(1) If the county board has not taken the initiative to enter into a consolidation agreement under section 22-402, the registered voters of the county may require the board to proceed by filing with the county clerk a petition, signed by registered voters of the county equal in number to ten percent of the total vote cast for Governor at the last general election, directing the board to develop a consolidation agreement pursuant to section 22-402 with the county or counties named in the petition.
(2) The county board shall attempt to develop an agreement under section 22-402 with the county or counties named in the petition within six months after the filing date of the petition. Failure by the county board to make a good faith effort to develop an agreement pursuant to the petition constitutes willful neglect of duty for which the members of the board may be removed from office pursuant to sections 23-2001 to 23-2009. If after good faith attempts to develop an agreement the county board is unable to perfect an agreement within six months after the filing date of the petition, the petition is no longer valid.