(1) If no hearing is requested by the obligor, (2) if after a hearing the department determines that the assignment should go into effect, (3) in cases in which the court has ordered income withholding pursuant to subsection (1) of section 43-1718.01, or (4) in cases in which the court has ordered income withholding pursuant to section 43-1718.02, which case subsequently becomes one in which services are being provided under Title IV-D of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, the county attorney, the authorized attorney, or the department shall state the amount to be withheld from the obligor's disposable income. Such amount shall not in any case exceed the maximum amount permitted to be withheld under section 303(b) of the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 1673(b)(2)(A) and (B), and the amount withheld, including interest, to satisfy an arrearage of child, spousal, or medical support or any monetary judgment when added to the amount withheld to pay current support and the fee provided for in section 43-1723 shall not exceed such maximum amount.