(1) In case of payment of any taxes upon property valued by the state made as a result of a clerical error or honest mistake or misunderstanding, except as to valuation or equalization, on the part of the taxing officials of the state or the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall make a written claim for a credit or refund of the tax paid within two years from the date the tax was due. The claim shall set forth the amount of the overpayment and the reasons therefor.
(2) The Tax Commissioner may approve or disapprove the claim in whole or part without a hearing. The Tax Commissioner shall grant a hearing prior to taking any action on a claim for refund or credit if requested in writing by the taxpayer when the claim is filed or prior to any action being taken on the claim by the Tax Commissioner. The written order of the Tax Commissioner shall be mailed to the claimant within seven days after the date of the order. If the claim is denied in whole or part, the taxpayer may appeal within thirty days after the date of the written order of the Tax Commissioner to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission in accordance with section 77-5013.
(3) Upon approval of the claim by the Tax Commissioner, the Property Tax Administrator shall certify the amount of the refund or credit to the county treasurer to whom the tax was paid or distributed. If only valuation was previously certified to a county or counties, then the Property Tax Administrator shall certify the value resulting from the written order to the official who received the original valuation which was changed by the written order. The refund shall be made in the manner prescribed in section 77-1736.06. The ordering of a refund or credit pursuant to this section shall not have a dispositional effect on any similar claim for refund or credit made by another taxpayer.