If the adjustment under section 79-1065 results in a school district being entitled to the payment of additional funds, the State Department of Education shall automatically make a lump-sum payment to the school district if the payment is less than one thousand dollars. For amounts equal to or greater than one thousand dollars, the district may apply to the State Department of Education for a lump-sum payment for any amount up to one hundred percent of the adjustment, except that when a school district is to receive a lump-sum payment pursuant to section 79-1022, one hundred percent of the adjustment shall be paid as one lump-sum payment on the last business day of December during the ensuing school fiscal year. The department shall notify the Director of Administrative Services of the amount of funds to be paid in a lump sum and the reduced amount of the monthly payments pursuant to section 79-1022. The department shall make such payment in a lump sum not later than the last business day of September of the year in which the final determination under this section is made.