Formal Name: | Niobrara Council |
Contact Person: | Kalli J. Kieborz |
Purpose: | 72-2008. Niobrara Council; powers and duties.The mission of the Niobrara Council is to assist in all aspects of the management of the Niobrara scenic river corridor since portions of the Niobrara River have been designated as a national scenic river under 16 U.S.C. 1274(a)(117), as such section existed on May 24, 1991, giving consideration and respect to local and governmental input and private landowner rights, and to maintain and protect the integrity of the resources associated with the Niobrara scenic river corridor. The council shall perform management functions related to the Niobrara scenic river corridor, including, but not limited to, those authorized and delegated to it by the National Park Service. The council may promulgate its own rules and internal policies to carry out the purposes of the Niobrara Scenic River Act. The Game and Parks Commission may provide administrative support when requested by the council to carry out its duties. This support shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars in any calendar year. In the Niobrara scenic river corridor, the council may hold title to real estate in the name of the council. The council may purchase, accept gifts of, or trade real estate and may obtain conservation easements as provided in the Conservation and Preservation Easements Act. Acquisition of conservation easements outside the boundaries of the Niobrara scenic river corridor shall require the approval of the appropriate governing body as provided in section76-2,112. |
How Many Affectable: | Statewide |
How Many Served: | Statewide |
Year Created: | 2000 |
Year Active: | 2000 |
Sunset Date: | Not Applicable |
Authorization Citation: | 72-2007 NE Rev Stat. |
Parent Agency: | NGPC (Fiscal Agent) |
Number Of Members: | 16 |
Who Appoints: | Governor |
Legislative Approval: | No |
Qualifications Of Members: | 72-2007. Niobrara Council; created; members; terms; meetings; expenses.(1) The Niobrara Council is created. The council membership shall include:(a) A commissioner from each of the county boards of Brown, Cherry, Keya Paha, and Rock counties chosen by the county board of the respective county;(b) A representative of the Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District and the Lower Niobrara Natural Resources District chosen by the board of the respective district;(c) The secretary of the Game and Parks Commission or his or her designee;(d) The regional director for the National Park Service or his or her designee and the regional director for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or his or designee. The members under this subdivision shall be nonvoting members unless and until the agencies represented by these members formally authorize such members to vote on all matters before the council by notifying the council and the Governor in writing;(e) An individual from each of Brown, Cherry, Keya Paha, and Rock counties who resides in the Niobrara River drainage area and owns land in the Niobrara scenic river corridor chosen by the Governor from a list of at least three individuals, or fewer if there are not at least three qualified individuals, from each county submitted by the county board members on the council;(f) A representative from a recreational business operating within the Niobrara scenic river corridor chosen by the Governor from a list of at least three individuals, or fewer if there are not at least three qualified individuals, submitted by the county board members on the council;(g) A timber industry representative operating within the Niobrara scenic river corridor chosen by the Governor from a list of at least three individuals, or fewer if there are not at least three qualified individuals, submitted by the county board members on the council; and(h) A representative of a recognized, nonprofit environmental, conservation, or wildlife organization chosen by the Governor from a list of at least three individuals, or fewer if there are not at least three qualified individuals, submitted by the county board members on the council.The council members shall hold office for three-year terms and until a successor is appointed and qualified. The council members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing board or the Governor. |
Per Diem: | No |
Expense Reimbursement: | Actual and Necessary |
Term Length: | three years or until a successor is appointed and qualified |
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once: | All Expire |
Required FY 13-14: | 6 |
Held FY 13-14: | 8 |
Required FY 14-15: | 6 |
Held FY 14-15: | 10 |
Required FY 15-16: | 6 |
Held FY 15-16: | 11 |
Support Staff: | Yes |
Shared or Separate: | Seperate |
FY 13-14 Budget: | 169,731.00 |
FY 14-15 Budget: | 174,824.00 |
FY 15-16 Budget: | 175,307.00 |
Other Funding Sources: | National Park Service Cooperative Agreement |
Spending Authority: | Yes |
Since July 1, 2012: | Spring river cleanup (2012)Council participated in the Great Nebraska Trash Off (2012)Niobrara Council discussed National Park Service Resource Management, Interpretation and Resource Protection Reports (2012)Niobrara Council participates in National Park Service River Management Plan Public Scoping Meeting and Concessions Management Strategy Session (2012)Niobrara Council County Commissioner Representatives discuss open positions on Niobrara Council (2012)Niobrara Council discusses NPPD Surface Water Rights at Spencer Dam (2012)Niobrara Council becomes formal check inout point for NGPC Bridge to Birding TrunkNiobrara Council has agenda item at May meeting specifically for public comments regarding the National Park Service River Management Plan (2012)Niobrara Council discusses National Park Service Superintendents Compendium (2012)Niobrara Council participates in the National Park Service Family Fun Day (2012)Niobrara Council discusses old dump site uncovered after recent fire activity in the corridor (2012)Niobrara Council discusses recent fire activity in the Niobrara Valley (2012)Niobrara Council discusses possible grant ideas from cedar mitigation to the availability of Firewise building materials (2012)Kieborz attends Recovery After Fire meeting held at Norden, Nebraska (2012)Niobrara Council continues to discuss possible amendments to statute and submits to Senator Davis and Senator Larson for their consideration (2012)Niobrara Council discusses possibility of McClain Bridge removal (2012)Niobrara Council supports the Firewise Program (2012)Summer day camp for elementary students (2012)NPS "Pretty Fun Day" Coupon project (2012)Spring river cleanup (2013)Council participated in the Great Nebraska Trash Off (2013)Niobrara Council learns current Superintendent (Foster) is leaving, placing the River Management Plan Planning Process on hold until placement of new Superintendent (2013)Niobrara Council to become coordinator for Cherry County Title III funds for the purposes of establishing a Firewise Community (2013)Niobrara Council enters into executive session to discuss their response to and possible action by the Council in regards to the Medeiros Conservation Easement project and the relationship to Brown County Board of Commissioners actions (2013)Niobrara Council discusses permitting process through Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge (2013)Niobrara Council participates in the National Park Service Family Fun Day (2013)Niobrara Council discusses MNNRD resolution against removal of Cornell Dam (2013)Niobrara Council receives letter from Brown County landowner stating she is not pursuing any additional actions regarding her Conservation Easement at this time (2013)Niobrara Council hears National Park Service report regarding transfer of land (8 parcels totaling 185.5 acres) from the Bureau of Reclamation to the National Park Service (2013)Murphy addresses Council regarding situation with National Park Service Law Enforcement Officers, Niobrara Council day camp participants and firearms (2013)Niobrara Council participates in Naturefest (2013)Niobrara Council participates in Springview Resource Day (2013)Niobrara Council receives information regarding permitting process with USFWS and the commercial use authorization process through the National Park Service (2013)Niobrara Council contributes funding towards re-usable trash bag project (2013)Niobrara Council discusses possible meeting with Senator Davis regarding their statute (2013)Niobrara Council hears report from Rod Stolcpart regarding MNWAG (2013)Summer day camp for elementary students (2013)NPS "Pretty Fun Day" Coupon project (2013)Spring river cleanup (2014)Council participated in the Great Nebraska Trash Off (2014)Niobrara Council contributes towards Region 24 Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Plan- 5 year update (2014)Niobrara Council receives correspondence from Senator Davis stating he does not plan to introduce legislation on the Councils behalf this session (2014)Niobrara Council seeks reimbursement for expenses incurred based on approval given and then rescinded by the Brown County Commissioners regarding a Brown County Conservation Easement Project (2014)Niobrara Council participates in the National Park Service Family Fun Day (2014)Niobrara Council receives information regarding SEAT base to be located at Valentine Municipal Airport (2014)Niobrara Council receives update on NGPC instream flow application process (2014)Niobrara Council discusses Valentine Stormwater Project (2014)Niobrara Council has lengthy discussion regarding possible project items with the National Park Service (2014)Niobrara Council receives information that Niobrara River Road Project has been shortened from Sparks to Osburn Overlook (2014)Niobrara Council participates in the Big Rock Rim Community in Valentine becoming a Firewise Community (2014)Niobrara Council participates in funding two priority projects: noxious weed control and cedar removal (2014)Niobrara Council participates in Niobrara River Road Project Stakeholders Meeting (2014)Niobrara Council works with Cherry County landowner towards Conservation Easement Project (2014)Niobrara Council discusses Superintendents Compendium (2014)Niobrara Council writes letter of support for NEWMAC grant involving funding request from NETF (2014)Niobrara Council moves forward with NETF grant application for cedar mitigation (funding eventually denied) (2014)Council meets with Nebraska State Forester Scott Josiah (2014)Niobrara Council works on suggested changes to statute with Senator Larson and Senator Davis (2014)Summer day camp for elementary students (2014)NPS "Pretty Fun Day" Coupon project (2014)Niobrara Council discusses suggested changes to statute being introduced by Senator Davis in the Nebraska Legislature (2015)Pam Sprenkle addresses Council with letter she drafted regarding concerns she has for their function (2015)Spring river cleanup (2015)Council participated in the Great Nebraska Trash Off (2015)Niobrara Council County Commissioner Representatives discuss open positions on Niobrara Council (2015)Niobrara Council contributes information for Region 24 Hazard Mitigation Plan update (2015)Niobrara Council receives information on the possible development project by the Nature Conservancy (2015)Niobrara Council responds to letter from Senator Shilz regarding Niobrara Council (2015)Niobrara Council opposes LB 622 (2015)Niobrara Council sends response letter to HDR regarding Niobrara River Road Project (2015)Niobrara Council approves changes and updates to bylaws (2015)Niobrara Council participates in the National Park Service Family Fun Day (2015)Niobrara Council creates funding priority project list (2015)Niobrara Council receives Recycling Grant for Recycling Project (2015)Niobrara Council discusses possible float trip in coordination with the National Park Service (2015)Kieborz reports on Cline letter of complaint regarding new Simmons Landing within the vicinity of their property (2015)Niobrara Council discusses LR272, a Legislative Resolution to study the Niobrara Council and its current statutory authority (2015)NPS "Pretty Fun Day" Coupon project (2015)Summer day camp for elementary students (2015) |