The Game and Parks Commission is hereby authorized to acquire, using funds received from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, other applicable federal-aid funds, and donations or bequests, the following described property, all in Sarpy County:
The northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 19, township 14 north, range 14 east, the north half and the north half of the south half of section 20, township 14 north, range 14 east, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 18, township 14 north, range 14 east.
The Game and Parks Commission may enter into agreements or leases with political subdivisions or nonprofit corporations for the operation and development of the property for recreational and educational purposes, but the commission shall be responsible for the general administration and continued maintenance of such property and may accept gifts, grants, and bequests for such purposes.