After paying any maintenance expenses pending the sale and selling expenses associated with the sale of land and buildings described in section 90-267, the State Building Administrator shall administratively transfer any money available in the separate optional cash account within the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund designated for the Military Department Joint Operations Center project as authorized pursuant to section 90-268, in the following priority manner:
(1) First, $975,000 shall be administratively transferred from the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund to the Joint Operations Center Capital Construction Fund in either a single full transfer amount or in partial transfer amounts as the funds become available;
(2) Second, after completing the transfer of the total amount specified in subdivision (1) of this section, an amount shall be administratively transferred from the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund to the Military Department Cash Fund in the exact amount equal to or less than one hundred thousand dollars as certified in writing by the Adjutant General to the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services and to the State Building Administrator, but only as required to fully reimburse the federal government for certain previous renovation expenses; and
(3) Third, after completing the full transfer amounts required pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) of this section, any remaining fund balance in the separate optional cash account within the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund as designated for the Military Department Joint Operations Center project, including any investment income credited to the fund, shall be administratively transferred to the General Fund.
This section terminates on July 1, 2015.