(1)(a) Before placing any advertisement, making any other solicitation, making any sale, or making any representations to any prospective purchaser in Nebraska, the seller shall file with the Department of Banking and Finance a copy of a disclosure document prepared pursuant to sections 59-1733 to 59-1740 and pay a filing fee of one hundred dollars.
(b) The seller shall file an amended document with the department whenever a material change in the information occurs and shall pay a fee of fifty dollars for filing each such document.
(c) If the seller continues to solicit seller-assisted marketing plans in Nebraska, he or she shall annually file an updated disclosure document and pay a renewal fee of fifty dollars on or before the anniversary date of the initial filing for the particular seller-assisted marketing plan. In addition to the updated disclosure document, if a seller requires a purchaser to enter into a noncompete agreement in a side agreement or ancillary agreement, the seller shall include a disclosure of the existence of such side agreement or ancillary agreement in the updated disclosure document.
(d) In addition to the disclosure document, the seller shall file a list of the names and resident addresses of those individuals who sell the seller-assisted marketing plan on behalf of the seller. The list of sales representatives shall be updated through a new filing every six months. No fee shall be required to be paid for any filing which includes only an updated list of sales representatives.
(2) All funds collected by the department under this section shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Securities Act Cash Fund.