The treasurer of a Class I, II, III, or IV school district shall keep a record in which the treasurer shall enter all the money received and disbursed by him or her, specifying particularly (1) the source from which money has been received, (2) to what fund it belongs, and (3) the person or persons to whom and the object for which the same has been paid out. The treasurer shall present to the district, at each annual meeting, a report in writing containing a statement of all money received during the preceding year and of the disbursement made with the items of such disbursements and exhibit the vouchers therefor. At the close of the treasurer's term of office, he or she shall settle with the school board and shall hand over to his or her successor the records and all receipts, vouchers, orders, and papers coming into his or her hands as treasurer of the district, together with all money remaining in his or her hands as such treasurer.