The Game and Parks Commission is authorized and directed to convey to the city of Kearney and to the county of Buffalo, such city and county acting jointly, or to either the city of Kearney or to the county of Buffalo, acting separately, for public park purposes the following described real estate now known as Cottonmill State Recreation Area, situated in the county of Buffalo, in the State of Nebraska, to wit: Part of the south half of section 32, township 9, range 16, west of the sixth principal meridian, more fully described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of section 32, and running thence north along the east line of section 32, a distance of six hundred eighty-two feet, to the point of beginning; running thence west sixty-two degrees ten minutes south for a distance of seven hundred twenty-seven and four-tenths feet, thence bearing right seventy-eight degrees forty-one minutes for a distance of one thousand one hundred ninety-two feet, thence bearing left eighty-three degrees fifty minutes for a distance of three hundred eighty-eight and one-tenth feet, thence bearing right eighty-two degrees thirty-five minutes for a distance of five hundred eighty-two and one-tenth feet, thence bearing right nine degrees forty-one minutes for a distance of three hundred two and seven-tenths feet, thence bearing left twenty-five degrees forty-seven minutes for a distance of four hundred eighty-six and one-tenth feet, thence bearing right thirty-three degrees thirty-nine minutes for a distance of six hundred seventy-eight and nine-tenths feet, to a point on the east and west half section line of section 32, thence east along the east and west half section line to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 32, thence south along the east line of section 32, to the point of beginning; subject, however, to the rights of the Kearney Water and Electric Power Company, in and to and over and across the premises described for canal and flowage purposes, more particularly set forth in a decree of the district court of Buffalo County, Nebraska, entered on March 22, 1918, a case therein indexed as the Kearney Water and Electric Power Company, plaintiff, vs. Zada M. Lancaster, et al, defendants; Provided, that should the city of Kearney and the county of Buffalo, such city and county acting jointly or separately, cease to operate the lands conveyed as a public park and recreation area, title to said lands shall revert to the Game and Parks Commission.