2016 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Natural Resources Commission
Contact Person:Kent Zimmerman, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, 301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor - State Office Building, P. O. Box 94676, Lincoln, NE 68509-4676 (402) 471-2363
Purpose:The Nebraska Natural Resources Commission has overall approval of cost-share contributions from six program funds to soil and water conservation projects and practices. The Commission decides how annual State aid funds are distributed and performs general oversight of project and activity statuses. The Commission advises the Department of Natural Resources as requested by the Director, makes recommendations regarding approval of the State and NRDs Erosion and Sediment Control Program amendments, approves natural resources district boundary changes requested by the affected districts, and at the direction of the Governor, provides a list of nominees to serve on the Interrelated Water Review Board.The Natural Resources Commission's primary responsibilities deal with the management of funding programs for water and soil resources conservation programs administered by the Department of Natural Resources. Of the 27 members, 14 are appointed by the Governor to represent the following categories: agribusiness interests; agricultural interests; ground water irrigators; irrigation districts; manufacturing interests; metropolitan utilities districts; municipal users of water from a city of the primary class; municipal users of water from a city of the first or second class or a village; outdoor recreation users; public power districts; public power and irrigation districts; range livestock owners; surface water irrigators; and wildlife conservation interests. The remaining thirteen members represent river basins and are elected for four-year terms at caucuses of the Natural Resources Districts directors residing in that basin. To be eligible, one must be a resident of that basin, have attained the age of majority, and be nominated by one of the board members eligible to vote in that basins caucus.The Commission is responsible for program decisions relating to six funds: the Soil and Water Conservation Fund, the Small Watersheds Flood Control Fund, the Resources Development Fund, the Water Well Decommissioning Fund, the Water Quality Fund, and the Water Sustainability Fund. The Resources Development Fund provides financial assistance to local units of government (primarily NRDs) for various water and related land resources projects. Currently, this fund is not accepting new applications for funding assistance, but is providing funding to complete six previously approved projects. The Soil and Water Conservation Fund provides cost-share assistance to private landowners for various soil and water conservation practices. Individual NRDs administer the Soil and Water Conservation Program at the local level. The Small Watersheds Flood Control Fund provides financial assistance to the sponsor of flood control projects for the acquisition of necessary land rights. The Water Well Decommissioning Fund provides cost-share for properly plugging and sealing abandoned wells. The Water Quality Fund provides state funds to NRDs to help support their water quality programs. The Water Sustainability Fund is a source of financial support providing cost share assistance toward research and infrastructure projects to help the State achieve water sustainability, water quality and related goals set out in 2-1506. The Interrelated Water Management Plan Program Fund provided state funds to help offset the cost of activities arising under the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act. This fund sunset on June 30, 2014.
How Many Affectable:All Nebraska citizens and visitors.
How Many Served:All Nebraska citizens and visitors.
Year Created:1937
Year Active:1937
Sunset Date:None


Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 2-1504
Parent Agency:Department of Natural Resources

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:27
Who Appoints:14 appointed by Governor; 13 elected by NRD board members residing in the river basins represented.
Legislative Approval:Yes, for the 14 appointees only. The only qualification is to serve the interests heshe was appointed to represent. Appointments must be approved by the Legislature.
Qualifications Of Members:The only eligibility requirements for election to the Commission are that the candidate be a resident of the basin heshe represents and be of the age of majority (19).
Per Diem:$50 per day in performance of Commission duties.
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Four year staggered terms. Appointments are made in even-numbered years and caucuses are held in odd-numbered years, resulting in about a quarter of the body being selected every year. No term limits.
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 13-14:Not Specified
Held FY 13-14:3
Required FY 14-15:Not Specified
Held FY 14-15:8
Required FY 15-16:Not Specified
Held FY 15-16:5


Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Department of Natural Resources provides support staff to Commission.
FY 13-14 Budget:$0, budget contained within the DNR.
FY 14-15 Budget:$0, budget contained within the DNR.
FY 15-16 Budget:$0, budget contained within the DNR.
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:No. The Commission approves and allocates funding from the programs described in question 1, but administrative spending authority rests with the Department of Natural Resources.


Since July 1, 2012:The Natural Resources Commission:Was expanded from 16 to the current 27 members by 2-1504 in 2014.Was given authority over a new fund, the Water Sustainability Fund 2-1504-1513. Recommended approval of amendments to the States Erosion & Sediment Control Program as well as seven individual NRD Erosion & sediment Control Programs.Actively managed the following funds.Nebraska Resources Development FundThe Commission awarded over $22 million in cost-share assistance funding for seven projects sponsored by local governments to provide flood damage reduction, recreation, groundwater recharge and other natural resources conservation benefits. Sponsors have calculated that economic benefits of over $685 million will accrue over the first 50 years of these projects' useful lives. Since July 2012 funding assistance from this program helped complete the Little Sandy Creek Watershed project including the Lone Star Recreation Area sponsored by the Little Blue NRD; and provides continued financial support for two Papio NRD projects the Western SarpyClear Creek Levee project & the Western SarpyClear Creek project; Lower Platte North NRDs Sand Creek Environmental Restoration (Lake Wanahoo) project; Lower Big Blue NRDs Turkey Creek Watershed project; Nemaha NRDs Buck & Duck Watersheds project; and the Central Platt NRDs Upper PrairieSilverMoores Creek project. Soil and Water Conservation FundThe Commission approved cost-share distributions of nearly $10 million to Nebraska landowners for installation of approved soil and water conservation measures in that improve water quality, conserve water, and help control erosion and sedimentation. Funds are allocated among the 23 natural resources districts (NRDs). NRDs are responsible for administration of the program at the local level. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service provides technical assistance for planning and installing conservation measures.Small Watersheds Flood Control FundTwo tracks of land held in the name of the Lower Platte North NRD were sold in January 2013 with the net revenue being returned to the fund. No additional easement or fee title purchase requests have been authorized. Because easement purchases do not return money to the fund, use of the fund for this purpose has been limited in recent years. Property acquired by fee title must be resold within 10 years with proceeds being returned to the fund and then made available for new projects.Water Well Decommissioning FundThe Commission contributed over $380,000 during fiscal years 2012 2016 to NRDs to aid in reimbursing landowners for costs of decommissioning over 9,000 wells. This action eliminates the potential for these unused wells to become direct sources of ground water contamination and safety hazards to humans and animals.Water Quality FundThe Commission approved distributions of over $4 million to NRDs for a variety of water quality related measures, both for surface water & ground water. Funds are provided by portions of certain fees levied by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture for pesticide registration and applicator licenses. NRDs must provide $3 for each $2 of state funds received.Interrelated Water Management Plan Program FundThe Commission contributed over $703,000 prior to sun setting on June 30, 2014 to help NRDs to meet requirements of the Nebraska Groundwater Management and Protect Act. These funds were used by the districts to conduct approved projects for interrelated surface and groundwater planning, research, and water resources management. Sponsors contributed at least 20 percent of total project costs. Water Sustainability FundThe Commission promulgated formal rules (Title 261) and Guidelines for the use of this fund in September 2015 and the initial filing of applications concluded December 30, 2015. The 21 applications received were processed, scored and ranked. Grants totaling $11,490,502 in financial assistance were awarded to 17 applicants. Starting in July 2016, applications will be accepted annually over a 15 day timeframe.