The ballots used in the elections may be in the following form: For transferring territory, and Against transferring territory. If a majority of the voters voting upon the question in the county from which the territory is proposed to be taken, and a majority of the voters of the county to which the same is proposed to be transferred, shall be For transferring territory, then the territory shall be transferred to and become a part of the county to which it is proposed to transfer the same, on and after the first day of January succeeding such election, and shall be subject to all the laws, rules, and regulations thereof; Provided, all assessments and collections of taxes, and judicial or other proceedings commenced prior to the first day of January, shall be continued, prosecuted and completed in the same manner as if no transfer had been made; and all township or precinct officers within the transferred territory shall continue to hold their respective offices within the county to which they may be transferred, until their respective terms of office expire.