2016 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Real Property Appraiser Board

General Information

Formal Name:Nebraska Real Property Appraiser Board
Contact Person:Tyler Kohtz
Purpose:The Real Property Appraiser Board was established as the Real Estate Appraiser Board on January 1, 1991 to carry out the requirements of Title XI. The Board's primary functions are to issue and renew appraiser credentials; develop and implement standards for appraiser credentialing; register and renew registration for appraisal management companies; approve appraiser qualifying courses and appraiser continuing education activities, along with instructors for these activities; investigate and adjudicate grievances; develop laws and rules through relevant, efficient and effective legislation and rule making; and disseminate relevant information to general public, stakeholders, credentialed appraisers and appraisal management companies. Through these processes, the Board ensures that the citizens of Nebraska are protected and served, and also that the appraisal business community is highly qualified through education, experience, and examination.
How Many Affectable:100,000
How Many Served:1000
Year Created:1991
Year Active:1991
Sunset Date:None


Authorization Citation:The Real Property Appraiser Board is charged with administering the Real Property Appraiser Act, Nebraska Revised Statutes 76-2201 to 76-2250, and the Appraisal Management Company Registration Act, Nebraska Revised Statutes 76-3201 to 76-3220. Title XI
Parent Agency:None

Memberships and Meetings

Number Of Members:Five
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:The Nebraska Real Property Appraiser Board consists of five members; three members are certified real property appraisers representing each of the three congressional districts, and two members are at-large, which includes one representative of financial institutions, and one licensed real estate broker who also holds a credential as a licensed or certified real property appraiser. The term for each member is five years, and no person shall serve as a member of the Board for consecutive terms.
Per Diem:Each member of the board shall receive a per diem of one hundred dollars per day (a) for each scheduled meeting of the board or a committee of the board at which the member is present and (b) actually spent in traveling to and from and attending meetings
Expense Reimbursement:Each member of the board shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incident to the performance of his or her duties under the Real Property Appraiser Act and Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act as provided in sections 81-117
Term Length:5 Years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate

Meetings Required In:

Required FY 13-14:0
Held FY 13-14:13
Required FY 14-15:0
Held FY 14-15:12
Required FY 15-16:0
Held FY 15-16:12


Support Staff:The Board employes a Director, who is responsible for carrying out the will of the Board, and administering the compliance, education, and credentialing programs. Two staff members provide administrative, accounting, licensing, education, enforcement, pub
Shared or Separate:Separate
FY 13-14 Budget:$299,240
FY 14-15 Budget:$270,215
FY 15-16 Budget:$380,793
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:Nebraska Revised Statute 76-2226 establishes the Real Property Appraiser Fund. The board may use the fund for the administration and enforcement of the Real Property Appraiser Act and to meet the necessary expenditures of the board. Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-3


Since July 1, 2012:During the past four years, the Board has transitioned to a more efficient, knowledgeable, and proactive Board. Accomplishments include making staff changes to increase efficiency and productivity (hired Compliance and Education Specialist and restructured existing Staff Assistant II position); developed and implemented an employee handbook; completed relocation to the first floor of the Nebraska State Office Building to have office space suitable for the Boards operations; completed an overhaul of the Real Property Appraiser Act, including two separate USPAP update bills to remain compliant with federal requirements; completed a major overhaul of Title 298 of the Nebraska Administrative Code to bring the Boards rules up to date with the existing statutes; built stronger public awareness and continued to become more communicative with the appraiser community (began operation of Facebook page, established a newsletter, developed a blast email standard format, updated the website to be more user-friendly, established generic emails accounts to help make it easier to ask questions); have completed two ASC federal audits with a rating of good; established statutory authority over temporary permit holders and non-credentialed individuals engaged in appraisal practice; defined and put into practice the Boards trainee real property appraiser program, which increased the number of credentialed trainee real property appraisers from 5 to 61; moved distribution of USPAP from paper to electronic, saving the Board $16,000.00 in biennial expenditures; reduced real property appraiser renewal fees from $300.00 per year to $275.00 per year; developed and implemented new investigative procedures to remove board members from the investigation, allowing for better due process to the respondent; created and implemented minimum standards for the Boards reviewer program; developed and implemented an associate appraiser credential for those that would like to be recognized for appraiser knowledge, but do not intend to become fully credentialed appraisers; and developed and documented many processes and procedures.