The Adjutant General is authorized by the Legislature to convey to the city of Lexington, Nebraska:
(1) A permanent easement for the construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, operation, and replacement of a sanitary sewer pipe for the passage of sewer water, together with all appurtenances, structures, and other applicable equipment pertaining to any sewer in, through, over, and under certain real estate known as the National Guard Armory property and legally described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of lot three, Bowen's first addition to the city of Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska; then south along the west line of lot three, twenty-one feet to the true point of beginning; then east, five hundred fifteen and nine-tenths feet; then south and along the east line of lot three, sixteen feet; then west, five hundred fifteen and nine-tenths feet; and then north and along the west line of lot three, sixteen feet to the point of beginning; and
(2) A permanent easement for the construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, operation, and replacement of electrical transmission line together with all appurtenances, structures, and other applicable equipment pertaining to such electrical transmission in, through, over, and under certain real estate known as the National Guard Armory property and legally described as follows:
The east forty feet of the north one hundred thirty-five feet of the south one hundred fifty-five feet of lot three, Bowen's first addition to the city of Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska.