minority Public Health Association Meeting on January 29th. Minority Health Council Meeting on February 11th. Nebraska Minority Public Health Association Meeting on January 29th. Minority Health Council Meeting on May 26th. 5.Evaluate existing programs and proposed legislation concerning Latino-Americans.Bi-national Teachers ceremony conducted at the Rotunda of the State Capitol on June 22. There were several speakers including Guadalupe Sanchez, the Mexican Consul, Director Spindola , the Commissioner of Education Matthew Blomstead, and Secretary of State John GaleInterim study to discuss services needed for victims of human trafficking. By invitation of the office of Senator Campbell, and Moreland.Racial Profiling Advisory Committee Meeting: Took place on September 17th in order to review numbers of traffic stops in Nebraska and their distribution among racial and ethnic minorities. The only minority representative was director Spindola.Governor Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting: Took place on Sept. 24th, discussion on including more services and rhetoric on labor trafficking. Discussion on what services were and were not available to human trafficking victims.Presentation at South Community College on October 5th on Hispanic Heritage Month, the significance, of the Commission and functions. Presentation at the State Association of Government Accountants October 7th on Hispanic Heritage Month, the significance of the Commission and functions.Presentation at Wesleyan University on October 7th on Hispanic Heritage Month, the significance, of the Commission and functions. Education Strategic Planning Session at Lincoln Community Foundation on May 18th. 6.Stimulate public awareness of the problems of Latino-Americans by conducting a program of public education and encourage the Governor and the Legislature to develop programs to deal with these problems.Presentation given on Diversity at the Central Community College in Columbus: given at the Central Community College on June 17th at the request of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce. Some issues regarding diversity and the challenges faced by the business community were provided by Director Spindola and two other presenters. Meeting at Doane College on September 24th. With the presence of Senator Ebbke and several members of the community. Chair Sanchez and Director Spindola were present and used the opportunity to educate those attending on different Latino issues. Interview by Francisco Miraval.Interview by Fred Knapp.Interview by Don WaltonInterview by KFAV radio on March 22.Interview by Omaha World Herald on Nickerson Chicken Plant. 7. Conduct training programs for community leadership and service project staff.NCLR Conference from June 10th until June 14th. NACCHO Conference from July 6 to July 9. The Conference made a lot of emphasis on disaster response and preparedness and on violence as a public health issue. Director Spindola thinks that there is a need for more education among the Latino community and prevention. Naming and Addressing Racism. By the American Public Health Association. Teleconference focused on racism among African Americans. Community Organizing training: held at Augustana Lutheran Church in Omaha on July 13, and August 10 and sponsored by Omaha Together One Community. The training was given by Joe Higgs. Training at University of Nebraska in Omaha: Hands on workshop on utilizing the Census website for research purposes on August 18th. Webinar on Racism, the silent partner in High School dropout rates: A department of Education sponsored webinar attended by Director Spindola. Webinar: improving health through community healthy drinking: On September 30. Webinar Foundations of Grant Writing: sponsored by NCLR attended by Director Spindola. Took place on October 6th. Webinar on Logic Models on October 20th.Webinar on Affordable care Act. Sponsored by NCLR on November 23rd. attended by Director Spindola. Webinar: Turning the Tables from chasing grants: Sponsored by NCLR on December 15 attended by Director Spindola. Webinar on Going Beyond data Collection on February 22nd. Sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services. Training on Completing my Performance Review by Dora Lima on Feb. 2nd.Link Lab Completing a Performance Review on March 24th. Refresher Operations Training on May 24th. Training on Give to Lincoln Day 2016 for PIO Cantu on April 21st.Business User Meeting by Dora Lima on May 3rd. Activities 2015-20174.Gather and disseminate information and conduct hearings, conferences, and special studies on problems and programs concerning Latino-Americans.Nine Focus Groups held for Vocational Rehabilitation, Minority Justice Committee, and Dept of Education. Five research studies for the Human Trafficking Task Force: Five statistical analyses for the Racial Profiling Committee: Two information appearances at KZUM Radio: One research on Puerto Ricans in Nebraska:Two studies for the Hate Crime Advisory Committee:Six Information meetings with the Hate Crime Advisory Committee: University of Lincoln Study on Latino students: by Dr. Ted Hamann, in the 10 high schools that have the largest number of Latino students. UNL Film Panel: The Dream Is Now addressing immigration reform and how students could be involved. Hispanic Heritage Month Proclamation Signing: Six Information meetings with the Minority Justice Committee:Information on the Heartland Latino Leadership Conference Scholarship: Information luncheon at the Malone Center: Class at Wesleyan University 5.Serve the needs of Latino-Americans, especially in the fields of education, employment, health, housing, welfare, and recreation by offering such services as it may establish for the translation of documents and for the direct assistance of clients, exclusive of legal representation, in matters relating to any federal department or agency or any department or agency of the state or a political subdivision thereof;Twenty one events including The Minority Health Advisory Council; Latino Outreach Consortium; Minority Public Health Association, informational session about current legislation at state and federal levels. Hispanic Heritage Month State Commemoration Planning Committee, Meeting with Lancaster County authorities regarding the death of Mr. Carmona, Department of Justice, UNL Ethnic Studies Dept.Human Trafficking Awareness Proclamation, HUMAN trafficking information at UNL , and Metropolitan Community College, Dia de los Muertos educational display at the Capitol Building. 6.Develop, coordinate, and assist public and private organizations and coordinate and assist the efforts of state departments and agencies to serve the needs of Latino-Americans.Thirty one assistances to public and private organizations including Nebraska Arts Council, Heartland Latino Leadership Conference for further outreach to Western and Northern Nebraska, Lancaster County Human Services, the Hastings Museum of Natural and Cultural History, College of Saint Mary, Quinceanera Nebraska Magazine, MLK Ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda, City of Omaha Mayors Office, the Legislature Independent Agencies, United States Department of Agriculture, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska Community College Association, independent documentary filmmaker, Krissy Hamm, Minority Health Advisory Committee, UNMC Mental Health study, Lincoln Journal Star Editor, and Lincoln Public Schools Superintendent. 4. Propose new programs concerning Latino-Americans Six new programs proposed: conducting community meetings that will address immigration reform and education with Nebraska Appleseed and ACLU; Nebraska Community College Association to discuss GED programs and industrial vocation careers; Young Ambassador Program (YAP) Program Coordinator, Emily Key, with the Smithsonian Latino Center in Washington, D.C.; Dr. Marty Ramirez to discuss the establishment of a new scholarship for Hispanic students at UNL; PBS Consultant Neyda Martinez, who was promoting an educational series, Latino Americans,; Outreach program for Latino students with EducationQuest. 7.Evaluate existing programs and proposed legislation concerning Latino-Americans;Ten meetings and discussions with agencies that included the Human Trafficking task force, Department of Education, the Coordinating Commission of Postsecondary Education, Nebraska Appleseed, Nebraska Wesleyan University,LAC testified in eight bills, LB99, LB243, LB127, LB528, LB381, LB619, LB518, and LB577. of them, five have had a favorable outcome and two have been referred for further study. During the session, Director Spindola met with Senators Harms, Conrad, Wightman, Boltz, Mello, Howard, Nordquist, Chambers, Ashford, Gloor, Campbell, Scheer, Kolowski, Jansen, and Lautenbaugh. Numerous topics were discussed, as well as their position on several bills. 8.Stimulate public awareness of the problems of Latino-Americans by conducting a program of public education and encourage the Governor and the Legislature to develop programs to deal with these problems; Twenty three public awareness programs with: the Nebraska Cattlemen Association, El Centro de Las Americas, the Lincoln Immigration Coalition, Nuestra Nebraska, My Nebraska photography exhibit at the Sheldon Museum of Art in Lincoln, the Cesar Chavez Day proclamation, the Hastings Multicultural Coalition, press conference calling for positive immigration reform in front of the Capitol Building, Prairie Hearth Publishing, Governor Heineman and his staff regarding concerns on the denial of drivers licenses for DACA recipients, Voices for Children, the School Counselor Association, Columbus Rotary Club, NET Radio,Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration , Daily Nebraskan for their coverage. Articles on the event were published in the ColumbusTelegram, the Lincoln Journal Star, the Omaha World Herald and the Lexington Clipper. Latino Summit, Floodplain Management from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, and the Nebraska State College System and Peru State7. Conduct training programs for community leadership and service project staff.Increasing Student Engagement in Low-Performing Schools by the Department of Education. College of Public Health Melanie Tervalons presentation on health disparities.On January 10, the webinar Road Ahead for Immigration Reform from NCLR. Conference call with USCIS regarding status of DACA.Grants, Fundraising, and Program Sustainability: Part 2 by Farm Worker Justice. Six workshops with the Nebraska Rural Development Agency and Nebraska Appleseed in Schuyler and Columbus.Norfolk, Summer Workshop with the Foster Care Review Board at Northeast Community CollegeHaving Hard Conversations sponsored by the Nebraska State Government.NCLR Conference in New Orleans, LA.TIME FOR CHANGE in Columbus: workshop on successful college attendance.GOALS:1.Identify major social-economic issues that affect the community.2.Enhance our communicational and media platform to better advance our Commissions mandates, and also better serve our community.3.Develop leadership through educational summits and training opportunities.4.Increase awareness and participation in educational opportunities and services within communities.5.Propose pro-diversity legislation.6.Increase number of Latino parents getting their GED and ESL instruction by 400 by 2017.7.Increase communication lines between the Commission and the residents of Nebraska communities.Supporting Information:Identify major social-economic issues that affect the community Since its inception, the Latino American Commission conducted studies aimed at identifying areas of need among the Latino community. The commission contracted with the University of Nebraska for a total of six studies.Latino children have significantly lower meet or exceed standards reading test results. The Commission aims to improve these results by five percentage points in four pilot school districts by 2017.The cost of conducting such studies is relatively high, and our current budgetary situation is quite limited, the Commission will continue conducting limited scope studies to motivate other agencies with more resources into making broader studies. This strategy has worked with the Department of Education, Crime Commission, Health and Human Services, and Minority Justice Committee. For the 2015 Bieniunn this strategy will be expanded in order to continue providing meaningful information to State agencies. Enhance our communicational and media platform to better advance our Commissions mandates, and also better serve our community.The Commission now has not only a website, but also presence in Facebook and Twitter. Social media needs a continuous upgrade and revision. Radio interviews and letters to the editor continue to be useful media venues for constituents who dont use social media. These options have the additional advantage of being more cost-effective than printed materials. Develop leadership through educational summits and training opportunities.The Commission will continue to support, budget allowing, the HispanicLatino Educational Summit, the University of Nebraska Cumbre Conference, the Heartland Latino Leadership Conference, and the Leadership Youth conferences conducted in Scottsbluff and Grand Island.Increase awareness and participation in educational opportunities and services within communities.The Commission will continue to post scholarship availability information on its website, and will continue to collaborate with Education Quest, the Gates Millennium Scholars, the Nebraskas Community Colleges and AHEC. New partnerships have been developed with the Nebraska State College System and Doane College. The Commission will also continue participation in the P-16 Committee avtivities.Propose pro-diversity legislation.The Commission is an active supporter of the Dream Act because it provides the possibility to obtain not only a higher education but also a legal resident status in the United States. It would also serve to strengthen the man power of the United Sates Armed Forces. The Commission will also participate in the studies conductive to reviewing our healthcare system and in the efforts by the Nebraska Rural Development Corporation to include more Hispanics in business ventures. Increase number of Latino parents getting their GED and ESL instruction by 400 by 2017.Hispanics are almost 8 times more likely (49.2%) than non-Hispanic Whites (6.0%) to achieve less than a high school education (April 2014, Office of Disparities and Health Equity, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services) during the 2013 year, 96 Hispanics graduated from the Commissions sponsored program. The number wasnt higher because of budget limitations. For the next Biennium the Commission research how many Hispanics are actually graduating from the Department of Education sponsored GED classes. Increase communication lines between the Commission and the residents of Nebraska communities.The lack of mileage funding has determined that outreach contacts are severely limited and we now depend mostly on the network of commissioners to gather information. The Commissioners must meet four times a year as determined by Nebraska revised statute 81-8,26681-8,266. Commission; meetings; quorum. The full commission shall meet at least four times a year. The chairperson or any three members may call additional meetings. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum. Source: Laws 1972, LB 1081, 5; Laws 1974, LB 506, 1; Laws 1979, LB 582, 1; Laws 1980, LB 923, 1. Commissions meetings have an average cost of $2,500.00 each considering mileage, board and lodging and stipends for 10 commissioners who travel from as far away as Scottsbluff. |