(1) When the department or a county attorney or authorized attorney has made reasonable efforts to verify and has reason to believe that a license holder in a case receiving services under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, as amended, (a) is delinquent on a support order in an amount equal to the support due and payable for more than a three-month period of time, (b) is not in compliance with a payment plan for amounts due as determined by a county attorney, an authorized attorney, or the department for such past-due support, or (c) is not in compliance with a payment plan for amounts due under a support order pursuant to a court order for such past-due support, and therefor determines to certify the license holder to the appropriate licensing authority, the department, county attorney, or authorized attorney shall send written notice to the license holder by regular United States mail to the last-known address of the license holder or to the last-known address of the license holder available to the court pursuant to section 42-364.13. For purposes of this section, reasonable efforts to verify means reviewing the case file and having written or oral communication with the clerk of the court of competent jurisdiction and with the license holder. Reasonable efforts to verify may also include written or oral communication with custodial parents.
(2) The notice shall specify:
(a) That the Department of Health and Human Services, county attorney, or authorized attorney intends to certify the license holder to the Department of Motor Vehicles and to relevant licensing authorities pursuant to subsection (3) of section 43-3318 as a license holder described in subsection (1) of this section;
(b) The court or agency of competent jurisdiction which issued the support order or in which the support order is registered;
(c) That an enforcement action for a support order will incorporate any amount delinquent under the support order which may accrue in the future;
(d) That a license holder who is in violation of a support order can come into compliance by:
(i) Paying current support if a current support obligation exists; and
(ii) Paying all past-due support or, if unable to pay all past-due support and if a payment plan for such past-due support has not been determined, by making payments in accordance with a payment plan determined by the county attorney, the authorized attorney, or the Department of Health and Human Services for such past-due support; and
(e) That within thirty days after issuance of the notice, the license holder may either:
(i) Request administrative review in the manner specified in the notice to contest a mistake of fact. Mistake of fact means an error in the identity of the license holder or an error in the determination of whether the license holder is a license holder described in subsection (1) of this section; or
(ii) Seek judicial review by filing a petition in the court of competent jurisdiction of the county where the support order was issued or registered or, in the case of a foreign support order not registered in Nebraska, the court of competent jurisdiction of the county where the child resides if the child resides in Nebraska or the court of competent jurisdiction of the county where the license holder resides if the child does not reside in Nebraska.